Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Is there such a thing as too many flowering pics?....
Too much bud porn !!!!! are you crazy ???.
Looking beautiful now prof.
Thanks N. the BG41's are actually indica but have energetic sativa effects. The SL's are sativa leaning hybrids so it's going to be a bit different from what I'm used to

You should come over! My address is Kentigern Drive, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 7EG. See you soon
Not a lot round there according to google maps
She's teething (daughter, not Mrs.F) so things could be interesting. Good night everybody :)
I got our youngest a pork knuckle and trotter. helped her no end ! Difficult to get string through to carry round her neck though Mr S may have a solution ?.
Quick update on the barneys babies here prof. Gz#1 gave 5.5 oz , still got #3 to finish dying. Took the os out finally too and trimmed her up. reckon about 6oz once she is dried. feels tacky and
Gz#1dried and solid ( even the Twirlywoos are impressed !)
Orange sherbet ready and trimmed up for her dry
Quick update on the barneys babies here prof. Gz#1 gave 5.5 oz , still got #3 to finish dying. Took the os out finally too and trimmed her up. reckon about 6oz once she is dried. feels tacky and
Gz#1dried and solid ( even the Twirlywoos are impressed !)
Orange sherbet ready and trimmed up for her dry
Toodaloo and Great Big Hoo are loving that GG! That's a great score for one plant! See, the lights can do it. You just need to adjust to growing with led and they'll all be like that in the future. Looks like I'm harvesting some today. I'll explain in a post
Toodaloo and Great Big Hoo are loving that GG! That's a great score for one plant! See, the lights can do it. You just need to adjust to growing with led and they'll all be like that in the future. Looks like I'm harvesting some today. I'll explain in a post
Shocking how you caught me . the gelato looks epic mate. i have some excellent seeds from mine sending out pollen. I have seeds from every plant so far!!! . i am excited at the prospect of each one being a X of the Gelato too. Only a small amount from the others thankfully but a good amount of podgy, striped and viable looking ones. will be growing them at some point , how could i not. A cross of it with the Cookie Kush would be amazing too. This strain is the most "on point" for its smell of any i have grown before. It is like opening a biscuit barrel when i flip the jar lid.
Learnt a bit with the lights so better armed for the next one.
Your girls look so frosty and healthy Prof. will be a good harvest again. Loving the 7 strain too. watching with interest for my loft raised bed intentions. Fingers crossed on the harvest mate
Hey 420! We went to work today but ended up getting rained off as we need dry conditions to progress with what we're doing. I was eager to check the flowering tent. To my horror it was 99% humidity in there! Recently it's been around 70% which is bad enough but it's really wet today. I was checking over my plants and I noticed something. We have bud rot! I must have been feeling left out what with all the cases of rot that many of you have been unfortunate enough to have in recent weeks. Now it's only a small lower bud on the Strawberry Lemonade 1 but I'm not taking any chances with her as she is coated in dripping crystals and she has some giant dense nugs. I'm lucky it was a small lower as rot usually attacks the biggest and juiciest nugs. I've decided that she's coming down and I'm also taking down Blue Gelato 41 number 1 as she's showing signs of leaves beginning to yellow and is just as caked as the SL. I'm hoping that's with those 2 removed then the other 2 will have better air circulation and less precipitation. I'm so happy that I caught it now and hopefully it won't spread any further. The bud that succumbed to the rot is rock solid even though it was a lower. Damn you botrytis!
Hey 420! We went to work today but ended up getting rained off as we need dry conditions to progress with what we're doing. I was eager to check the flowering tent. To my horror it was 99% humidity in there! Recently it's been around 70% which is bad enough but it's really wet today. I was checking over my plants and I noticed something. We have bud rot! I must have been feeling left out what with all the cases of rot that many of you have been unfortunate enough to have in recent weeks. Now it's only a small lower bud on the Strawberry Lemonade 1 but I'm not taking any chances with her as she is coated in dripping crystals and she has some giant dense nugs. I'm lucky it was a small lower as rot usually attacks the biggest and juiciest nugs. I've decided that she's coming down and I'm also taking down Blue Gelato 41 number 1 as she's showing signs of leaves beginning to yellow and is just as caked as the SL. I'm hoping that's with those 2 removed then the other 2 will have better air circulation and less precipitation. I'm so happy that I caught it now and hopefully it won't spread any further. The bud that succumbed to the rot is rock solid even though it was a lower. Damn you botrytis!
nice catch prof. get the milk on those remaining buds with some bicarb. Research it and you will see why mate. I stopped it in its tracks for the main crop to continue on. It managed it on already damaged areas too. Bud rot is a bitch and it seems no plants have a defence for it naturally like other diseases. fingers crossed mate.
Here is the offending nug. It's hardly noticeable and with my poor vision combined with the unnatural light in the grow room it's fortunate that I spotted it at all....

I have more pics but the internet is being slow so I'll post them in a moment but after breaking the nug up you can see the damage in the core....
Here is the offending nug. It's hardly noticeable and with my poor vision combined with the unnatural light in the grow room it's fortunate that I spotted it at all....

I have more pics but the internet is being slow so I'll post them in a moment but after breaking the nug up you can see the damage in the core....
I found a few bits on drying that had stopped but had damaged so e bud interior. bastard stuff. Do wonder if seed storage has any bearing in micro storing of the bacteria too. I get the rh connection but the global issue it seems to be this year is a huge coincidence!. not seen it spoke of so much ever. Obviously wetter climate in general but seems crazy bad this year.
I think this may have something to do with it. It was like this for much of last week. 99% humidity outside.....

I'm going to give the rest of the plant a good look over when I trim her up shortly. She'll be getting g budwashed and hung to dry this evening....

Here's the rot inside the bud....
Thanks Magoo. I saw that you got some as well this season. I've just taken all the plants down after deciding that it's just not worth the risk. Only one plant was apparently unaffected and that was the BG41 number 2. My gut instinct is telling me to get gone while the goings good. They're only a week away from harvest so I'm not too gutted about that and I don't think that the effects will be too reduced as I can see ambers in all of them. I'm looking for lively meds this time anyway. Earlier I said that I was lucky because it usually attacks larger buds first. Well, turns out I wasn't so lucky as there's is some rot right in the middle of possibly the biggest nug of the grow which is on SL 2. Damn. By the looks of it I've probably only lost a good handful of bud but if I hadn't of noticed it today then I could have been in real trouble in a few days time. I've also changed my mind about drying it and instead of hanging I'm going to remove all stems and break down the largest buds and dry them on a mesh rack. I can't risk a slow dry with these and would like them done in a week. The life of a grower eh!
What is a Twirlywoo? Are they the critters on the plate/platter?
Is it something like a Teletubby? Or is it closer to Yo Gabba,Gabba!??
What is a Twirlywoo? Are they the critters on the plate/platter?
Is it something like a Teletubby? Or is it closer to Yo Gabba,Gabba!??
lol. It's one of those sorta things. They have a catchy theme tune if you listen to it 35 times a day
Sorry about the bud rot. From the sound of it,things could have been much worse. Good that you can chop.

Have you seen Yo Gabba Gabba?
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