Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

All looking good in the farm prof. hppe u got the pp sorted now. has to be Hydroguard for dwc for me. amazing stuff if you use bennies too. The silver bullet i bought is for totally sterile res and gives pure white roots too.

Harvesting the gz now in my grow. the 9 weeks has turned it to amazing looking bud. put them into dark today so trim and hang in a few days. rock solid nugs now covered in trichs
Os still going strong with the second flush and both lights on her for her finish should help too.
few bud shots for you of the gz
I understand were your coming from prof. My daughter is 2 and is still waking up in the middle of the night. Her favorite time is 2am lol. She just comes out of her room and comes and gets us and refuses to go back to bed if we make her she screams loud enough to wake up the entire house. Oh well still love her no matter what.
I understand were your coming from prof. My daughter is 2 and is still waking up in the middle of the night. Her favorite time is 2am lol. She just comes out of her room and comes and gets us and refuses to go back to bed if we make her she screams loud enough to wake up the entire house. Oh well still love her no matter what.
....and shes asleep again! Phew. We had to put a stair gate in our 2 and a half year olds bedroom doorway. She can climb out of her bed but can't escape the room. You can hear her sometimes calling down the hallway but she usually puts herself back to bed. It won't be long before she can climb over the gate though.
Nice job getting her back to sleep maybe you can get some too. My 2 year old is a feisty one nothing like my first daughter was. We got a net for our trampoline because she was such a daredevil on it. So now she jumps on the outside of the net on the edge of the trampoline lol.
I understand were your coming from prof. My daughter is 2 and is still waking up in the middle of the night. Her favorite time is 2am lol. She just comes out of her room and comes and gets us and refuses to go back to bed if we make her she screams loud enough to wake up the entire house. Oh well still love her no matter what.
That sounds very familiar
our 5 year old wanders the bedrooms at around 2am too i am a late sleeper and usually put her back in her bed around 3am , she then wakes , on the dot 5am , within this rest killing routine is her 2 year old sister who wakes up everytime i put her sister back to bed. This usually means 10 mins agreeing that "yes its Minnie mouse" or similar before she settles back down. The older one knew damn well that she had us with the screaming in her room at silly o clock , only stopped when we had the youngest !!! ( lol dont panic , i am sure there are other ways mate !!!!) Mrs GG sleeps through it all and kicks off if i dont jump up at 7am ready for the days Bloody wimmin !!.lol
feeling your pain Prof.
I used to have awful trouble with my 3 yo getting out of bed a million times a night. I finally listened to my MIL (don’t worry GGD, she’s a good one) and bought a white noise sound machine. He stays asleep so much better and stays in bed all night, most nights now. Sweet, sweet sleep. Zzzzzz
My little ones keeping me awake again right now so i thought I'd post these. We're getting closer now. There's are a few amber beginning to appear in places but there are still a lot of clear to go cloudy first. Next weekend was when i predicted they'll be ready for the chop and I think it'll be close....
I used to have awful trouble with my 3 yo getting out of bed a million times a night. I finally listened to my MIL (don’t worry GGD, she’s a good one) and bought a white noise sound machine. He stays asleep so much better and stays in bed all night, most nights now. Sweet, sweet sleep. Zzzzzz
We use old asylum straps now HH. Already too much running with the extra fan needed so had to compromise somewhere!!
got to love the
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