Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

....and shes asleep again! Phew. We had to put a stair gate in our 2 and a half year olds bedroom doorway. She can climb out of her bed but can't escape the room. You can hear her sometimes calling down the hallway but she usually puts herself back to bed. It won't be long before she can climb over the gate though.
That stair gate is what started our screaming . she knew we would have to go get her if she screamed loud and long enough. lol
My little ones keeping me awake again right now so i thought I'd post these. We're getting closer now. There's are a few amber beginning to appear in places but there are still a lot of clear to go cloudy first. Next weekend was when i predicted they'll be ready for the chop and I think it'll be close....
effing beautiful Prof. a great finish to these ladies.
That stair gate is what started our screaming . she knew we would have to go get her if she screamed loud and long enough. lol
Our daughter slept between us in our bed until she was 2 and then she moved into a twin bed pushed up against ours. She moved into her own room at a bit shy of 5. I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world.

Our son was having none of that and went into his own room around 9 months on a futon on the floor (we don't do cribs obv). No worries if he rolled off onto the carpet!
Our first daughter slept with us until she was 2 it was hard to get her to sleep in her own bed but eventually accepted it. With the second one we put her in a crib in her own room. When she was 1 she would scream bloody murder and would not sleep in the crib so we got her a toddler bed she would not even sit on it let alone sleep in it. So we got a queen size bed she was ok with that lol. It's funny seeing her barley 3ft tall sleeping in a giant bed like that lol.
Our daughter slept between us in our bed until she was 2 and then she moved into a twin bed pushed up against ours. She moved into her own room at a bit shy of 5. I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world.

Our son was having none of that and went into his own room around 9 months on a futon on the floor (we don't do cribs obv). No worries if he rolled off onto the carpet!
Starfishing in our bed is a she has to spread out. Bloody kids.heehee Youngest hasnt realised thats where her sister is for most of the night yet !!!
Hey 420. Had a bit of time off and actually went out today and did something. The weather was nice so we took the kids out to a wildlife and dinosaur park. I had so much fun that I asked for a job lol. They had a cool little creepy crawlies section which my eldest loved. She's only two and a half and she wants to hug a giant huntsman spider and an Asian hornet lol. Good times. I've been relaxed in the garden recently but there is some news to report on. Firstly I've damaged a couple plants. Not too serious but it was a bit annoying. I was a tad rough when super cropping the Vanilla Kush and Ayahuasca Purple and snapped some branches. I lost a tip on the AP but I think I managed to save the two branches on the VK. I held the little branches up with some garden wire ties to keep them in place until they heal. They were both completely limp and looked dead but seem much better now. Some good news is that the Purple Punch is kicking ass again. She still has some rot and algae but there I see new root growth and her leaves are brightening up. The flowering tent is still ticking along nicely and I hope to be able to maybe pull them next weekend. It looks like BG41 #1 will be done for sure but the others we'll have to see then. Well hope you're all having a good weekend so far. I saw a penguin next to a T-Rex so I'm living the dream! Back with some updates shortly.
Veg Tent Update....

Here's where we are at today. Not long left until we start the next flowering round....

Purple Punch....

Looks like she's back in the game. We have some catching up to do but growth is good again and her new roots look white and healthy. She may be ready in time next week, if not I'll give her a little longer....


She's ready to go. I will top her one last time tomorrow . Great plant and easy to grow so far. She's the only one that hasn't caused me any problems so far and has just gone along smoothly. I'm expecting good things from this one in flower....

Ayahuasca Purple....

She's not been doing too badly recently. My prediction is that she'll still be the smallest of the bunch and won't have too much stretch. She's a beautiful little plant and has nice looking leaves again. I did chop,off one of her arms though which is not recommended....

Vanilla Kush....

Just like with the AP we had a little accident with this one. 2 arms were damaged but not quite as bad. They are recovering well and will be good in time for flower....
Flowering Tent Update....

Soon my pretties, soon. I'm really happy with how these have gone. They're some lovely looking plants with great buds readying themselves for harvest. I can't wait to get some natural light pics with them outside the tent. They're to tall to remove otherwise I would have done so already. Here we are today....

Blue Gelato 41....

Blue Gelato 24 2....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
Flowering Tent Update....

One week left for these I think. BG41 #1 has some fade appearing on some of her leaves and there are more and more amber trichs appearing by the day on all of them. The white hairs are slowiy going orange and new colours are beginning to cover the top buds as they come to the end of their lives. Quick question regarding the amber trichs on sativa varities. When indicas become heavy in amber trichs their effect tends to become more sleepy but what happens to sativas with lots of ambers?
Bud porn time....
Is there such a thing as too many flowering pics?....
No!! Especially when they look like that. Nice job prof looks to be another good harvest ahead. Sorry can't really help you with the sativa question as I have never grown one.
No!! Especially when they look like that. Nice job prof looks to be another good harvest ahead. Sorry can't really help you with the sativa question as I have never grown one.
Thanks N. the BG41's are actually indica but have energetic sativa effects. The SL's are sativa leaning hybrids so it's going to be a bit different from what I'm used to
I want to go there...
You should come over! My address is Kentigern Drive, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 7EG. See you soon
Veg Tent Update....

My final update for the evening is a good one. We are ready for the final phase before flower. Today I topped all of the remaining plants so we have reached our 32 tips per plant. Now we just sit back and put our feet up until flower where I may do one last trim on them before going 12/12. We did it! It's going to be crazy in there during the stretch. Right time for bed. Back to work tomorrow. Happy growing everyone!....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
I spent time there when I was overseas... good hospitality.
I know right. They make the best sandwiches!
But they will want me to stay....forever.
yes we will. Why? Don't you want to stay forever? Why would you want to leave? What's your favourite colour? I can see you....
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