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I think this may have something to do with it. It was like this for much of last week. 99% humidity outside.....

I'm going to give the rest of the plant a good look over when I trim her up shortly. She'll be getting g budwashed and hung to dry this evening....

Here's the rot inside the bud....
caught that really early, good spotting prof. Hardly noticable.
she looks a sexy beast now prof
WOW that mist is a piss take. We have a small field behind us but no mist yet. dehumidifier would be working overdrive tryi g to deal with that.
lol. It's one of those sorta things. They have a catchy theme tune if you listen to it 35 times a day
as we do !!!. ALL ABOUT Trichromes, chikkidy and chick have found a discarded joint , Peekaboo is hotboxing behind the curtains, ITS THE HOOTER
5 o at the door
Sorry about the bud rot. From the sound of it,things could have been much worse. Good that you can chop.

Have you seen Yo Gabba Gabba?
lol I have seen Yo Gabba Gabba. We used to watch it stoned a lot. Have you ever seen Don't Hug Me I'm Scared?
caught that really early, good spotting prof. Hardly noticable.
she looks a sexy beast now prof
WOW that mist is a piss take. We have a small field behind us but no mist yet. dehumidifier would be working overdrive tryi g to deal with that.
i think a dehumidifier would be like pissing in the wind lol. I don't think it helps that I have so many plants in a small area. I'm getting a better extraction unit to see if that helps
Oh my... I just watched the one with the creativity notebook. That took a unexpected turn.

You have to be smart to realise just how messed up it is lol. There's a secret story to unravel which gets pretty dark lol. I love those sorta things
These are the final pics of the flowering tent. What annoys me more than losing some of the crop is the fact that I can't document them to the very end. The abrupt nature of these events are stressful but necessary. All the conditions are there for it to spread so I think ive made the right choice. So, here they are on flowering Day 57. Goodbye Blue Gelato 41's and Strawberry Lemonade's! it was a blast....
You have to be smart to realise just how messed up it is lol. There's a secret story to unravel which gets pretty dark lol. I love those sorta things
What a strange way to start my day. Thanks dear!
I saw that there was a film theory vid on it.
I had never seen the Yo Gabba show.... until.... One of my junior Sailors came to me, back when I was a desk jockey in the Navy. He tells me, "Chief, some of the guys been fuckin' with me"

Oh yeah, how so?

"The nicknamed me Gabba; now everyone calls me that shit."

Hmmmm, wonder why. So I call in my shift supervisor to ask WTF.

He tells me that he actually made up the name because this kid was "wet in the head"

I about died! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Put my "professional hat" on to do a bit of research. Turns out, he was named Gabba cuz he looked just like that fucker. LoL

To alleviate stress in the work environment, I pulled this kid from his duty section to be my secretary....

.... I called him Gabba for 2 more years.
What does " wet in the head" mean? Am I " wet in the head " for asking?
I'm guessing it means idiotic or inexperienced???
"Special" "touched" ..... wasn't the sharpest tool in tge shed, or the brightest crayon in the box. Homeboy was honestly just eccentric.

Regardless... the name stuck, but he was cool wit it.

All the new kids would ask him "Why tgey call you Gabba?". He would tell em to fuck off, that info is earned! LoL

I had his back, so he learned to talk shit in return. Win/Win
These are the final pics of the flowering tent. What annoys me more than losing some of the crop is the fact that I can't document them to the very end. The abrupt nature of these events are stressful but necessary. All the conditions are there for it to spread so I think ive made the right choice. So, here they are on flowering Day 57. Goodbye Blue Gelato 41's and Strawberry Lemonade's! it was a blast....
Bye bye ladies , see you at the cremation !. been a ride and a half mate. great job
Sorry to hear about the bud rot Prof, that’s a damn shame. Sounds like you’re making some very smart choices about it. Happy harvesting!
thanks HH. It was happy harvesting but then I got attacked by giant spiders lol
Too bad about the rot prof. You did the right thing by taking them down. Onward and upward prof should still be some great smoke.
I did in fact speed dry the bottom 2 nugs on that little cola as it was too close for me to risk putting it in the jar. It didnt actually taste that bad considering and I've certainly paid for worse. It's going to be fruity when finished properly. The effects were pretty clear and focused but that was a lower with a few clear trichs left to mature. Not at all racy though which is good
What a strange way to start my day. Thanks dear!
I saw that there was a film theory vid on it.
quite alright m'dear. Anytime you need to stock up on wierd just give us a shout and I'll see what I can do. The film theory pretty much explains it all. I wouldn't have got half the references if not for that though I got a few things right lol

I had never seen the Yo Gabba show.... until.... One of my junior Sailors came to me, back when I was a desk jockey in the Navy. He tells me, "Chief, some of the guys been fuckin' with me"

Oh yeah, how so?

"The nicknamed me Gabba; now everyone calls me that shit."

Hmmmm, wonder why. So I call in my shift supervisor to ask WTF.

He tells me that he actually made up the name because this kid was "wet in the head"

I about died! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Put my "professional hat" on to do a bit of research. Turns out, he was named Gabba cuz he looked just like that fucker. LoL

To alleviate stress in the work environment, I pulled this kid from his duty section to be my secretary....

.... I called him Gabba for 2 more years.
Our version of "wet in the head" is "wet lettuce" lol
sweaty fat nugs!!!
Possibly a little too sweaty lol
Bye bye ladies , see you at the cremation !. been a ride and a half mate. great job
Time to start anew GG!

5 of these had made my tent their home. Scared the shit out of me when I lifted the pot and they all ran out in different directions lol. I caught 2, killed one by accident and the other 2 escaped and are currently waiting the scare the shit out of me again! Crazy beasts!....
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