Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Hey 420! Well yesterday wasn't the best of days and after discovering bud rot on 3 of the plants I then stayed up to 4 in the morning trimming, cleaning and checking every single bud. The loss wasn't to bad but I did lose some of the nicest nugs. Pretty much a whole cola from SL 1 and that big bud from the SL 2 was completely gone. The BG41 number 1 lost a couple good sized mids but nothing more. The majority of the damage was done to SL 1 and I probably lost around a third of the plant. I couldn't get any pics of the fiasco because I wanted to do it as quickly and as cleanly as possible with 2 attention loving kids to give me a good sized handicap lol. I also somehow managed to clean the entire Grow room with the exception of the veg tent which just looked like hard work. It's all done now though and we'll bee ready for the next flowering round shortly. I won't be doing any updates tonight and instead am going to use this moment of calm to try and catch up on the many journals I've been neglecting. I do have some pics for this evening but I'll do a full update tomorrow of everything that's happening. Hope to see you all soon....

Here's what we got....

Blue Gelato 41....

Strawberry Lemonade....

Fresh buds....
Wow prof trimming until 4 am! It had to be done love the dedication. That bud rot is a horrible thing going after the biggest and best buds. What you got in the end looks great and the color on the stem of Bg is beautiful I have never seen I stock that color.
Wow prof trimming until 4 am! It had to be done love the dedication. That bud rot is a horrible thing going after the biggest and best buds. What you got in the end looks great and the color on the stem of Bg is beautiful I have never seen I stock that color.
It was a bit of an ordeal. I got to bed about 4.55 in the end because I woke up the baby by mistake and then had to feed her lol. Then I had to get up for work at 6.30! I wasn't the most useful that day lol. I love the look of that Blue Gelato. I've had a few plants with some pretty vibrant colour stems but I haven't had one like that for a while and definitely not since I joined 420. I can't wait to see the dried look. I'll have a full rundown of the grow coming up shortly. Just gotta sort out those pesky kids first lol. Cheers N
Hey 420! Well it's nearly that time again. The next flowering round is only days away now. We'll get to see the Purple Punch, Shishkaberry, Ayahuasca Purple and Vanilla Kush do their thing and hopefully this time we'll get them to the end without the rude interruption from the rot. They're all but ready for flower now with the AP lagging behind a little but I'm not to concerned. The Shishkaberry on the other hand is flying and I've tried slowing her down by removing leaves but she doesn't stop and may take over the tent if I'm not careful. The Purple Punch will be having another res change shortly. She looks close to being ready but I'd have liked her to be a bit bigger. I'm trying to beat the POG after all. She does have the potential to have 64 separate colas though which is going to look cool. I've not done that many before so it's new to me. the hydro stretch can be crazy sometimes and it's all down to that really. She could end up being way bigger than the POG despite being a smaller plant before flower. Here they are today....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....

I'm getting ready for the transplant. This is the recycled sand and soil from the last grow. I'm going to top up those 7 gallon pots with some compost to try to fine out the mix a little as it's very dense and heavy. The other plants liked it though but it wouldn't hold a lot of water. I'm hoping I can get away without watering them for 3 days a least unlike before. The reason I'm using the plastic pots this time is that I noticed that there was mould growing on the sides of the fabric pots. I've seen it happen several times before but not had any problems. I've not seen it with plastic pots though and if it does happen you can wipe it off....
I just did the most stupid thing. That was the veg tent update and I just went to do the flowering tent update and realised that I don't have one anymore lol. Well the buds are still drying, there you go
Is it the teething child? Or the wee babe that's been so crabby lately?
The teething child is the wee babe. She's been much better today though. My recent zombified mental state is most definitely child related and not the POG
So sorry about the bud rot Professor! And I know a thing or five about bud rot.

All those dry-trim folks telling us wet-trimmers how wrong we are to do it that way must lose entire plants when they check on them after a week! I did what you did and inspected every single bud when I trimmed.

What you ended up with looks terrific though. And 64 tops should make up for a bit of the loss ;).
So sorry about the bud rot Professor! And I know a thing or five about bud rot.

All those dry-trim folks telling us wet-trimmers how wrong we are to do it that way must lose entire plants when they check on them after a week! I did what you did and inspected every single bud when I trimmed.

What you ended up with looks terrific though. And 64 tops should make up for a bit of the loss ;).
Thanks Shed. I've done the dry trim plenty of times usually because I'm too busy or tired to sit there and face an entire session. In the future though I'm going to do what I done with the POG and just leave it in the tent and only cut off what I intend to trim there and then. That way if I get distracted or tired I can just zip up the tent and continue later. I couldn't do that with these though and just wanted them out of there. I really don't have to tell you that rot is a bitch.
Veg Tent Update....

It's getting a bit cramped in here now and I'll be happy to get some of them out. I'll have to find a new place to put the veg plants as all the tents will have flowering plants in. I won't need a lot of space for them and I'll probably knock up a temporary veg box for now. Anyway. I'm rambling already. The weekend is nearly here and I'll make use of the couple days off to get the veg plants into flower. Let's look at what we have today....

Purple Punch....

I'd say she's on the way to making a full recovery. Her roots are looking much better as are her leaves. She's growing fast again now and should be ok to go to flower in the next couple days....

This is one to watch. Superb growth through out flower and if I hadn't of chopped her and deliberately tried to slow her down she'd have been miles ahead of the other 2. She's a heavy feeder and has looked like she's wanted more food a lot of the time. Ive been feeding the 3 soil plants the same amount and this one has always been a little pale. She'll get a good feed before flower. Well maybe not as I'm not at all experienced with the new nutrients just yet. I've used it once over on my other thread and the plants are still alive and kicking....

Ayahuasca Purple....

This is who my money's on to be the smallest. She's been a bit weak during the veg period and has struggled to keep up with the stronger growth of the other two. We got the tops though so she's going to become one stocky bush. I have a feeling she's going to be pretty though as there are hints the there will be purples and dark greens. When left alone to actually grow you can see here leaves becoming a dark green and the leaf stems are a deep reddish purple. I'm intrigued to see what we'll end up with....

Vanilla Kush....

The VK has survived the snapped branches and is quite happy. She's not too far behind the Shishkaberry but she doesn't stand a chance at catching up in veg. It may be a different story in flower though. I remember this strain had a good stretch the last time I grew it out. That was years ago now and I can't remember much else about her other than the taste and potency which at the time blew me away. She has the dark green shiny leaves beginning to come back again though I'll chop them of again soon. I just can't put those snips down....
Nice little review on the plants right before they go into flower. So glad the Pp is rockin again bet she will go crazy in flower. The shishkaberry will be the one to watch in flower she may take over the whole tent can't wait to watch her do her thing. The Ap sounds like she will be the prettiest and bet her buds will be beautiful. The Vk should be the tastiest of the bunch and who doesn't like a really potent strain. Hope your well prof.
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