Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Flowering Tent Day 1....

Hey everybody! Time to start again and this time it's all about the shorties. The last round were tall varieties with the SL being mostly sativa and the BG being a tall indica with sativa effects. This time it's back to my preferred weapons of choice. The indicas! We have a lot of tops in this tent right now with each strain having 32 each. I don't expect all of them to grow well and reach the top. That would be crazy. I'm expecting them to be more like the GZ and the OS Fromm before. In about 2 weeks time I'm going to have my work cut out for me with trimming and thinning out. I expect these to transition very quickly and we'll probably see signs of flower before day 10. Despite their size they've been growing for some time and are more than ready for flower. I don't know how old they are because I don't take notes lol. The Vanilla Kush looks like she's the biggest but it's the Shishkaberry who's actually most advanced. There's not going to be a lot of room in here in the next couple of weeks....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
I see you have the Cree Cob lights how do you like them ? I was looking at those but Mars was having a sale buy one get two on their Cree Cob lights so I went with them, Great price at the moment. Just wondering how they do.
Hey PC. These aren't Cree cobs. I think I know the ones that you mean though. These use Luminus Cobs. That sounds like an awesome deal though. Buying a light and getting one free is probably the best deal I've heard of regarding lights. These do very well though and I've very nearly scored 2gpw with them but not quite.
Hey PC. These aren't Cree cobs. I think I know the ones that you mean though. These use Luminus Cobs. That sounds like an awesome deal though. Buying a light and getting one free is probably the best deal I've heard of regarding lights. These do very well though and I've very nearly scored 2gpw with them but not quite.
Wow 2gpw is Crazy good. I hope mine will do OK. I think they will Smokesara recommended them to me. I am excited to get the rest of what I need the Tent, Carbon filter, Fans etc.
I don't take notes lol.
I do take notes,but I have the handwriting of a preschooler,so it's a lot easier to just check my journal,and hope I documented it in there...
Those 3 girls look eager to get this show on the road!
Hey 420! We have some harvest results. I still need to pick a few sugars off here and there but time is not my friend at the moment. Everything feels so rushed. They are down, dried and jarred though so we can relax for the moment and I can either pick the rest as I go or do a jar every evening which is probably the best option. I'm telling you, we would have smashed it if they had been allowed to go full term. The weights were good even though there was still a good amount of growing to be done. The final weights were definitely effected by the early harvest though as some of the buds are a bit squidgy but I'm happy with what I got. It could have been so much worse. I ended up throwing another good cola from the SL1 as I found more rot on her halfway through drying. Out of her 4 main colas she lost the 2 biggest ones and several smaller tops lower down. I think I lost just under half of the plant which is a bummer but I've learnt something. I found a tiny little bit on the BG41 number 2 as well meaning that every plant had some in the end. I've given the remaining buds so many checks now that my visions starting to go funny lol. I really liked the growing in sand and have recycled it for the new flowering plants. I'm certain that it helped to make the buds so large. They didn't keep there size though and in the end didn't beat the POG for big and dense nugs. My favourite out of the 4 is the BG41 number 1. She looks great and was the most finished out of them all. In fact she was pretty much done and I really was just waiting for a convenient time to chop her. Overall I'm disappointed by the end but the plants themselves were pretty solid. I believe that it was entirely my fault and if I could have gotton the environment under control things would have been ok. It was difficult monitoring the humidity though as it changes so frequently. It was really wet though towards the end and with my grow room filling up with lots of other plants in other tents the humidity only became higher. Something had to give in the end. I'll be watering my plants in the morning when ever I can from now on and I'm going to get a better extraction unit. I dehumidifier could be helpful but I'd have to seal up the window first. Anyway, here's what we got in the end....

Blue Gelato Pheno 1....65g
Blue Gelato Pheno 2....95g
Strawberry Lemonade Pheno 1....60g
Strawberry Lemonade Pheno 2....66g

Total.... 286g

They were still growing! Lol. I was pretty surprised that the SL 2 was that low compared to her sister as she looked way bigger and the SL 1 lost a load of finished bud also. I knew that the BG41 number 2 would yield the most as she was good from the get go and despite throwing some pollen sacks early on she came good in the end. This grow has been a bit of an adventure which lots of little things happening here and there but it's over now. Time to learn from our mistakes and grow some more bud!....

Blue Gelato 41....

BG41 1....

BG41 2....

Strawberry Lemonade....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
mate our summer killed us all with the same issues. heat and the mould between them.too much heat hit mine so often they kept stalling in flower. Mould follows the shitty brit climate. Numbers not bad at all prof and the quality looks woot woot ( saw below post too but replied here !). cooler climates are swiftly upon us mate. here come the controlled grows with no nature tomfoolery. Lots still happening in your rooms too. nice harvest mate .
Wow 2gpw is Crazy good. I hope mine will do OK. I think they will Smokesara recommended them to me. I am excited to get the rest of what I need the Tent, Carbon filter, Fans etc.
They'll do just fine. Mars have some great lights and have come a long way since the original Mars 300. That was the first LED I owned and I was blown away when I first turned it on. It was an ok light that was perfect for vegging and good as a supplementary light for flower but compared to what they produce now it was pants lol. I'll give you a tip concerning filters. Try and get one that you can take apart. That way you can clean it and reuse it saving you a ton of cash over the years. I still haven't done it though but my location doesn't call for super stealth at the moment. In the past though I've been through a good amount of filters and wish I'd learnt that trick earlier.
I do take notes,but I have the handwriting of a preschooler,so it's a lot easier to just check my journal,and hope I documented it in there...
Those 3 girls look eager to get this show on the road!
I try and do the same thing but I keep getting distracted by things like anecdotes from Mr Sauga. Him and his story about the dusty road. The one with the potato chip packet shoes. There may have been a loaf of bread as a hat but I'm not sure now.
mate our summer killed us all with the same issues. heat and the mould between them.too much heat hit mine so often they kept stalling in flower. Mould follows the shitty brit climate. Numbers not bad at all prof and the quality looks woot woot ( saw below post too but replied here !). cooler climates are swiftly upon us mate. here come the controlled grows with no nature tomfoolery. Lots still happening in your rooms too. nice harvest mate .
i know what you mean. I'm looking forward to some cold winter nights as it's much easier for me to warm things up than it is to cool things down. Even though it's pretty wet in the winter for the most part I don't normally have any problems with the humidity. I had some plants sat in 4C for a week or two and most weren't too bothered by it. Cali Orange wasn't very happy but the other 14 were loving it. I'm going to try and get some pics in the daylight today as it's stopped raining for a bit. The buds look much nicer when the pics are taken outside
They'll do just fine. Mars have some great lights and have come a long way since the original Mars 300. That was the first LED I owned and I was blown away when I first turned it on. It was an ok light that was perfect for vegging and good as a supplementary light for flower but compared to what they produce now it was pants lol. I'll give you a tip concerning filters. Try and get one that you can take apart. That way you can clean it and reuse it saving you a ton of cash over the years. I still haven't done it though but my location doesn't call for super stealth at the moment. In the past though I've been through a good amount of filters and wish I'd learnt that trick earlier.
Thank You, I need a really good carbon filter, My wife hates the smell of cannabis so I need the Best carbon filter I can get. I like your suggestion on getting one that comes apart, do you have any suggestions ? :snowboating:
Thank You, I need a really good carbon filter, My wife hates the smell of cannabis so I need the Best carbon filter I can get. I like your suggestion on getting one that comes apart, do you have any suggestions ? :snowboating:
have alook at ono blocks pc. you add them to the ducting after the filter. work a treat mate
Thank You, I need a really good carbon filter, My wife hates the smell of cannabis so I need the Best carbon filter I can get. I like your suggestion on getting one that comes apart, do you have any suggestions ? :snowboating:
Back when I was living in a flat smell was a big issue. I used to use Rhino Pro Filters which worked a treat. I didn't realise that you could clean them then so I used to throw them away. They had screws though so you can take them apart. I'm currently using 4in Ram filters because they're cheap but they have rivets so you can't access the insides. They work pretty well for about half a year or so then the last week of flowering starts to become noticeable. I'm due some new filters but they're not at the top of my list of priorities at the moment.
have alook at ono blocks pc. you add them to the ducting after the filter. work a treat mate
Ono blocks are great but you have to be careful not to let them share the same space as the plants. They can change the smell and the flavour of the buds and make them taste like the Ono block. I still use them but mainly for when we have guests or at harvest. They are fantastic though
Back when I was living in a flat smell was a big issue. I used to use Rhino Pro Filters which worked a treat. I didn't realise that you could clean them then so I used to throw them away. They had screws though so you can take them apart. I'm currently using 4in Ram filters because they're cheap but they have rivets so you can't access the insides. They work pretty well for about half a year or so then the last week of flowering starts to become noticeable. I'm due some new filters but they're not at the top of my list of priorities at the moment.

Ono blocks are great but you have to be careful not to let them share the same space as the plants. They can change the smell and the flavour of the buds and make them taste like the Ono block. I still use them but mainly for when we have guests or at harvest. They are fantastic though
better if placed on exit ends of exhaust. not even in rhe same room ideallly
Not too shabby on the weights but with the oncoming rot you saved the best bits...and they are nice and frosty! Congrats on the flip regardless of how old they are. Will you be keeping track of how many days post flip these are or shall we?
You are just the best! What a way to make this journal more interactive and slightly easier for myself st the same time :)
Grow Room Update....

Well now we don't have a veg tent anymore! It feels very different in here now with all the tents working at full steam. 3 flowering tents and a handful of veg plants who've been temporarily evicted. I've got all the big lights running and have removed the two floodlights. The hps is back out and lighting up the room with her eerie glow and alongside the blurple Cobs and the white lights it's a bit disorientating in there. Different colours everywhere you look. It's day one for the Purple Punch tomorrow and we're on day 2 with the 3 soil plants. All have been cautiously fed as I'm still not sure what I'm doing with the nutes yet. Now we just sit back and see what happens during the stretch....
Buds Bunny was running a journal with the masterblend Professor. He actually mixes some up now and sells it at $14/bottle.

Anyhow, just thought it may be helpful to sneak a peek if you're into peeking in on people.
I'm strapped in and ready for the triple flower show can't wait prof. I'm really interested in Pp I think she will explode in no time. All the ladies in soil look great and are ready to go. Hope you well prof.
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