Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

5 of these had made my tent their home. Scared the shit out of me when I lifted the pot and they all ran out in different directions lol. I caught 2, killed one by accident and the other 2 escaped and are currently waiting the scare the shit out of me again! Crazy beasts!....
Of the variety Biggus bastardos. lol .They will have some suit cases somewhere too!!
Hey 420! Well yesterday wasn't the best of days and after discovering bud rot on 3 of the plants I then stayed up to 4 in the morning trimming, cleaning and checking every single bud. The loss wasn't to bad but I did lose some of the nicest nugs. Pretty much a whole cola from SL 1 and that big bud from the SL 2 was completely gone. The BG41 number 1 lost a couple good sized mids but nothing more. The majority of the damage was done to SL 1 and I probably lost around a third of the plant. I couldn't get any pics of the fiasco because I wanted to do it as quickly and as cleanly as possible with 2 attention loving kids to give me a good sized handicap lol. I also somehow managed to clean the entire Grow room with the exception of the veg tent which just looked like hard work. It's all done now though and we'll bee ready for the next flowering round shortly. I won't be doing any updates tonight and instead am going to use this moment of calm to try and catch up on the many journals I've been neglecting. I do have some pics for this evening but I'll do a full update tomorrow of everything that's happening. Hope to see you all soon....

Here's what we got....

Blue Gelato 41....

Strawberry Lemonade....

Fresh buds....
Fucking bud rot is a bastard. The milk works well mate. i managed to stop it dead and keep going till harbest from a few good bud soaking sprays. I only lost a little bit thanks to it.
looks like nice bud now matey. roll on a good drying session. good luck mate.
I just did the most stupid thing. That was the veg tent update and I just went to do the flowering tent update and realised that I don't have one anymore lol. Well the buds are still drying, there you go
hahaha. not be empty for long mate. Mrs GG left me a note on the side yesterday when she left for work. I grabbed a pen and started to reply before i realised !!!!. ( might take a minute to realise my fuckwittery ??)
So sorry about the bud rot Professor! And I know a thing or five about bud rot.

All those dry-trim folks telling us wet-trimmers how wrong we are to do it that way must lose entire plants when they check on them after a week! I did what you did and inspected every single bud when I trimmed.

What you ended up with looks terrific though. And 64 tops should make up for a bit of the loss ;).
being "one of them " i concede this season with having to wet trim like stone age man.heehee One of the beauties of " Bro-science" is the flexibility to switch sides in an instance when it suit us better !. i hate child labour and exploitation but those primark shirts for £1.50 are a bargain too good to miss !!!. heehee
In honesty this years summer here has been damp and humid. without a dehumidifier, the risk is too much for the other way to be sensible. I did have good success with the 20%milk/water/bicarb neutralising the spread further to be honest. got me to the end of the gz so far , lets see how it did when the os is dried.
Veg Tent Update....

It's getting a bit cramped in here now and I'll be happy to get some of them out. I'll have to find a new place to put the veg plants as all the tents will have flowering plants in. I won't need a lot of space for them and I'll probably knock up a temporary veg box for now. Anyway. I'm rambling already. The weekend is nearly here and I'll make use of the couple days off to get the veg plants into flower. Let's look at what we have today....

Purple Punch....

I'd say she's on the way to making a full recovery. Her roots are looking much better as are her leaves. She's growing fast again now and should be ok to go to flower in the next couple days....
those roots are coming back nicely mate. nice job
Hey 420! I'm just flying through quick. It's flowering day 1 for these tomorrow....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....

Purple Punch....

I've not flipped this one just yet and am awaiting a res clean. I want to give the tent a good once over as well. She's ready to go though, it's just because I ran out of time....


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Hey 420! I'm just flying through quick. It's flowering day 1 for these tomorrow....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....

Purple Punch....

I've not flipped this one just yet and am awaiting a res clean. I want to give the tent a good once over as well. She's ready to go though, it's just because I ran out of time....
What was that blinding flash ?????. looking good prof.
Nice little review on the plants right before they go into flower. So glad the Pp is rockin again bet she will go crazy in flower. The shishkaberry will be the one to watch in flower she may take over the whole tent can't wait to watch her do her thing. The Ap sounds like she will be the prettiest and bet her buds will be beautiful. The Vk should be the tastiest of the bunch and who doesn't like a really potent strain. Hope your well prof.
I think you might be right with some of those predictions. Well it's on now N. it's officially flowering day one today. Chapter 3 in the new adventures of Prof Man!
Fucking bud rot is a bastard. The milk works well mate. i managed to stop it dead and keep going till harbest from a few good bud soaking sprays. I only lost a little bit thanks to it.
looks like nice bud now matey. roll on a good drying session. good luck mate.
The BG and SLs are dry now GG. I know the final weights but I'm not telling lol. I'll do it all dramatic like later on today

I think you might be right with some of those predictions. Well it's on now N. it's officially flowering day one today. Chapter 3 in the new adventures of Prof Man!

The BG and SLs are dry now GG. I know the final weights but I'm not telling lol. I'll do it all dramatic like later on today

and why not mate. cant beat a reveal.
and why not mate. cant beat a reveal.
I've still got a lot to sort out in a short amount of time but I will get there. Mrs F is working tonight so there's an opportunity there to get some stuff done. My current main priority is getting the PP into flower and cleaning the tent down. After that I'm going to steam clean the grow room floor outside of the tents and make it as clean as possible. Then I can get on with today's updates! I've got a ton of catching up to do as well with everyone's journals but for now I must get my own ship in order. Nice OS buds by the way. How are you finding her effects? Hope you're well GG!
Hey 420! I'm just flying through quick. It's flowering day 1 for these tomorrow....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....

Purple Punch....

I've not flipped this one just yet and am awaiting a res clean. I want to give the tent a good once over as well. She's ready to go though, it's just because I ran out of time....
I see you have the Cree Cob lights how do you like them ? I was looking at those but Mars was having a sale buy one get two on their Cree Cob lights so I went with them, Great price at the moment. Just wondering how they do.
I've still got a lot to sort out in a short amount of time but I will get there. Mrs F is working tonight so there's an opportunity there to get some stuff done. My current main priority is getting the PP into flower and cleaning the tent down. After that I'm going to steam clean the grow room floor outside of the tents and make it as clean as possible. Then I can get on with today's updates! I've got a ton of catching up to do as well with everyone's journals but for now I must get my own ship in order. Nice OS buds by the way. How are you finding her effects? Hope you're well GG!
I am good mate. lost already and only 3 days since
have new light coming tomorrow (sp250) and a shit load of bubble insulation for the whole loft !!!. lol determined to out perform the saggy fucked up tent i have now and getting a decent sized one that fits properly is not going to happen anytime soon. The multi layered box attic will be my beat option and it is thermal reducing both ways , so a decent control of temp should be possible with winter coming too. Need some mods to the remaining tent to use that for some interior screens and an opening with the zips. hopefully rh proof the place. I love the hit from the orange too. nice and heavy. could contemplate all night long on it.heehee
taste is still a little citric before any jar time but will be leaving her alone for a few weeks to get her best from her. I am 2impressed with every bit of her grow and harvest but regret not letting her spread out more. be glad to get in with it soob ss these fools do their testing.
Hey 420! We have some harvest results. I still need to pick a few sugars off here and there but time is not my friend at the moment. Everything feels so rushed. They are down, dried and jarred though so we can relax for the moment and I can either pick the rest as I go or do a jar every evening which is probably the best option. I'm telling you, we would have smashed it if they had been allowed to go full term. The weights were good even though there was still a good amount of growing to be done. The final weights were definitely effected by the early harvest though as some of the buds are a bit squidgy but I'm happy with what I got. It could have been so much worse. I ended up throwing another good cola from the SL1 as I found more rot on her halfway through drying. Out of her 4 main colas she lost the 2 biggest ones and several smaller tops lower down. I think I lost just under half of the plant which is a bummer but I've learnt something. I found a tiny little bit on the BG41 number 2 as well meaning that every plant had some in the end. I've given the remaining buds so many checks now that my visions starting to go funny lol. I really liked the growing in sand and have recycled it for the new flowering plants. I'm certain that it helped to make the buds so large. They didn't keep there size though and in the end didn't beat the POG for big and dense nugs. My favourite out of the 4 is the BG41 number 1. She looks great and was the most finished out of them all. In fact she was pretty much done and I really was just waiting for a convenient time to chop her. Overall I'm disappointed by the end but the plants themselves were pretty solid. I believe that it was entirely my fault and if I could have gotton the environment under control things would have been ok. It was difficult monitoring the humidity though as it changes so frequently. It was really wet though towards the end and with my grow room filling up with lots of other plants in other tents the humidity only became higher. Something had to give in the end. I'll be watering my plants in the morning when ever I can from now on and I'm going to get a better extraction unit. I dehumidifier could be helpful but I'd have to seal up the window first. Anyway, here's what we got in the end....

Blue Gelato Pheno 1....65g
Blue Gelato Pheno 2....95g
Strawberry Lemonade Pheno 1....60g
Strawberry Lemonade Pheno 2....66g

Total.... 286g

They were still growing! Lol. I was pretty surprised that the SL 2 was that low compared to her sister as she looked way bigger and the SL 1 lost a load of finished bud also. I knew that the BG41 number 2 would yield the most as she was good from the get go and despite throwing some pollen sacks early on she came good in the end. This grow has been a bit of an adventure which lots of little things happening here and there but it's over now. Time to learn from our mistakes and grow some more bud!....

Blue Gelato 41....

BG41 1....

BG41 2....

Strawberry Lemonade....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
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