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You have some beautiful plants. What do you feed them.
I use Dyna Gro nutrients. Right now, they get 5ml Protekt and 5ml Foliage Pro per gallon.

Just silica & base nutrient feed.

I'll incorporate MagPro if I see deficiencies

All coco grown with feed cycle every other day.
Looks nice and easy to use. I just picked up some foxfarm big grow and tiger bloom because I do not have enough prescription blend to do all 3 of my plants. But I looked at the foxfarm feeding schedule and it sucks. I like easy schedules, so I am going to return the foxfarm and find something simpler to use. Dyna grow looks simple and I think I can get it down the road in South Hampton. I will have to check it out.
Looks nice and easy to use. I just picked up some foxfarm big grow and tiger bloom because I do not have enough prescription blend to do all 3 of my plants. But I looked at the foxfarm feeding schedule and it sucks. I like easy schedules, so I am going to return the foxfarm and find something simpler to use. Dyna grow looks simple and I think I can get it down the road in South Hampton. I will have to check it out.
It's definitely a simple feed. I use a total of 4 bottles for every grow.
Protekt and Foliage Pro thru veg, then switch up to Protekt and Bloom thru flower. MagPro as needed.
Dosage is small and the bottles last me a long time. I buy in gallon jugs (roughly $50 a gal) they last me around a year.
I burn thru Bloom a bit faster because it's a 10ml/gal dose, but it's still minimal compared to most bottled nutrients.
The gallon of Mag Pro lasts 18-ish months because I rarely use it.
@Pennywise put me on to Dyna Gro years ago and I loved it. I'd be hard pressed to change anything at this point.
Started snapping pics while I was out feeding & pruning this morning.... Got high & seem to have forgotten to finish pics of the rest. 🤣
Well, the one's you got are sure looking stellar! :thumb:
Here's the ladies I forgot with the first photo sesh. LoL
Wow, that Judah's Punch is amazing! :bravo:
Looks nice and easy to use. I just picked up some foxfarm big grow and tiger bloom because I do not have enough prescription blend to do all 3 of my plants. But I looked at the foxfarm feeding schedule and it sucks. I like easy schedules, so I am going to return the foxfarm and find something simpler to use. Dyna grow looks simple and I think I can get it down the road in South Hampton. I will have to check it out.
Dyna Gro will work wonders outdoors! I would probably still run it if I was able to source it. Cheers!
That Trop doesn’t look like Trop lol.
I agree.... keeping my eye on that little shit. Almost has a duckfoot look to the leaves. Structure is really strange as well.
The Sip thing is ok. Been around forever. A company makes a thing called Earth Box that is the same. I’ve grown some great plants in 5 gal sip/modified hempy tyoe 5 gal buckets. The Swick on the other hand I’m not sure about. Seems like it causes issues. 🤷‍♂️
If plants were as difficult to grow as we humans like to make it sometimes….. we wouldn’t be able to have this conversation. The seed germination “tek” is what blows my mind. Soak them and plant them. Only reason to do anything else is to get/test germ rates. Rant over 🤪🤪
ETA not ever in my intention to discourage or discredit anyone, definitely not my MO
No Sip Kool-aid for P9? Lmao 🤣 CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
Not that at all.... I see the potential with SIPs. I just know my lane & stay in it.

I never mean to discourage others from growing, whatever their method. I just avoid change unless it's absolutely necessary.
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