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The Sip thing is ok. Been around forever. A company makes a thing called Earth Box that is the same. I’ve grown some great plants in 5 gal sip/modified hempy tyoe 5 gal buckets. The Swick on the other hand I’m not sure about. Seems like it causes issues. 🤷‍♂️
If plants were as difficult to grow as we humans like to make it sometimes….. we wouldn’t be able to have this conversation. The seed germination “tek” is what blows my mind. Soak them and plant them. Only reason to do anything else is to get/test germ rates. Rant over 🤪🤪
Lively discussion rather than rant imo :)
ETA not ever in my intention to discourage or discredit anyone, definitely not my MO
I have done two swick grows and had issues with calcium. I had specific objectives going in and it was meant to simplify my life not complicate it. I wanted to be able to leave my plants to self water for a few days if I needed to get away. That worked well for me in the seedling stage and in flower. A swick might work better if I top dress and top water to get the calcium percolating down through the soil. I have seen some success with this method. I haven't given up on the idea entirely.
Lively discussion rather than rant imo :)

I have done two swick grows and had issues with calcium. I had specific objectives going in and it was meant to simplify my life not complicate it. I wanted to be able to leave my plants to self water for a few days if I needed to get away. That worked well for me in the seedling stage and in flower. A swick might work better if I top dress and top water to get the calcium percolating down through the soil. I have seen some success with this method. I haven't given up on the idea entirely.
I add the disclaimer, so much context is lost over this type of communication.

After looking at some of the grows the issue imo is PH especially if it sits I undisturbed for days in a bottle exposed to light. Things like Cal and some others can come out of solution. Probably it would be best to use plain water as the swick solution and feed though top watering as you have said.
Your ladies are becoming more beautiful by the day Press! How many will you flower at once?
I'd like to flower 6... I can fit a couple more, but don't want to fight RH and smell. Trying to keep it reasonable until I figure out the new grow area.
My biggest worry is smell...
Not that at all.... I see the potential with SIPs. I just know my lane & stay in it.

I never mean to discourage others from growing, whatever their method. I just avoid change unless it's absolutely necessary.
Sound wisdom, and I agree totally 👍. CL🍀
Just to be totally transparent about sips n swicks. I have tried both but with not great results so I went back to using regular watering/feeding. But I have seen others have awesome results. CL🍀
I'd agree with that, coco works for me but whatever floats your boat
I enjoy seeing all the other methods of cultivation too though

*edit* I should add that it's because I like to understand how it works :nomo::ganjamon::reading420magazine:
"Do you."

Words to live by! :Rasta:
Looking great as usual bro! :passitleft:
There's always a problem child... mine is the Dirty Pirate Hooker in the front left corner. She/He has been struggling a bit thru the entire grow.

Otherwise, this seems to be a pretty well behaved bunch.

Appreciate ya hanging around growmie; thank you for the kind words.
Gonna fill that room right up! :cheesygrinsmiley: How big are the pots going to be?
I'll probably put em in 3 gal pots before flip.

They're in 1gal now, and I used to just finish them in the 1's, but I've got so much more headroom in the new grow area, I think 3's should do well.

I want to go HUGE! but don't think it wise with this many individuals. Gonna get back into 5+ gallon pots on my next run

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