Back For Another Grow

Welp, they're still growing lil-bit every day lil more sparkley every day.





What is it about their look that bothers you Chris? Or is it just the bugs?

They look happy to me. 🧐
I've had bugs before but not bugs like this. in the past I've only had pest-e bugs, not sucking the life out of em bugs. it was just the bottom and I thought it would pass, but it all over them now. Pics, if they upload

Hey CanaChris! Just popping in to see what you have growin. Oh my are these long cola girls looking great, except for the bugs. They can really grow in population and oh no! The girls are suffering. None of us like that.
I had aphids in my Sweet Annie one year. And I had them on my girls at one time too. On my sweet Annie, I used a mixture of lemongrass essential oil highly deluted with water and sprayed the heck outta them and with spraying them only after it rained hard… and it worked. But on my girls, I bought a miticide oil mix that someone recommended in 420. I guess I disagree about this bug, it looks like an aphid to me. I’m no expert tho, so dig into the pests links in 420 main help threads. I think you could I’d it in there. Do you have a jeweler’s loop? That would help you I’d those lil buggers! Good luck!
Those ladies of yours are looking mighty nice!
Happy trails to you.
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