Back For Another Grow

Welp, just about two weeks flowering and other than a bit of bug damage all looks good.


I would like to figure out the dark green leaves, I haven't given them cal-mag in a few weeks ? I'd like to roll em out into the sun and see how they look. These are the only plants I've grown inside without giving them as much natural sun from the windows. they've been under the LED's ... for a while I guess, they get an hour or so of sunlight that comes through the stain glass window . not sure if it really helps or not. This cool weather has me all mixed up on my watering schedule, even the bonsai has hardly been drinking



Welp, I have 1 seedling above ground ! woohoo! well b4 I get too excited... I've noticed the seed caseing has stuck on one half of the lil pod leaves. This has been happening to me all the time the past however many years. I thought it was old seeds, but these seeds are only 6 months old. I usually give a day or 2and if it don't wanna come off on it's own I intervene and try and gently remove it. but that can cause damage. and with such a small plant it can kill it or serverly stunt her. as always, any advice, little tricks, wise wisdom is greatly appreciated



G’day mate
Just out of curiosity, do you soak your seeds overnight before planting?
I would like to figure out the dark green leaves, I haven't given them cal-mag in a few weeks ? I'd like to roll em out into the sun and see how they look. These are the only plants I've grown inside without giving them as much natural sun from the windows. they've been under the LED's ... for a while I guess, they get an hour or so of sunlight that comes through the stain glass window . not sure if it really helps or not. This cool weather has me all mixed up on my watering schedule, even the bonsai has hardly been drinking



They looking good and full Chris 👍
I do, i soak them until I see the seed start to open then I use the paper towel method. I'm using old bag seed tho, so if I had some expensive seeds I'm not sure what I'd do. ga,day fish, see when I say it ... it just sounds _ _ _
No worries.
Yeah right, well don’t say then.
The girls were bone dry this morning, I soaked them Tuesday - Wednesday and with the heat not so bad I didn't think they'd dry out so fast, the bugs must be drinking too much water. Guess I didn't realize how much the fans dried things out so fast and probably moved all the bugs out of the room. My eyesight is so bad I'd only notice the bugs flying around if they were the size of crows




The girls were bone dry this morning, I soaked them Tuesday - Wednesday and with the heat not so bad I didn't think they'd dry out so fast, the bugs must be drinking too much water. Guess I didn't realize how much the fans dried things out so fast and probably moved all the bugs out of the room. My eyesight is so bad I'd only notice the bugs flying around if they were the size of crows




Growing into some sizable plants Chris, nice !
Plants are looking Sweet Chris!

That song was HUGE one summer! (My name is Curtis too, but my mom said she named me after Tony Curtis because of his pretty eyes. Go figure, a black guy named after a blue-eyed white guy! :) )

Now it's more that the years are flying by and they seem to go by faster the older I get.
Chris, if you glance into a mirror you'll see that not very many actually got by! 😁
Oops. Meant to ask, is there an expiration date on that GH bottle?
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