Back For Another Grow

I can still post messages but no pics. my journal will be like playboys from the 60's, "I just bought
em for the articles" is what all the guys said
Cause it was true. Just look at the articles that were in this 1967 edition. What guy wouldn't want to read them?
Playboy 1967.JPG

(I've got issues from as far back as 1963. I'm somewhat of a pack-rat "collector." I've also got Mad Magazines and National Lampoons from way back!)
I was hoping that trimming off all the buggy leaves would decrease the number of bugs but it seems to have increased the amount of bugs. I can't get good close up's they move too fast, they don't fly and are tiny an off white-ish. if I get a chance I'll post pics of damage leaves. it's a process, it takes at least 10 minutes to upload a pic
Chilly morning, almost feels like September. hopefully no more watching the puddles gather rain



Egads, some of those colas are super long and look like they will fill in to be monster colas by the end of your grow! I got in to your journal late, but I’ve got my :popcorn: and I’m tuned in now!

Happy trails to you!
Best I can get

This is a picture I found in a search for thrips in the Pest area here in 420…

So yes, I was wrong, it is thrips.

There is a ton of info links in the pest area of 420 (linked previously) that will come up in a search for thrips that provide info on how to treat if you are interested in different methods.
:peace: out!
Are these images showing up ? all I see is img, a number and jpg. hopefully y'all can see em morning pic

Hey CanaChris! The images are showing up just fine - beautiful girls!
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