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Welp, other than thu bugs they don't look all that bad. pics take like 10 - 15 minutes to upload. here's today's pics... Hopefully

Started them on the Beastie Bloooms today. I've been watering just about every day, lost track of the last feeding. The bonsai girl has gotten over fed a bit an got only water today. if I can keep em alive for another six weeks it could be a decent harvest, wonder if the bugs will enhance the flavor

Not much change overnight.



Hey CanaChris :high-five: I’m trying to catch up on your journal.

I like to start at the beginning and read thru other’s journals but I May not get to do this cuz you’ve come quite a long way in here! I want to respond to these pics cuz I think I spotted why one of your plants was deformed at its start. When the seed head comes off initially, there is also a film/lining inside the seed that can sometimes get stuck on the first oval leaves. These first lil oval leaves are sooo responsible for the seedlings start in life, damage to them can be detrimental.

Anyhoo, I think I see part of one of the first oval leaf has a partial seed lining that it never shed. I saw it in earlier pics too, but it shows in these images. (Unless I’m smokin too much and see in things, or if my old eyes are just deceiving me!) it is a super thin film and only the end of the oval leaf has it on the plant that was growing a bit weird in the beginning. I’ve tried to take that film off a number of times but they are soooo fragile at that stage… so I’ve killed some this way, and just greatly slowed down others! EEK!

:hug: :hug::hug:Warm Granny420 Hugs:hug::hug::hug:
Hey GDB , how'd that refrigerator drying work out for ya ?
It's ongoing Chris. I checked them yesterday and they're coming along. :)
Do you cure it in the fridge also ? does everything in the fridge taste like weed ?
I cure it in Grove bags and those are kept in a foot locker. Nothing in the fridge tastes like weed, but the entire fridge smells like weed! :Rasta:
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