Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Whitefly Prevention Part 3

So now we have

- Neem
- SNS 209
- Hanging sticky traps

A few pieces of charcoal on the floor and in the plant beds and I’m covered from any and all sides and intruders.

You get these goddamn things once and trust me, you’ll want multiple layers of protection too. Eww.

Whitefly Prevention Part 3

So now we have

- Neem
- SNS 209
- Hanging sticky traps

A few pieces of charcoal on the floor and in the plant beds and I’m covered from any and all sides and intruders.

You get these goddamn things once and trust me, you’ll want multiple layers of protection too. Eww.

whats the purpose of the charcoal?
Whitefly Prevention Part 3

So now we have

- Neem
- SNS 209
- Hanging sticky traps

A few pieces of charcoal on the floor and in the plant beds and I’m covered from any and all sides and intruders.

You get these goddamn things once and trust me, you’ll want multiple layers of protection too. Eww.

Plants look good 👌 tent looks like a old p-diddy video 🤣✌️
whats the purpose of the charcoal?
I read enough gardening articles both pot and non and it was mentioned as the last line of defense in several of them. Enough that I figured it was enough to be legit. One way I decide that when researching stuff like this that I find very helpful is, I search a ton of my usual pot search sites, then a bunch of regular gardening sites. When I find the same info repeatedly in both sides I feel I’ve confirmed legitimacy enough. The charcoal was such a thing. Apparently the whiteflies hate it for whatever reason, I didn’t dig that deep. It will repel them only, not affect them, but they won’t land in the soil and lay eggs and larvae in the soil will leave. Apparently it’s as easy as a bag of charcoal and a couple squares in each plant bed and in the open spots between plants scattered throughout. Hey it’s costs next to nothing, is zero work to enact, and has only potential upside, so why not do it?

Edit: they lay eggs in the leaves, but larvae come out and also fall in the soil and work their horrid magic from below.
So I’m here now cuz I just came out to check the girls before bed. This is what I saw, and it mesmerized me for a half an hour. Here’s the tent right now and a special closeup on each of the girls.










I read enough gardening articles both pot and non and it was mentioned as the last line of defense in several of them. Enough that I figured it was enough to be legit. One way I decide that when researching stuff like this that I find very helpful is, I search a ton of my usual pot search sites, then a bunch of regular gardening sites. When I find the same info repeatedly in both sides I feel I’ve confirmed legitimacy enough. The charcoal was such a thing. Apparently the whiteflies hate it for whatever reason, I didn’t dig that deep. It will repel them only, not affect them, but they won’t land in the soil and lay eggs and larvae in the soil will leave. Apparently it’s as easy as a bag of charcoal and a couple squares in each plant bed and in the open spots between plants scattered throughout. Hey it’s costs next to nothing, is zero work to enact, and has only potential upside, so why not do it?

Edit: they lay eggs in the leaves, but larvae come out and also fall in the soil and work their horrid magic from below.
You might want to treat the charcoal before use. It's a big difference between biochar and regular charcoal. Regular charcoal will decrease all minerals and vitamin content, that's also how it works in the human body by removing toxins, minerals and vitamins and that's why it's recommended as a short treatment and you shouldn't prolong use.


Up to about nodes 6-7 for the normal sized ones. Laggard in the middle.

Unless something strange happens (I need to do sooner) flip is going to be Tuesday 13th February. Family fishing trip 9-11th. Chop, clean and maintenance Monday.

I have an idea what per plant yield I can get out of the exact same flower setup I’m going to use for these - harvested one today.


You might want to treat the charcoal before use. It's a big difference between biochar and regular charcoal. Regular charcoal will decrease all minerals and vitamin content, that's also how it works in the human body by removing toxins, minerals and vitamins and that's why it's recommended as a short treatment and you shouldn't prolong use.

Oh that’s huge. Thank you @Wastei!
Cyco Nute Watch

Today we took the plunge. Grow XL has been applied. I decide to do this: I have two Cyco plants of the same strain, Gorilla Cookies. The coco one in a ten is the largest plant in the tent by far. The other is the coco/water plant and her res just got activated. She will also get monstrous.

So I fed the Grow XL to the hydro setup plant, top water only, let the runoff go into the red, and she is gonna see what happens. The other stayed at week four NO Grow XL. Let’s compare with the same strain.


Cyco Nute Watch

Today we took the plunge. Grow XL has been applied. I decide to do this: I have two Cyco plants of the same strain, Gorilla Cookies. The coco one in a ten is the largest plant in the tent by far. The other is the coco/water plant and her res just got activated. She will also get monstrous.

So I fed the Grow XL to the hydro setup plant, top water only, let the runoff go into the red, and she is gonna see what happens. The other stayed at week four NO Grow XL. Let’s compare with the same strain.


One other thing I can already see about Cyco nutes. Their silica product is sub par by 100 miles to my 40% MSA. By now, some of what I’m still easily able to do in terms of training should not be so easy. It’s taking a lot longer for the stems to achieve their preferred stiffness.
Update that I just realized as I get my brain in gear (lots of gear shifts these days here).

This is a picture of what I called DAY 1, on January 18th. You can see I did that cuz for the last two plants in, it really was day one, see the seedling ones? For the larger ones this was day 7. So if Jan 18th was day 7 for 7/9 of the tent, let’s roll it back for reference to January 12th. That was the actual Day 1.

So this picture is what the tent looked like on day 7.

And then today, January 30th, is day 20. And right now the tent looks like this:

What I’m trying to display is this:

The now tent is an example of super serious, way way overdrive level, almost beyond my belief level, GROWTH RATE. I have never once seen an entire grow of nine plants in a 5x5 go from breaking ground to what you see here from just now in 20 DAYS. It’s not a brag for real - it is just unmistakably off the charts growth and really I have done nothing different to cause it. The genetics are responsible for this, along with using coco. But even the organics are going nuts. Genetics. Which also means I selected my strains well. Ie - I got way lucky.

Another Cyco note

Just spoke to my grower buddy in PA. Not my drummer, the one who actually knows what he’s doing. Lots of experience. Showed him the now photo from the tent. He says what are the two beasts in the back row? I tell him. He says what nutes? I say Cyco, full platinum kit.

He starts cracking up.

He asks - is it just those two on Cyco? Yes. He says okay you might be okay. What? Please explain. His answer is the punchline:

We used to call it Psycho because the plants go insane on it. Did you do the Grow XL yet? Watch out.

That made me scared. They’re going to explode apparently. I have too many plants maybe.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Hey @NickHardy - too much reality, not enough shit talking lately. Allow me to correct.

I am looking at this grow on day 20. All the plants. Closely. My reservoirs. Etc. And then what you have “going on.”

We are only 20 days in to this contest and it’s over already. I am going to destroy you. There is no way on gods green earth that that little Dixie cup cute set of plants you call a grow can outyield what I have in front of me. It’s not possible. So what I’d like to do cuz you’re my boy and I want us to stay friends, is offer you the chance to gracefully and with no shame, retire now. As much shit as we talk, it’s all fun, and it will hurt me to see how crestfallen you will be if we complete this as a competition. Cuz already there is no competition here. So you wanna call the competition part quits and save yourself the embarrassment? No shame in retiring due to the obvious impossibility of victory. We can continue the journal as a fun comparison grow with no shit talking cuz it’s no longer a competition. I’m happy to extend you this courtesy if you wish.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There. Corrected.
Thanks buddy. appreciate it.

I’ll pass on the offer. My bemused indifference conceals a genuine worry you’ve talked yourself into the “This is achievable” column.

You have 9 plants and are already talking about potentially needing to drop plant(s)? Not very reassuring is it?

You’re using previously untested nutes but then splitting the George’s Marvellous Medicine amendment that you vacillate between deciding its wonder juice or its a dangerous unknown.

You have a known pest vector. A strain that’ll nanner you so much as strike a match in the next room.

And your plants by your own admission are out of control. Wildly surpassed your ability to martial them in early veg, stretch barely on the horizon and already playing catch up.

Your offer to ask me concede seems like the ravings of a madman as his train careens down a hill shedding wheels and parts rushing down towards a broken wooden bridge crossing a ravine with a fast running rocky river hundreds of feet below. A final couple of blasts on the locomotive horn before… well I think I’ve painted the picture you can fill in the next moments.

Many a twist between the cup and the lip

So they say.

My Dixie Cups? Oh they do ok. They are a bit special. Ask @Greenvein he gets it. He has the same irrigation collars I think.

All about perspective.

Good Day to you, Sir,

En guarde!

You might want to treat the charcoal before use. It's a big difference between biochar and regular charcoal.
Well, that's true but he's not using it as a biochar amendment in the soil in which case he would need to charge it. Instead, he's using it as a top dressing on the soil much like one might use sand or DE, as a barrier to bugs.

So, unless he plans to incorporate it into the soil later there is no need to treat it.
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