Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Thanks @Melville Hobbes, appreciate the clarity/education. That makes perfect sense. Well Idk, but the first time it happened and I grew it out the seed was a legit female plain old fem auto seed. I guess I got lucky. Cuz the more I hear the more it seems a bad idea to grow it, idk.
Maybe. There's a process some plants use to make seeds without pollen, but I haven't read anything that proves cannabis is capable of it.
But we've all seen plants that had one or two seeds, but the grower swears there weren't any nanners or male flowers.
Most of us just assume the grower missed them, but I'm starting to think it's possible we're wrong about that.
Congrats on yet another highly successful grow @Jon. You've had quite a run there in the deep south. :thumb:

Now, with the change in environment, we'll get to see if its all just been beginner's luck or if you actually have some skills.

Probably the latter... 🤔

But that’s IF you’re right that it’s a hermie seed. I don’t believe it is but I will defer to your expertise and assume it may be. But if it’s a non hermie, a “normal” seed or whatever, would that change the equation for you?
It sounds like you are trying to justify growing it. I mean …go right ahead. There’s only one way to find out.
The problem I have with bagseeds/one off seeds is that you have to monitor them WAY more than your regular plants because any time after 25-30 days old, balls could form and open and pollute your grow area in just a few days.

For me NO it doesn’t change my outlook on the seed if it turns out female cause WTF female is the parent of it? You don’t know it’s true mother, and if you do…it’s not good.

Now…if the seed occurred through rodelization, yes it could be female. But you’d want to be able to identify the mother, which you have not. If it just occurred from a far off plant spreading pollen, what’s the chances the father is a male not a herm. The chances of it being a properly reversed female are almost 0.
You’re asking if it’s maybe going to turn out a feminized perfect cross…the chances of that are soooo slim that I kind of find it funny to even consider. It’s like finding a random can of gas on the side of the road and dumping it into your car without smelling it/testing it first. Yeah it’s possibly gas, but what if it’s oil or piss or sugar water?

You asked what I would do.

Yeet the seed. You have guaranteed fem seeds, a whole shitload of them.
Blue Dream
Harvest Complete

Took the rest. She’s well hung. :laugh: What an incredibly beautiful plant. The buds are gorgeous can’t wait to final trim them. And boy does it stink. It seems to stink more off the vine than it did in the tent although I suspect that’s due to it no longer competing odor wise with another plant.

One left. Then I’m out of here. And I will not be visiting Florida in the future. Ever. No offense intended to any Floridians here who like it.

looks good Jon time is going quick for your move heres a song for you Lol!
Mayhap she is, mayhap she isn't. I vote grow her and find out. There are lots of plants that are a sexual. The possiblity shouldnt be weeded out. There is a lizard that is all female, they have to reenact the mating action, and both become pregnant and have all female babies. Slugs are the same way. God has a very vivid imagination, he made all things in his image (the way God sees it). ☕:yummy:
Mayhap she is, mayhap she isn't. I vote grow her and find out. There are lots of plants that are a sexual. The possiblity shouldnt be weeded out. There is a lizard that is all female, they have to reenact the mating action, and both become pregnant and have all female babies. Slugs are the same way. God has a very vivid imagination, he made all things in his image (the way God sees it). ☕:yummy:
True, but cannabis isn't that. I agree with Justin that the odds of a true female are quite low and even so, you don't know the other parent. Jon's got enough legit seeds to pop that he doesn't need a low probability, high risk experiment that he'll have to babysit constantly and that in the middle of an epic grow with 30 tents or something.

If he were pressed for seeds and only had a small single tent and had no other options, then maybe. For me? I'd crush it and add it to my worm bin. At least that way it would be guaranteed to have a positive impact, however infinitesimally small that would be.
Oh you do gotta point there, I wasn't thinking about how huge his grow room is and that one mistake could devastate and impact everything. That would be bad. I do not want that for you Jon. Feed the worms. Or give it to a noob grower.
Either way, I'm enjoying your thread. 😇
Oh you do gotta point there, I wasn't thinking about how huge his grow room is and that one mistake could devastate and impact everything. That would be bad. I do not want that for you Jon. Feed the worms. Or give it to a noob grower.
Either way, I'm enjoying your thread. 😇
And, might be fewer than 30 tents. Dunno. I lose track with him. :rolleyes:
True, but cannabis isn't that. I agree with Justin that the odds of a true female are quite low and even so, you don't know the other parent. Jon's got enough legit seeds to pop that he doesn't need a low probability, high risk experiment that he'll have to babysit constantly and that in the middle of an epic grow with 30 tents or something.

If he were pressed for seeds and only had a small single tent and had no other options, then maybe. For me? I'd crush it and add it to my worm bin. At least that way it would be guaranteed to have a positive impact, however infinitesimally small that would be.
I feed them to the chickens or put them out for the wild birds. Let it get pooped out 20 miles away and grow if that is what nature intended 😂

And yes that’s kind of my point too. If it was your only seed in a single tent operation…totally grow it.
But since it’s not, treat it like a virus and assume it means you harm.
It sounds like you are trying to justify growing it. I mean …go right ahead. There’s only one way to find out.
The problem I have with bagseeds/one off seeds is that you have to monitor them WAY more than your regular plants because any time after 25-30 days old, balls could form and open and pollute your grow area in just a few days.

For me NO it doesn’t change my outlook on the seed if it turns out female cause WTF female is the parent of it? You don’t know it’s true mother, and if you do…it’s not good.

Now…if the seed occurred through rodelization, yes it could be female. But you’d want to be able to identify the mother, which you have not. If it just occurred from a far off plant spreading pollen, what’s the chances the father is a male not a herm. The chances of it being a properly reversed female are almost 0.
You’re asking if it’s maybe going to turn out a feminized perfect cross…the chances of that are soooo slim that I kind of find it funny to even consider. It’s like finding a random can of gas on the side of the road and dumping it into your car without smelling it/testing it first. Yeah it’s possibly gas, but what if it’s oil or piss or sugar water?

You asked what I would do.

Yeet the seed. You have guaranteed fem seeds, a whole shitload of them.
Ok. Direct and thorough. I’m asking out of readily acknowledged ignorance and just so you know, I’ll understand without the edge. But thanks. That’s exactly what I needed. Perfect.
Ok. Direct and thorough. I’m asking out of readily acknowledged ignorance and just so you know, I’ll understand without the edge. But thanks. That’s exactly what I needed. Perfect.

You sort of asked twice so I made sure the answer was crystal clear on my end. I wouldn’t take it too personal. My answer would be the same to anyone.
There’s no reason to sugar coat things that we learned the hard way. What I am trying to convey is my personal opinion, which of course you can take or leave. People sort of just do whatever they want after asking, so I apologize for seeming so course.
I appreciate you asking for my thoughts on the matter.
You sort of asked twice so I made sure the answer was crystal clear on my end. I wouldn’t take it too personal. My answer would be the same to anyone.
There’s no reason to sugar coat things that we learned the hard way. What I am trying to convey is my personal opinion, which of course you can take or leave. People sort of just do whatever they want after asking, so I apologize for seeming so course.
I appreciate you asking for my thoughts on the matter.
Not taken personally I assure you and it’s completely cool, I far prefer direct. Streamlines the learning curve in my book. And I dig you enough to just say just that. Truly no biggie and fire away. I don’t want you to waste any time on my feelings. Lmao! It’s true though. That also slows my learning curve. I get it. All good my man. More than!
Not taken personally I assure you and it’s completely cool, I far prefer direct. Streamlines the learning curve in my book. And I dig you enough to just say just that. Truly no biggie and fire away. I don’t want you to waste any time on my feelings. Lmao! It’s true though. That also slows my learning curve. I get it. All good my man. More than!
Actually @Justin Goody I just thought of something. I had that huge Apple Fritter go hermie in this grow. It never shared the tent with the current SB. But it did with the Blue Dream. Is it logical to assume that the Apple Fritter would be the likely culprit?
Actually @Justin Goody I just thought of something. I had that huge Apple Fritter go hermie in this grow. It never shared the tent with the current SB. But it did with the Blue Dream. Is it logical to assume that the Apple Fritter would be the likely culprit?
That would be an awesome cross!!! Blue apple dream
looks awesome Jon is this your last plant? sorry short term memory issues
It sure is @con! My life at the moment is this plant, and packing. I do little else. Oh, and drying the Blue Dream, that’s in there too.
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