Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Blue Dream Auto
Partial Harvest

I took these guys. They were the buds I couldn’t find any clear or half filled trichs on. I’m gonna leave the rest (which is about 2/3 of her) for another day or two. Took longer to check and select the buds than it did to hang them. Easiest ever. Which was about exactly what I needed this morning. Fucking easy.

Ok @Justin Goody, let’s test you a little. Lmao. I joke but I do have a very interesting thing to ask.

I just took the four smaller branches as a partial harvest of the Blue Dream. I took one tester bud off. And lo and behold, I have what for me is the rarest of rare, but HAS happened to me before. I didn’t get it then and I don’t now. Maybe you can shed some light?

This plant has one seed. One. I just found it, it popped into the table as it was right on the very outside. After I see that I immediately go check the plant. Every single bud, extremely closely, including pulling apart to check inside. It’s exactly as I thought. These buds are perfect. Zero seeds.

So how do I get ONE seed? How is that even possible?

Here’s what I can tell you about this seed:
- it seems like a perfect seed. It’s hard, fully formed, even a little speckled, and you see it below.
- it was as outermost on the bud as could be. It could almost have accidentally fallen off while I took those branches it was so to the outside. When this happened once before, the seed was also on a the very outside of the bud. And it was just like this one - a seemingly perfect seed. I grew that last one, it was a Sour Apple auto from Humboldt Seed Company, and the plant was great.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? One seed fully formed?

Ok @Justin Goody, let’s test you a little. Lmao. I joke but I do have a very interesting thing to ask.

I just took the four smaller branches as a partial harvest of the Blue Dream. I took one tester bud off. And lo and behold, I have what for me is the rarest of rare, but HAS happened to me before. I didn’t get it then and I don’t now. Maybe you can shed some light?

This plant has one seed. One. I just found it, it popped into the table as it was right on the very outside. After I see that I immediately go check the plant. Every single bud, extremely closely, including pulling apart to check inside. It’s exactly as I thought. These buds are perfect. Zero seeds.

So how do I get ONE seed? How is that even possible?

Here’s what I can tell you about this seed:
- it seems like a perfect seed. It’s hard, fully formed, even a little speckled, and you see it below.
- it was as outermost on the bud as could be. It could almost have accidentally fallen off while I took those branches it was so to the outside. When this happened once before, the seed was also on a the very outside of the bud. And it was just like this one - a seemingly perfect seed. I grew that last one, it was a Sour Apple auto from Humboldt Seed Company, and the plant was great.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? One seed fully formed?

It gives me an awesome learning opportunity to share with everyone. Along with your genetics next grow, I’m inspired to try this seed side by side in everything the same with one from the 420FastBuds pack. Let’s see what the made seed does next to the original. Can you possibly reiterate some info and tell me/us, the parent is F1 and the new seed is F2? Is that correct?
It gives me an awesome learning opportunity to share with everyone. Along with your genetics next grow, I’m inspired to try this seed side by side in everything the same with one from the 420FastBuds pack. Let’s see what the made seed does next to the original. Can you possibly reiterate some info and tell me/us, the parent is F1 and the new seed is F2? Is that correct?
Oh I have definitely had just one seed show up.

The thing about pollen…it’s tiny, microscopic and travels literally around the world if it needs to. Something that is only 1 cell in width can sneak in a door or window pretty easy. So…it could be from anywhere.
More likely though…one of your plants had a nanner that was never seen. I’m not saying herm, just a normal late stage nanner.
Have you ever had a pollen sac form and not know what it was and you touch it an POOF ?
It happens. Sometimes you don’t see it at all.

Now, for the F1/F2 stuff….
The first thing I would do is assume it’s a herm seed. Every bag seed I’ve grown in the last 10 years, even from top shelf dispensary bud…herm. That’s just me. I don’t mix genetics of unknown origin in with my good stuff. And I don’t have problems. People will argue that their bagseed was fine or their plant hermed and the seeds were fine but really it’s likely just polluting the gene pool.
If it did pollinate itself it would be an S1 with the possibility of herm traits.
If another plant dropped one single cell of pollen that found your pistil, it’s an F1 (unless it’s from the same batch of seed sisters, then it’s an F2) Could also be a random pollination from the town cunt that let his herm/male blow pollen everywhere.
BUT like I said…use at your own risk.
Ok @Justin Goody, let’s test you a little. Lmao. I joke but I do have a very interesting thing to ask.

I just took the four smaller branches as a partial harvest of the Blue Dream. I took one tester bud off. And lo and behold, I have what for me is the rarest of rare, but HAS happened to me before. I didn’t get it then and I don’t now. Maybe you can shed some light?

This plant has one seed. One. I just found it, it popped into the table as it was right on the very outside. After I see that I immediately go check the plant. Every single bud, extremely closely, including pulling apart to check inside. It’s exactly as I thought. These buds are perfect. Zero seeds.

So how do I get ONE seed? How is that even possible?

Here’s what I can tell you about this seed:
- it seems like a perfect seed. It’s hard, fully formed, even a little speckled, and you see it below.
- it was as outermost on the bud as could be. It could almost have accidentally fallen off while I took those branches it was so to the outside. When this happened once before, the seed was also on a the very outside of the bud. And it was just like this one - a seemingly perfect seed. I grew that last one, it was a Sour Apple auto from Humboldt Seed Company, and the plant was great.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? One seed fully formed?

It's a sign! a sign that you have another extraordinary baby to birth 🌈❤️
The Lone Ranger 💚💚💚
Oh I have definitely had just one seed show up.

The thing about pollen…it’s tiny, microscopic and travels literally around the world if it needs to. Something that is only 1 cell in width can sneak in a door or window pretty easy. So…it could be from anywhere.
More likely though…one of your plants had a nanner that was never seen. I’m not saying herm, just a normal late stage nanner.
Have you ever had a pollen sac form and not know what it was and you touch it an POOF ?
It happens. Sometimes you don’t see it at all.

Now, for the F1/F2 stuff….
The first thing I would do is assume it’s a herm seed. Every bag seed I’ve grown in the last 10 years, even from top shelf dispensary bud…herm. That’s just me. I don’t mix genetics of unknown origin in with my good stuff. And I don’t have problems. People will argue that their bagseed was fine or their plant hermed and the seeds were fine but really it’s likely just polluting the gene pool.
If it did pollinate itself it would be an S1 with the possibility of herm traits.
If another plant dropped one single cell of pollen that found your pistil, it’s an F1 (unless it’s from the same batch of seed sisters, then it’s an F2) Could also be a random pollination from the town cunt that let his herm/male blow pollen everywhere.
BUT like I said…use at your own risk.
You killed me at town cunt...😆
Justin, so a plant doesn't necessarily have to be a herm to produce nanners? That makes me feel better. Thank you. Is there a way to distinctly tell this apart? Does a herm and a late nanner have a different growth look? (Can't think of the words my apology). Reaction?
Justin, so a plant doesn't necessarily have to be a herm to produce nanners? That makes me feel better. Thank you. Is there a way to distinctly tell this apart? Does a herm and a late nanner have a different growth look? (Can't think of the words my apology). Reaction?
@InTheShed explained it well the other day (I think) but yes basically nanners will appear in buds, generally late in growth, as a way for the plant to continue its bloodline (it knows when it didn’t get pollinated to make seeds/fruit during its life, so it finds a way). And sometimes, yes, people use these seeds with varying degrees of success.
A herm will grow a straight up male part after showing pistils. These won’t be in the bud but separate and hang like literal balls in some cases 😂. Don’t ever use that pollen…I usually feed the plant to the chickens if I see balls on a girl (no offense to anyone) and that, for me, happens much earlier than most of my nanners. Like right after flower starts you’ll see the plant get confused…
So any auto guys or gals out there who have grown them in different mediums? I’m specifically looking for anyone’s experience of hydro vs coco for size. I’m currently thinking hydro, duh. But not always. I need more data. Biggest plant in this grow was the Gorilla Cookies auto, and not the hydro one. The one in a straight coco 10.

If anyone would like to relate their experience in this realm or whatever you may share about it it is most appreciated, thanks in advance.

I have grown in soil, coco, perlite, and all forms of Hydro. It seems there is a learning curve to each form of medium. I am Absolutely convinced that using Turface MVP is by far the Best, cheapest, and easiest medium to use, along with a ph stable, all inclusive nute program like Jacks Hydroponics and Calcium Nitrate made specifically for Cannabis. I run it with H202 added which keeps the roots healthy and kills bugs that try to invade the medium.

Turface does not interact with the nutes, it is just rocks. If you run a recirculating feed system with microfiber wicks, you don't have to worry about overwatering. You can run the same res for every stage of growth. For about $100, you could feed your entire garden for YEARS, and wash the Turface after each harvest and use indefinitely!

I don't run bubblers in the res, the top feed pulls fresh o2 to the root zone with each feeding. Your only job is to reset the res to proper ph and ppm as needed. NO res changes needed!

The only Downside to going this route is EXPLOSIVE GROWTH! So you will need to stay on top of Training and Defoliation.

This year's Outdoor tent, I decided to strip my system and run as a Swick only. It is a bit more work checking each sites res but so far no problems, just top off res by pouring through medium.

You Could achieve this type of Growth with other Hydro Systems, but it would require alot more work! ❤️
Oh I have definitely had just one seed show up.

The thing about pollen…it’s tiny, microscopic and travels literally around the world if it needs to. Something that is only 1 cell in width can sneak in a door or window pretty easy. So…it could be from anywhere.
More likely though…one of your plants had a nanner that was never seen. I’m not saying herm, just a normal late stage nanner.
Have you ever had a pollen sac form and not know what it was and you touch it an POOF ?
It happens. Sometimes you don’t see it at all.

Now, for the F1/F2 stuff….
The first thing I would do is assume it’s a herm seed. Every bag seed I’ve grown in the last 10 years, even from top shelf dispensary bud…herm. That’s just me. I don’t mix genetics of unknown origin in with my good stuff. And I don’t have problems. People will argue that their bagseed was fine or their plant hermed and the seeds were fine but really it’s likely just polluting the gene pool.
If it did pollinate itself it would be an S1 with the possibility of herm traits.
If another plant dropped one single cell of pollen that found your pistil, it’s an F1 (unless it’s from the same batch of seed sisters, then it’s an F2) Could also be a random pollination from the town cunt that let his herm/male blow pollen everywhere.
BUT like I said…use at your own risk.
Ok. I understand all of this. Thanks very much. As far as if I were to ever grow it, idk, but it would be a one off. Now I suppose on a macro scale one can argue that just by the act of growing it I disturb or potentially disturb the Blue Dream gene pool (and others potentially). Fair enough. But as a single plant one off just to see as an experiment, no breeding no nothing, I don’t see the harm. I’ll make sure it’s in the back of the garage if I ever grow it. :rofl:

Meanwhile, rest assured, it will not be in the same grow as your genetics.

Ok. I understand all of this. Thanks very much. As far as if I were to ever grow it, idk, but it would be a one off. Now I suppose on a macro scale one can argue that just by the act of growing it I disturb or potentially disturb the Blue Dream gene pool (and others potentially). Fair enough. But as a single plant one off just to see as an experiment, no breeding no nothing, I don’t see the harm. I’ll make sure it’s in the back of the garage if I ever grow it. :rofl:

Meanwhile, rest assured, it will not be in the same grow as your genetics.

But that’s IF you’re right that it’s a hermie seed. I don’t believe it is but I will defer to your expertise and assume it may be. But if it’s a non hermie, a “normal” seed or whatever, would that change the equation for you?

I have grown in soil, coco, perlite, and all forms of Hydro. It seems there is a learning curve to each form of medium. I am Absolutely convinced that using Turface MVP is by far the Best, cheapest, and easiest medium to use, along with a ph stable, all inclusive nute program like Jacks Hydroponics and Calcium Nitrate made specifically for Cannabis. I run it with H202 added which keeps the roots healthy and kills bugs that try to invade the medium.

Turface does not interact with the nutes, it is just rocks. If you run a recirculating feed system with microfiber wicks, you don't have to worry about overwatering. You can run the same res for every stage of growth. For about $100, you could feed your entire garden for YEARS, and wash the Turface after each harvest and use indefinitely!

I don't run bubblers in the res, the top feed pulls fresh o2 to the root zone with each feeding. Your only job is to reset the res to proper ph and ppm as needed. NO res changes needed!

The only Downside to going this route is EXPLOSIVE GROWTH! So you will need to stay on top of Training and Defoliation.

This year's Outdoor tent, I decided to strip my system and run as a Swick only. It is a bit more work checking each sites res but so far no problems, just top off res by pouring through medium.

You Could achieve this type of Growth with other Hydro Systems, but it would require alot more work! ❤️
Wow @MedScientist, thank you so much! I get all this. Okay, so

Turface MVP is by far the Best, cheapest, and easiest medium to use, along with a ph stable, all inclusive nute program like Jacks Hydroponics and Calcium Nitrate made specifically for Cannabis.

You say this with great confidence and conviction. I know what level of skills you have. So I’m intrigued. I’ll check this out and get back to you with questions if that’s alright?
But that’s IF you’re right that it’s a hermie seed. I don’t believe it is but I will defer to your expertise and assume it may be. But if it’s a non hermie, a “normal” seed or whatever, would that change the equation for you?
Because if it is a normal seed, wouldn’t that make it a feminized seed that was a hybrid cross of Blue Dream x mystery plant?
Blue Dream
Harvest Complete

Took the rest. She’s well hung. :laugh: What an incredibly beautiful plant. The buds are gorgeous can’t wait to final trim them. And boy does it stink. It seems to stink more off the vine than it did in the tent although I suspect that’s due to it no longer competing odor wise with another plant.

One left. Then I’m out of here. And I will not be visiting Florida in the future. Ever. No offense intended to any Floridians here who like it.

Strawberry Banana Auto
Last Plant Standing

I think at this point she’s gonna hold on for me. I removed the entirely yellow leaves. I left the actual “fade” leaves. It was easy to tell the difference. But I do think that cascade has finally been arrested/worked its way through. She is holding steady like she looks here and it appears we will make it to the finish line in decent shape.

Interesting how the removal of the Blue Dream, subsequent removal of its pot and all infrastructure holding it up, and eliminating two of four fans, almost instantly affects RH. Within minutes it changed and got three points lower. Awesome.




Finally! Congrats on the awesome haul. Those spears are indeed beautiful.
Thanks @Carmen Ray! I may have told you I was sick of looking at her anyway, so it was nice to finally have her exactly where I wanted. Plus a cool bonus mystery seed!
Because if it is a normal seed, wouldn’t that make it a feminized seed that was a hybrid cross of Blue Dream x mystery plant?
Sex is determined by the pollen donor.
If the pollen came from a male plant you've got 50/50 odds of a male.
If it came from a female it depends on why she's putting out pollen. Did she herm, or did someone reverse her deliberately and put her outdoors?
Then you could get a female, a female with hermaphrodite tendencies, or a full blown hermaphrodite.
Sex is determined by the pollen donor.
If the pollen came from a male plant you've got 50/50 odds of a male.
If it came from a female it depends on why she's putting out pollen. Did she herm, or did someone reverse her deliberately and put her outdoors?
Then you could get a female, a female with hermaphrodite tendencies, or a full blown hermaphrodite.
Thanks @Melville Hobbes, appreciate the clarity/education. That makes perfect sense. Well Idk, but the first time it happened and I grew it out the seed was a legit female plain old fem auto seed. I guess I got lucky. Cuz the more I hear the more it seems a bad idea to grow it, idk.
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