A quick question for all you experienced growers, My buddy grew a couple plants to about 13" tall with a small 14w desk lamp. Considering my LED only draws about ~135watts from the wall would it be worth supplementing my plants with the 14w as it adds about 10% of my overall power? Was thinking of using it for lower bud sites when I eventually get there
A quick question for all you experienced growers, My buddy grew a couple plants to about 13" tall with a small 14w desk lamp. Considering my LED only draws about ~135watts from the wall would it be worth supplementing my plants with the 14w as it adds about 10% of my overall power? Was thinking of using it for lower bud sites when I eventually get there
The more light and the more sources, the better!
Both girls for size comparison, vacation on the left. They're now dialed in and growing how they should have been all along. Hopefully they put on decent size before flowering starts

Finally plucked their little companion and I gotta say, impressive roots.

Hopefully these girls roots are as impressive. Would explain the rapid growth now


Really tempted to fim or top, but they're stunted enough, can't afford to risk any more stress reducing my yields
Today is the start of the 25th day from sprout, really botched this grow in the beginning so not hoping for too much, but glad I got the mistakes out of the way early.

Girls received about 1 liter of water today of ~350 ppm. Pen says I'm running at 5.93 pH as well. Will see how they like it and adjust accordingly. Hoping for 440 ppm in the next few days

Trip with possible start of tip burn on new growth

Vacation fully recovered from the nute burn she suffered

Small amount of lst for trip

I'm in the same situation as you and learnt to feed the plants the second it shows its first leaves the cotyledons (starter leaves) has enough nutrients to keep it alive within the seedling stage, less is more is what I say when it comes up to feeding and don't follow the feed water feed etc chart, pay close attention to the leaves and work with them :)
your coco always kind of looks dry , is your pots light to lift ?m the bottom roots might be too dry, i would give few gallon on the next of a good ph 6.0 complete soak it , ive a feeling you've dry spots of coco :slide:
I'll give it a go professor, forgot that the water can cause channels in small amounts. Thanks for the reminder :thumb:
the dry part on the side was just some extra I tossed in to fill a spot. Usually feels like a few lbs of water is in the medium but they're about ready for a heavy feeding
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