ok so the girls loved me bringing the light down to 19", this is 10 hours after the feeding last night

Looks like the huge root ball might be on to something now . Will get watering more often once they're a bit bigger. Also mixing stronger nutes for their next feeding, going maybe to 400 ppm

as this girl is no longer a mutant I think it's time to choose names. I'll be thinking on it but open to suggestions
Light was about 19" away but now that you mention it I saw that humidity peaked at 82% while at work. I'm thinking that's what it is because the lighting hasn't changed recently. Watered heavily the other day though. Thanks Reave, opened a vent and humidity is back ~60% hopefully no curled leaves in the morning.

Seems curling up is caused by heat, light intensity or humidity issues. How close was your light again?
Veg height for the light being used is 2' seedlings could maybe even be 3'.
looks like light intensity to me... it is a young seedling after all... they are tender.

Ah crap I think you're right. Didn't have time except for a quick picture (running late for work) and it looks slightly worse. Will definitely be raising the light once I can make it home. Thanks guys, may have just saved my girls
So here is the picture of my girls I snapped while going to work. , finally got names BTW

Girl 1 I've named vacation (hopefully she takes me somewhere nice)
Definitely more curling. Will raise lights asap once I'm home

Girl 2 I've named Trip, hoping she takes me somewhere nice too, but she also looked like she tripped and was injured for a while
As she's shorter and more stout, I don't think the light is affecting her as much
Now that the first true leaves are out, the girls are taking off much quicker

Vacation's leaf curling got worse while I was at work, but light was lifted and hopefully it's resolved by morning.

Here's a close up, her color is pretty good and her stem us much stronger. Only issues is the aforementioned curling

Trip is still doing well, no issues since the sprout deformity, but definitely looking like 2 vastly different phenos

Everything concerning looks addressed to me but please chime in if you guys have any comments or suggestions!
Really liking the increased growth for the girls, and they haven't had a feeding Iver 250ppm yet. Bumping to 350 for tomorrows feed

Vacation's curling improved, but fresh growth is slightly droopy. Will raise the light slightly more as well

Trip is growing in great, even with the new nodes already praying towards the light .

California temps are in full effect now as well, will definitely need to get some sort of cooling system in place as it was only 80° today but tent hit almost 90... Hopefully the carbon filter removes enough heat so I don't require an A/C system
Both girls received a good feeding of about 300ppm and about 5.9 ph.

Vacation's doing good with lots of new growth.

Also, her cotyledon are yellowing. But on a side note stem is thickening and shouldnt need a brace much longer

Trip is doing well, no negatives to report


BTW, I've been hiding another plant from you all, not sure how it came to be but I don't know if it's worth removing :laugh:
So vacation was praying upwards yesterday, but all of a sudden really droopy with burnt tips (haven't watered for 2 days)

There's also some dark spotting on the lowest serrated leaves

Trip looks much better but with slightly upturned leaf tips

Plants were previously fed ~240 ppm initially and have received one watering of ~290 ppm.

Is this a possible nutrient build up in the Coco since I haven't watered to runoff? And if so should I do a distilled water flush?
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