Plants are really bushy, I feel like this is going to lead to a lot of wasted buds from lack of light. They are starting to smell a bit, almost like a citrus spice but no signs of pistils yet.


Also getting this blotchy green coming on, upped calimag to 2.2ml gallon. Also did 2.6ml of Flora micro and Flora grow with 1.1 ml of the Flora bloom pH'ed at 5.85

What the recommendation on the calimag bottle? My cal-mag says 3-5ml is the standard dose.

What TNP said! There are microbes in the soil that attack the leaves.

Not to sure shed, I'll check once I'm home, but girls don't appear to have liked the feeding although it's minimally stronger than last time


Hoping it's the usual droop they Do around this time of day. Here is the feeding schedule I'vee been following

This is the light my friend brought me, not what I expected but it's a T4 12w @5300k I believe, hopefully it brings a few grams extra it currently has a frosted cover over the bulb, I'll be removing today after work to increase light intensity

Am I correct in saying she's female? Feminized seeds but with my luck they'd herm

Also does anyone think defol of these shoddy lowers is a good idea or just let it be?
This was this morning, droopy as usual but last night they got a watering of 6.02 pH ~740ppm. 4ml calmag and I messed up and doubled the Flora micro to 4ml also :rolleyes: compensated by doing 1 ml of Flora gro and 2 ml of Flora bloom to try and even out the npk ratios.

Expecting a good bounce back once I'm home . They got some extra co2 last night as I hung out in the garage last night changing my headlights while my dog sniffed around them.

I pulled them over some so my supplementary light could hit the lowers a bit as well
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