Today I raised the lights up to 25" from canopy. Also removed the tops that nearly split as they were not growing along with a light defoliation

Before changes



Could finally open her up and even the canopy out

Much smaller profile after the defol
Sorry if you've already answered this, but any reason you put both plants in one pot when you have room in your tent for two pots?
Yea no worries shed, originally I wanted to get a second light, but decided against that for this grow. I then germinated two seeds thinking one of them wouldn't pop but they both did so now I just figured I'll roll with the punches and see what I get out of it. I will be doing one per pot next time for sure though.
Thanks! I knew there was a reason :). If you don't mind me making a suggestion, you should tuck any big fans that you left that are covering any new growth down under. They'll still do the photosynthesis thing but the undergrowth will get light.
always welcome some help, thanks :thumb:

I'll try tucking them around once I'm home. This is how they looked about 12 hours after the previous post. Bounced back well, just need to tuck them now
The center where new growth comes. Like the small ones around the pistils in this pic. I can't find one without the pistils but you'll get the idea.

Got it, I'm checking every flower site once I'm home, breeder says harvest is 63-70 days from sprout.... I know that's usually optimistic of them but I might be lowering my light schedule soon
i remember having two plants in one pot once , one little bitch loved a heavy feed the other not so much , was a pain in the ass lol ... but yours look pretty equal to me :thumb: what you feeding now bloom or veg ?
Tbh I can tell I got lucky professor :laugh: one plant is always praying and happy, the other more bushy one seems depressed, definitely not doing 2 plants in one pot again, too hard to water :laugh:
I'm currently doing about 4.5 ml calmag, 2.25ml of the micro formula and ~5 ml of bloom. Will have updated pictures in a few hours.
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