Main light distance is 17". I rotate the plants everyday to get some use out of this supplementary light on the out lying bud sites

could be or my temps are little low at night , im in the middle of moving house and building a poly tunnel so havnt kept much of an eye on them , but they seem to be doing ok . i kept a night queen seed so gonna pop it to breed . just doing a seed harvest now on my blue diesel
How low do you get at night? My temps currently swing from 68-88
Yea the pot was watered recently. I'm thinking humidity is the cause it was ~65%rh. I will be ordering a dehumidifier this week so I don't have any bud rot. I Have been leaving my tent open and humidity is still relatively high.

With the downward angle on those leaves, is the pot wet? Dry? They don't look all that happy unless it's common to that strain. I haven't grown an NLa.

So humidity is now in check at 45-50% but plants still look droopy. I raised the lights 2 inches to see if that helps. Here are 2 before followed by 2 after pictures



These next two pictures were after a feeding and raising the light. Due to some yellowing leaves I'm hoping the plants asking for more nutes as she's in flower so I bumped her up from 720 ppm to about 950~


Hoping it's something small and I appreciate all input and suggestions, thanks!
Not sure if raising the light caused the change or if it was the nutes, but there was a good growth spurt and plants looks happier. Fed 1L yesterday in case it was too strong and I gave 1 more liter today to make sure they like it



Looks like she's finally getting some trichomes on her as well


Also, humidity jumped up again due to rain, 80% I believe.. dehumidifier is on its way
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