Did a light defol today as well as adjusting the canopy a bit. Light schedule is now at 18/6 and I'm slowly adding more dark time as it gets hotter. Flowering needs to hurry along now :rolleyes: still no smell in the garage, just smells grassy. If I touch the plants I get a really nice sweet spice smell.



Mate, it ALWAYS needs to hurry along... haha
Nice looking plant there. Wait a bit longer, I am sure she adds some smell to your place :)
Hahah true there, I'm actually hoping she stays stealthy, skating by with no filter still :laugh:
I'm quickly approaching the high end of the growers reported chop time (63-70 days from sprout) I'm at 52 days right now..

Is there a chance she begins ending her life cycle before she finishes flowering? Even if it's a small chance?
From what I see, she is just at the very earliest stage of flowering. I can only see the preflowers. So you still have around 8 weeks left I'm afraid.
And no, the only way she ends her lifecycle before ending flowering is if you screw up major time and kill her :)
6 days is all you need for the entire program. 48 hours really is the total abstention part though:
6 days is all you need for the entire program. 48 hours really is the total abstention part though:
Wow great thread shed really appreciate the link I'm poolside right now and it's the perfect reading material, thanks man :thumb: I'm on day 7 now actually
could be or my temps are little low at night , im in the middle of moving house and building a poly tunnel so havnt kept much of an eye on them , but they seem to be doing ok . i kept a night queen seed so gonna pop it to breed . just doing a seed harvest now on my blue diesel
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