AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

What exact is it lol?

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

I got a link in my signature. It's a terracotta vase that leaks water, the plant embraces it with roots and drinks as much as it fancies. It can also store water during rainy seasons outdoors. I have used very little water with it so far compared to watering with my can. :Namaste:
I got a link in my signature. It's a terracotta vase that leaks water, the plant embraces it with roots and drinks as much as it fancies. It can also store water during rainy seasons outdoors. I have used very little water with it so far compared to watering with my can. :Namaste:
Did you put that made up yourself Tom thats awesome :love:
REPs all the way to 420 for that I am gonna check it out straight away for me that could be a life saver :passitleft:
Excellent news Birdie. Congrats.


I think we are all very happy you are growing again! We will keepnit shhhhh✌☺

Kush Girl keeping it green from seed.
New Babies - Growing From Seed

Im happy to see you back in the saddle again Birdie, looking forward to the updates. ✌️

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AWESOME news Birdie!!!awesome. :)

Had to swing by an see our Birdie. Happy you guys are feeling better and you have your garden going again.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

Way cool.... GL with the new grow... Keepem Green

Hows things my feathered friend :circle-of-love:

Sending some . angry

Hi Birdie, great to hear you are making some medicine again! The fanbase here is great and I wish all the best to you! :bravo:

I got together my watering solution (Olla) and it works flawlessly so far, she is always fresh and perky:



You can try it too I think you will like it. Cheers guys! :love: :cheer: :Namaste:

Im gonna sprinkle some Hemp seeds down I know for sure all Birds Love Hemp seed:circle-of-love:
Cpme on darling you are missed :420:

What exact is it lol?

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!

Thank you guys :hug:

Jaga :rofl: I laughed a long time on the hemp seeds :rofl:

I had back problems, and couldn't be up for days. It took some time of the Turmeric to work. But I am getting there.

My babies are growing and the 2 Blue Treacle have showed their faces too :circle-of-love:

I have some fixing to do with the lighting and set up, after that I will take some pictures.

At the moment, I can't bend down or get into the space, so it has to be in a few days :thanks:
for being around :)
Love you guys.

Canno,, that is a watering system called Olla. Tomula has a link in his signature. Ancient irrigation system - Cheap - Easy to use - No overwatering - Olla
Hello there to the best Birdy EVER!! ... I've been browsing today and I'm glad you're doing well!! I've missed this place :). I've been SO busy with work there's been no time for anything else. I'm super glad all is well with you and I'll be back chatting up a storm again!!

Ps.. I started another journal. Just barely started, but I did it. Means I have to update it :)

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What made you decide to start up again???????? You know if you was a big time druggie bust,,, they wood've been there.. GL and Thanks. You conned me into doing a contest............. Keepem Green
What made you decide to start up again???????? You know if you was a big time druggie bust,,, they wood've been there.. GL and Thanks. You conned me into doing a contest............. Keepem Green

:goodjob:Meant to say about time:cheer::cheer:

Here you go dutchess this should help u out on the subject.

Thanks Angry, 64, Dr. Hook much appreciated! Theres no indentifying marks on the bulbs or housing I can see. The bulbs do say 64w but theyre T5's. I really appreciate this help cause its nice to see what I got.
Angry I came here to say Hello! and also to say I think your the one who said the canna butter will give you headaches and if so it means your dehydrated. Its true and thanks!!!! I saw the pot doc to renew my script and asked about the butter/edibles and my liver and he says it dosent harm the liver at all. Nice to know!! Great Info Birdy and thanks for the t5 info!! Great Day!!!
Hi :hug:

Back is still messing with me, but I can move around a bit more.

I am growing for my hubby and 2nd for me. Weed is necessary meds for him, since he can not take any pills.

I just spent the whole day re potting babies and fixing light and space in the grow closet.
When lights have been properly hung, I will take a pic.
freakbudz :hug: stop by anytime :)
Hi :hug:

Back is still messing with me, but I can move around a bit more.

I am growing for my hubby and 2nd for me. Weed is necessary meds for him, since he can not take any pills.

I just spent the whole day re potting babies and fixing light and space in the grow closet.
When lights have been properly hung, I will take a pic.
freakbudz :hug: stop by anytime :)
Hey bird sry 2 hear bout ur bak i hope ur ok back issues r nuthn 2 play with i have major disk issues in my back collapsed and detearating plus scoliosis so i know all about not being able 2 bend over sum days but so glad 2 see u bak at it n growing again its gud 2 have r favorite bird up and flying high spread ur wings my friend and gl 2 bringn in a lush brite green harvest .

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