AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food


High times in 3 or 4 weeks

Best of the festive season for you Ab and may the christmas fairies dance around your garden until it springs up anew, better, faster, stronger than before! :hug: And one of these cos you showed me the way.
:hug: AngryBird :hug: I just want to say I am thinking of you today and Merry Christmas. I hope you are having a beautiful day today. I think of the way you spread the joy and the joy you must have from doing so and in turn I receive more joy...smh, I dunno how you do it, but I am thankful you do. Okay Birdie I gotta go. See you soon
Merry xmas to you 
Happy Holidays :hug: I tried to send you a PM and I can't.

Best of the festive season for you Ab and may the christmas fairies dance around your garden until it springs up anew, better, faster, stronger than before! :hug: And one of these cos you showed me the way.
You had it in you and I only opened your eyes :)
:hug: AngryBird :hug: I just want to say I am thinking of you today and Merry Christmas. I hope you are having a beautiful day today. I think of the way you spread the joy and the joy you must have from doing so and in turn I receive more joy...smh, I dunno how you do it, but I am thankful you do. Okay Birdie I gotta go. See you soon

:hug: Happy Holidays Jacob nice to see you in here again :hug: Hope all is well with you
Just wanted to say 'high' and hope all's good in the hood...... Hope you had a good holidays.. And you learned to relax bit and not stress over anything we have no control over anyways. Stress can be a bad thing. Least all the doctors that want to write the scripts for it say.... Jk,,, But like said,,, hopefully you've had a great holidays.... Hang in there and you'll have the best grow you can ever imagine soon...
Keepem Green

Hope 2017 will be full of LOVE and happiness
and we all get back our health using this wonderful herb.

Hope you all get at least one step closer to being you and to have some one who loves you for it, next to you. :circle-of-love:

Thank you for voting on me :circle-of-love:
Fly high little bird. :yahoo: Tell me you have some cookies to peck at. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Happy New Year to you Ms. Bird.

Peace, Hyena
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