AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Chirp chirp chirp......Hi Birdie! I think this is first time postin in/on your thread. Proud of you & hub on that harvest! Im sorry someone opened their yap at the wrong time. Hugs. Just lay low for a bit. Im sure the police have much biggr fish to fry! Sendin good vibes your way! This too shall pass! New year in a few days. New start! I feel you 2 will be just fine :volcano-smiley:

I believe it is your first time in my garden so..:welcome: :hug:

We did get some good smoke on the plants we harvested. and I really wanted to harvest Pineapple Chunk, she was my first.. but had to cull her :( But it is ok, safety first.)
I will come back soon in my garden. :hug: Here they hunt the 100+ growers (plants) They have caught one with 1500 trees...
Cool hopefully they don't waste time or monies on personal growers. Before I came to Oregon the state I lived in had on it's books they 'Could sentence' a person life without parole for over 100 plants. They paroled murders. Not that they handed that sentence out for it,, but they could. And they have before. I read on the net where they did sentence a guy life, it wasn't just a simple cultivation, but shows what could happen.
Jeff Mizanskey Set Free After Serving 21 Years For Cannabis Arrests
Least he got out even after 21 years... Thats sad.......... Keepem Green
Id like to have 1500 grams.....let alone 1500 plants! Hehehe :volcano-smiley: happy monday!:goodjob:
1 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

2 Spread a layer of soil in an ovenproof container such as a metal or glass baking pan or clay pot. Be sure the depth of the soil is 4 inches or less.

3 Moisten the soil so it is moist but not dripping with water.

4 Remove plant debris and rocks and break up dirt clods. Leave the soil loose and uncompacted as air must circulate throughout the soil to kill the pathogens.

5 Cover the container securely with heavy duty aluminum foil. Poke a hole in the center of the foil, then insert an ovenproof thermometer diagonally through the hole and into the soil.

6 Bake the soil until the thermometer registers 180 degrees Fahrenheit. When the soil reaches that temperature, turn off the oven.

7 Monitor the thermometer and maintain the soil at approximately 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Open the door if the soil reaches 200 degrees or if the soil emits a sharp odor. Too much heat may result in toxins that may damage plants.

8 Remove the pan from the oven and wrap it in a thick layer of dry towels. This allows the soil to cool gradually, which results in a more complete pasteurization of the soil.

9 Store the soil in a clean bucket or other container.

Hope this info helps you out AngryBird. :high-five:

FYI...baking the soil will not kill the nutrients, but compost is fairly low on nutrients. It will kill the microbes, the good ones and the bad ones, and the microbes are what we want in the compost to to help the plants break down the nutes in the soil into a usable form.

If you have mites, I would still bake the soil (you can also drench with boiling water, which has the same effect of killing most everything) to save the batch, HOWEVER, I would make sure to re-innoculate the cooked soil with compost teas & poopy stuff to get the microbes back in.
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.

Just giving out a Christmas Card...

Keepem Green
Hello Ms Birdie just stopping by to wish you and yours a very blessed and wonderful holiday season. Your a fabulous person and we both cherish your dedication and devotion. Lots of love your way for you and your family and blessed Buds to you our dear friend :passitleft:

:circle-of-love::hug::circle-of-love: :thanks: To the 2 of you Have a beautiful Christmas and god job on oil and capsules :bravo:
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