AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

That sucks.... some people are idiots

Hope you can grow again soon.....

This is a sad day, i wish you all the luck in the world, you brighten our days and nights and i hope you will someday soon be able to do this again.

Sorry to hear that. I hope legalization comes soon, it is just a plant after all. Stay strong and vigilant I will think about you. :love: :Namaste:

I'm sorry to read this .

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Bummer that stinks :( , the least folks that know about it the better, for a multitude or reasons (even if legal where you are at albeit not as many reasons but still a good "rule of thumb").

Oh Baby....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

It'll be ok. I know it doesn't feel like that right now, but I assure you, there's a moment in your future when you'll look back on this "disaster" and say

"That was the best thing that could have happened."

Trust me on this. Take a day or two to catch your breath. Work out a plan to be more stealthy and replant. You know you can't stop growing, so face that, regroup and start again, using what you've learned to improve the setup.

And give hubby a hug from me. I know from experience what it feels like to be the person with the loose lips. Not a good feeling at all, so a little reassurance that this will be a good thing in the end will go a long way to assaugaging that sense of dread he must have stomping around in his brain right now.

Joyful anticipation. Go there instead. In a few months it'll all be over and you'll be getting ready to harvest again. Start small until your comfort levels return. Deliberately refuse to be frustrated. Be hopeful. We're here for you Birdie.


Sorry to hear about this turn of events, stay with us while youre laying low and youll be back in the game soon enough. .

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Hey Birdie, :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

I was stopping in to say hi and get caught up, what a turn of events. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. I hope you'll hang around while waiting to get to that place where you're ready to grow again. It will get better!!!! :circle-of-love:


Sad news were just getting in a groove...good things come to good people...hoping for a quick turn around to your misfortune...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:

Birdie, stay tuned in and learning/teaching! I would clear out the "set up" for a good while and be extremely cautious for the next year or two. Keep only small amounts in your home ,if at all, at least for a year. Best wishes and Love to you! If they are interested on acting on what they heard it will most likely come as surveillance first and then possible search within the year. Most likely they didn't pick up on it or don't care! Lay low for a year being just a simple user! :circle-of-love: I'll be looking for you on various threads, like Sweet Sue's Cannabis oil study hall!:thumb:

Omg. Sorry to hear about that!! Definitely did the right thing and the universe will bring new opportunities to your life. I'm wishing you all the support!

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wtf?...find another ur seeds all over the town...

My heart hurts for you AngryBird. I wish more people were trustworthy, but that hasn't been my experience. Like everyone else has said, hide the evidence, lay low, and plan a super stealthy return. :hug: :hug: :hug:

How did this person know ur growing in the first place the biggest rule of growing is tell nobody


I wasnt been a dick ive told too many folks about mine wish i hadnt todays friends could be tomoros enemys


You will fly again.

Peace, Hyena
Hubby took some cookies to share with a friend of his ( and BTW they were a and the same guy blurred out this in front of the police. We both know NO ONE is ever to know ANYTHING around where we live.

ANd yes, I WILL FLY AGAIN!! this was crash landing on first fly attempt. :) I have been horseback riding since I was 3 (now I am 47 :rofl:) and it is the same fall off...get right back up again.... and I have fallen off maaaany times...
:hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug::hug: :hug: :hug:
Always a pleasure to meet a King fan, check out his short stories under the alias Richard Bachman written when he was in college.

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Welcome home Birdie. :love: :hug: :love:
Good to see Ya' back on the board AB!!...what doesn't kill us...makes us stronger...2 mammograms(over a month) and a week wait for results(Doc just called), has put a cancer scare on the back burner...for 6 months...WOOT!!...don't sweat the small stuff...Yer' grow will come back...looking forward to it...Cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Always a pleasure to meet a King fan, check out his short stories under the alias Richard Bachman written when he was in college.

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I have read most of his books ( older ones) the only thing I haven't read is " latest" books and what he wrote as John S. ( can't remember pseudonym) He is so good. I have read IT 6 times. Most books in 2 different languages .:)

Welcome home Birdie. :love: :hug: :love:
:love::circle-of-love::love: Glad to be home again :hug:

Good to see Ya' back on the board AB!!...what doesn't kill us...makes us stronger...2 mammograms(over a month) and a week wait for results(Doc just called), has put a cancer scare on the back burner...for 6 months...WOOT!!...don't sweat the small stuff...Yer' grow will come back...looking forward to it...Cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
:hug: thanks dr.H. It was just so sad about my PineApple Chunk. Long story and big fight to stay alive. Only to be chopped up into pieces. It is ok..I will bounce back soon. :hug:
So sorry our dear friend, that was a total ass hat move by this person and karma has a way of making itself heard ;-) hopefully with an incurable case of the limp Willy!!

Blessed Buds our friend and b strong Birdie :circle-of-love: :love: hugs from us both

You two are so beautiful :hug::love: I will be fine :) Will take some time for security reasons, before I grow again though.

Hey angry bird see you around the thread a lot and thought I'd better stop by and say hi! And what bad timing I'm sorry to hear the news and hope you get flying again asap.

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Welcome, and don't worry. Bad things happen some times. :)
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.

Ah, so this the reason why :hug:

I haven't checked out this thread before because its size is just so damn intimidating, but I really did want to find out what happened to you so have approached it more manageably (from last page backwards). I repeatedly made the mistake of telling peeps about my grows when I was younger and more stupid and lost many crops to thievery. Got busted only once and that was with my very first indoor grow and a shit load outdoors, but that was purely coincidental as the cops were on my doorstep with a search warrant because of my cocksucking brother and that had nothing to do with weed.

With your energy and good karmic points in the bank, I know you will be up and thriving again soon. Keep your chin up, girl.
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.

Holy crap! Heartbreaking to hear. :hug::circle-of-love:

I've gotten spoiled being able to grow legally in my state. Last summer I had a police officer in my kitchen as I bringing 2 plants inside. He could also see the purple light coming from basement. Didn't say a word about it. My only real fear is robbery, but with recreational now legal even that's less of a concern. Someday we'll have that freedom everywhere. Can't come soon enough!
The cops try to do what they want legal or illegal. But I did not think that a judge would issue a search warrant just because they heard one person say something. I do however believe that that slip of the lips could make you a person of interest leading up to the individual being put under surveillance/investigated which could possably lead ultimately to your demise.

If I was growing and that happened to me I would definitely be sketched out but if they could just go get warrants for anyone without any evidence justifying said warrant then we are all truly screwed.....this is just my view on this subject but like I said some cops think the law dont apply to them but in my experience most judges will try to go about matters like this legally to avoid a case being thrown out on a technicality or have all the findings inadmissible due to fruit of the poisonous tree.

If I am wrong then im wrong this is just my opinion.

I would like to hear everyone else's take on this

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My wife works on a lot of drug cases. Bear in mind that what I see is mostly the worst actions by cops and judges. There are a lot of good cops out there, and then there are some I recognize by name and reputation. Judges rely on affidavit from officer, so usually approve warrants because they only have cops' statement. If the cops exaggerate or make false claim then warrant can be thrown out later but the damage is done. 'Evidence' gets seized and destroyed because LEO can't keep plants alive, charges filed, lawyer fees, emotional trauma inflicted deliberately to try to force you into plea bargain. And some of the clients are actually innocent. Legal safeguards can't protect us from legal pain and expense of an overzealous cop and/or presecutor.
Holy crap! Heartbreaking to hear. :hug::circle-of-love:

I've gotten spoiled being able to grow legally in my state. Last summer I had a police officer in my kitchen as I bringing 2 plants inside. He could also see the purple light coming from basement. Didn't say a word about it. My only real fear is robbery, but with recreational now legal even that's less of a concern. Someday we'll have that freedom everywhere. Can't come soon enough!

You remind me of a trip to the Dam a few years ago. I was sitting in the window of a brown cafe skinning up when I saw two uniforms walking by. My initial, instinctive reaction was to cover up and pretend innocence. They just kept walking and smiled; I sheepishly finished rolling.
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