AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Oh Baby....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

It'll be ok. I know it doesn't feel like that right now, but I assure you, there's a moment in your future when you'll look back on this "disaster" and say

"That was the best thing that could have happened."

Trust me on this. Take a day or two to catch your breath. Work out a plan to be more stealthy and replant. You know you can't stop growing, so face that, regroup and start again, using what you've learned to improve the setup.

And give hubby a hug from me. I know from experience what it feels like to be the person with the loose lips. Not a good feeling at all, so a little reassurance that this will be a good thing in the end will go a long way to assaugaging that sense of dread he must have stomping around in his brain right now.

Joyful anticipation. Go there instead. In a few months it'll all be over and you'll be getting ready to harvest again. Start small until your comfort levels return. Deliberately refuse to be frustrated. Be hopeful. We're here for you Birdie.

Ah it's not that big of a loss. They weren't that far along. Chin up. I'm sure worse has happened to us all. I almost like starting out fresh get to grow whatever I'm obsessed with at that time. Right now it's iced grapefruit and I'm growing Agent Orange ...
Oh Baby....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

It'll be ok. I know it doesn't feel like that right now, but I assure you, there's a moment in your future when you'll look back on this "disaster" and say

"That was the best thing that could have happened."

Trust me on this. Take a day or two to catch your breath. Work out a plan to be more stealthy and replant. You know you can't stop growing, so face that, regroup and start again, using what you've learned to improve the setup.

And give hubby a hug from me. I know from experience what it feels like to be the person with the loose lips. Not a good feeling at all, so a little reassurance that this will be a good thing in the end will go a long way to assaugaging that sense of dread he must have stomping around in his brain right now.

Joyful anticipation. Go there instead. In a few months it'll all be over and you'll be getting ready to harvest again. Start small until your comfort levels return. Deliberately refuse to be frustrated. Be hopeful. We're here for you Birdie.


Well, yes she can grow again, but I wouldn't risk that. Nobody want's to be in jail for years. In my country you can grow 5 plants and get fined, but when you dry and/or sell you get jailtime. Huh, nobody said the world is perfect.
Sorry to hear about this turn of events, stay with us while youre laying low and youll be back in the game soon enough. .

Sent from my iPad using 420
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.
This is a unfortunate way to learn NO ONE can be trusted when it comes to your personal safety. Need to know basis only . better safe than sorry. Don't let this stop you, only make you wiser .

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Birdy you never tell anyone you grow ever! It's the golden rule even your best mate can't know. Sad that this has happened tho, hang around the forums posting but maybe stop growing for a month and see what happens. Remember if you're raided with lights, pots, soil ect sitting together you can get done for cultivation. Specially if you have the seeds or smoke sitting around to go with it!

Well, yes she can grow again, but I wouldn't risk that. Nobody want's to be in jail for years. In my country you can grow 5 plants and get fined, but when you dry and/or sell you get jailtime. Huh, nobody said the world is perfect.

You're right. So there must be another way to meet the medicinal needs of her family that goes beyond cannabis. What a crazy, mixed up reality we've created through misplaced fear.
Birdie, stay tuned in and learning/teaching! I would clear out the "set up" for a good while and be extremely cautious for the next year or two. Keep only small amounts in your home ,if at all, at least for a year. Best wishes and Love to you! If they are interested on acting on what they heard it will most likely come as surveillance first and then possible search within the year. Most likely they didn't pick up on it or don't care! Lay low for a year being just a simple user! :circle-of-love: I'll be looking for you on various threads, like Sweet Sue's Cannabis oil study hall!:thumb:
I'm not sure of your laws. Some places are sticklers. I lived in the south here in a sate that was really down on growing. I used cardboard boxes and mad a cool grow box that fit in my closet behind my clothes. I'm not saying its worth getting in trouble or chancing trouble. That's your call. But this box fit right under the shelf and I even piled clothes on top so no one could see. Some punk ass kid broke in while I was gone, he was looking for pain pills, but he did open the door and never seen it. Now thats nothing like cops look. And like said,,, it might not be worth it right now. Just lay low and see if anything happens in the next month or two.... Why can the cops leaves a poor grower alone?? Hopefully they do leave you alone,,, GL..... Keepem Green
:rollit:Agreed ! Lay low! In my state they give you 5-25 years for growing! Anything more than a few joints is enough to get you prison time here! Indeed , you may even do a shorter stretch in the county lockup or state prison up to 2-3 years for a few joints! If you suspect the goons have a line on you here, you best get clean! If they do a search warrant they will find what ever you have, in most likelihood ,regardless of stealth! They will tear your place apart once they start a search until they find something! They will take everything out of closets, from under the house , in the attic and look for signs of recent burial, wall repairs, etc. They will pull apart mated pairs of socks in your sock drawer! Open all books in your house, read every piece of paper! They will take the seats out of your car and stick their fingers up your anus! Minor children will be made wards of the state! Your home may be confiscated and sold at auction. You probably would end up losing it anyway, what with the legal fees ,fines and you and your spouse locked up for years! If they find nothing (and don't plant something on you!) don't expect a sincere apology and certainly no help repairing or cleaning up the mess/damages! That's the way of it here! Please be careful in the police states! If you get old and stubborn like me, I would probably not go without a fight and likely will die before prison and destitution! Better to avoid if possible! Then on the other hand it might be ok for a retirement plan, a bed, meals and even a little health care, that might be more than I can manage on SS after my savings are gone!:hmmmm:
The cops try to do what they want legal or illegal. But I did not think that a judge would issue a search warrant just because they heard one person say something. I do however believe that that slip of the lips could make you a person of interest leading up to the individual being put under surveillance/investigated which could possably lead ultimately to your demise.

If I was growing and that happened to me I would definitely be sketched out but if they could just go get warrants for anyone without any evidence justifying said warrant then we are all truly screwed.....this is just my view on this subject but like I said some cops think the law dont apply to them but in my experience most judges will try to go about matters like this legally to avoid a case being thrown out on a technicality or have all the findings inadmissible due to fruit of the poisonous tree.

If I am wrong then im wrong this is just my opinion.

I would like to hear everyone else's take on this

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Yes Velk, that is the whole idea. I water only on the outside so the roots will build up a bit better too, looking for water away from plant.

I used socks that I have lost the 2nd in a pair. Just cut it in half (for a long sock) sew it together in the top part of sock and voila you have 2 pots.

Keep a 3 cm edge folded on the top of sock, so you can support stem with soil and just roll it up, in case baby stretches.

Like I said b4 genius diy gardening great idea with keeping alil edge folded over in case she stretches. Great luck on ur babies:) and :Namaste: bird n member keep it green my fine feathered friend :circle-of-love:
How did this person know ur growing in the first place the biggest rule of growing is tell nobody


The excitement Autoflower. Sometimes, when you find something in life this transformative you bubble over with enthusiasm. It was unfortunate human error.
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