AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

UPDATE 12/12-2016

HI everybody :circle-of-love:
Hope your gardens are green and happy :)

Here comes a new update on my babies as is :

Grand Heft Auto ( Dr.Krippling) born 19/11 In her 5th week


See the electrical cord? It is giving 12V running in soil.

AK Auto born 19/11 in her 5th week too


Babies :circle-of-love:

White Widow babies living in 2 old socks :rofl: (yes washed)
Pink baby sock was born 3/12 9 days old
Black sock baby was born 5/12

And my (still alive) Pineapple Chunk, waiting for autos to finish.. born 30/7
2 pics because she doesn't fit in one :)

Grand Heft Auto didn't look happy today.
I am waiting for hubby to wake up, to see if he did water or feed them last night.

Thank you for being here and supporting me in lat months Member of the month competition it meant the world to me :thanks:.

Please spread the word for more members to vote in all the contests. Nominees to be sent in to administrators
( Teddy Edwards for example) until 14th of the month and voting until the end of month. For voting, you need to have at least 50 posts made.

May your gardens flourish and ladies grow big buds. :green_heart:
Don't forget, LOVE and compassion will change the world. :love:
I love coming by and seeing your beautiful garden.

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I couldn't write earlier, was sending kids on an outing with their bigger sister..
Electroculture is a group of techniques that uses electricity and magnetism to assist plant growth. Plants are sensitive to electricity and magnetism. Improved plant growth, quality and increased yields, are some of the noticeable effects. The technology can also be used to protect plants from pests and diseases.

Electroculture synonymous with magnetoculture are generic terms used to describe an assortment of techniques designed to amplify and focus magnetic and natural electric forces of nature to boost soil fertility, and plant growth. In Nature magnetic and electrical forces always manifest conjointly. Magnetoculture refers more specifically to magnetic influences and electroculture to electric influences on plant growth and soil fertility.
Electroculture and magnetoculture are based on a synthesis of recent discoveries in the field of Agriculture encompassing cosmic and telluric energies, electricity and magnetism.
Have you looked at these harmonic systems? I'm pretty sure I can show this one;
Hydrofarm – BioWave Subsonic Harmonic Wave Machine
I've heard abit about this electrical setup in the past, your the first I seen try it. Should prove interesting. Are you planning on doing a comparison grow? Kids are growing fast... Keepem Green
Hello Birdie :allgood:
Just stopping by to check on you and your ladies. We just popped 4 green crack and 2 purple Kush and placed them into DBHB soil. We had very poor results with the PK last grow and it ticked us off so right back on them. The GC did good for us considering our environment issues. Hope these will do better this round than last and if not we will do them again and again until we get it :rofl:

Hope all is well with you and yours :circle-of-love:

Big hugs from the North Pole :kiss:

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
:passitleft: Just trying to make an update on babies. we harvested the AK auto too. So now Pineapple Chunk is the only big one 2 autos are growing and 2 White Widow are in waiting to pop. Thank you for stopping by :hug: hugs to you both :)

hey bird hope the ones waiting to pop pop a nice fat tail 4 ya :goodluck: and green vibes:green_heart: coming ur way hope the babies make it threw there long journey of life they have coming they shud do gud tho considering u give them a pretty gud life:circle-of-love: anyway :Namaste: and im off to continue my way threw the rest of ur journal lol
Today I have been nibbling on cookie crumbles. They have kept me in a nice Buzz land for about 4 hrs now.:Namaste:

I have a white widow baby too :):circle-of-love: She surely took her little time to show her face :p She was placed in water and after sinking, placed directly in soil. On the 27th.

The 2 autos were re potted today too.
Temperature is sinking as we reach Christmas, and we keep the babies warm with a 60 w red bulb.
O took some pictures and will upload them in a few hours

Thank yo all for your support and love. It is so wonderful to have met you all
Let me spread some too :circle-of-love::love::hug::love::circle-of-love::love::hug::love::circle-of-love:

Being in a sweet buzz high all day, made me do some creative thinking :) I have a new test to run. More in a few days....

awesome thts what i like 2 hear congrats on ur new baby welcome to the fam :circle-of-love::cheer:

u no i was jus thinkn about there whole life cycle man we r really ruthless lol we treat them as family only to cut them down when there to old and light them on fire or verious forms of burning aka vaping cooking ect. lol but as they r growing and still young we love them and tell them everything will be ok and they will make it we jus dont happen to include the end part till its the end part idk if they had a movie of it it wud remind me of sausage party i think lol or close to it
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.

Sorry to hear that. I hope legalization comes soon, it is just a plant after all. Stay strong and vigilant I will think about you. :love: :Namaste:
Sorry Angry Bird..... This pisses me off............. Me I'm the worse about opening my mouth, before engaging my brain, but when it come to growing, my lips are sealed. Someone needs to teach that fool these words. I hate to hear this, you sure seem like a fine person. You want someone to teach him a lesson? JK, I wish I could anymore. But if you live in a place you have to be worried about, person should know better. But I do have to say something,,,,, sounds like that person should've never known what was growing on, you think ? Live learn. Hopefully, the police will take it with a grain of salt. I have no idea of your laws or how hard they enforce it... But it's shame. Either way,, you best stick around the network here..... Keepem Green
Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.

I'm sorry to read this .

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

We are sorry for your loss.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Sad news.. I had to cull every single plant. Some idiotic person blurred out to my hubby, in front of some police officers, you are growing..
I don't know when I will start again. We have too much to loose if getting caught.

Bummer that stinks :( , the least folks that know about it the better, for a multitude or reasons (even if legal where you are at albeit not as many reasons but still a good "rule of thumb").
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