AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Good Morning Tomula :) Pics coming in next post. Sweet of you to drop by :thanks:

:Namaste: We are trying for the best. My lights are 4x 38W total k 25600 Lumen 10400 (cold lights 6400K/2600L)
and 4x 38W total K 16000 Lumen
10600 (warm lights 4000K / 26655L)

The grow space is a bit tricky to measure, it is ndr a stair case, so in the h
igh end it is like 1.20 cm going down and about a meter bottom
Hopefully it is enough to bring some decent yields. :love:

And yes, cold is a problem, I can not add heat in there. So we have a 60 W red light warming up the place.

Hello, thank you a pleasure to stop by. Your girls are looking very nice indeed! As for your lights, the 4000K and 6500K are great for vegetative stage but I suggest you get some 2700K much better for flower. There is considerable difference in the yield with those lights. If you can, swap the 6500K few days before flip and let the girls adapt. You will have better results that way. Good job so far nevertheless! :love: :Namaste:
Mornin Angry! What advantages do the socks have over plastic cups? Do you sprout in the socks, you must. So Im guessing you soak the seeds and plant in the socks? The few times Ive sprouted seeds Ive found temp. is everything!! I seen on utube where you soak for 16hrs then paper towel and this is the method last time. I have a feeling you are more advanced Angry!!!! If I buy seeds Im going to want 100% success!
Great day o all!!
hi all
they white widows are fem seeds. we got them at natualseeds. cz.

The idea of the socks came up when I ran out of coco pellets and had sworn myself to never use solo cups ever again.

@Weaselcracker was generous to give me on of his prizes from member of the month November contest. {I came in 2nd again lol}

It was the prize from Crop king Seeds and I ordered 5 Green Crack fem.
I never used the plastic cups myself, I use to use those white styrofoam cups for seed starts. But socks work... Keepem Green
The socks would act as mini fabric pots like more oxygen to the roots ease of feeding as u can just wet the out side of the sock I think it's a clever idea I will have to try on the next lot

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Yes Velk, that is the whole idea. I water only on the outside so the roots will build up a bit better too, looking for water away from plant.

I used socks that I have lost the 2nd in a pair. Just cut it in half (for a long sock) sew it together in the top part of sock and voila you have 2 pots.

Keep a 3 cm edge folded on the top of sock, so you can support stem with soil and just roll it up, in case baby stretches.
Well, my motto is, take what you have and do what you can :)
I was looking at geopot's page (sponsors)and the idea came to me.
Sometime this blonde bird brain comes up with good ideas :)
Hello Birdie, I was wondering , the Ultimate Canna butter recipe says 1/2oz bud per 1lb. butter. My question is, is it a waste of bud to use more?? I dont want to keep using more if its a waste.
it is never a waste, it just make it stronger and also, after making butter, you need to boil the buds in some plain water, it will make the butter in buds to leave. ( you collect that water too in a bowl)

:goodjob: :high-five:
Just dropping by to check things out while we can type :) your girls are looking pretty awesome Birdie. We are working on getting next round going here in the next day or so ( if our beans sprout :circle-of-love: )

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

:hug: hi you 2 :)
I am sending good vibes your way. Hope it helps for sprouting :circle-of-love:
UPDATE 12/12-2016

HI everybody :circle-of-love:
Hope your gardens are green and happy :)

Here comes a new update on my babies as is :

Grand Heft Auto ( Dr.Krippling) born 19/11 In her 5th week


See the electrical cord? It is giving 12V running in soil.

AK Auto born 19/11 in her 5th week too


Babies :circle-of-love:

White Widow babies living in 2 old socks :rofl: (yes washed)
Pink baby sock was born 3/12 9 days old
Black sock baby was born 5/12

And my (still alive) Pineapple Chunk, waiting for autos to finish.. born 30/7
2 pics because she doesn't fit in one :)

Grand Heft Auto didn't look happy today.
I am waiting for hubby to wake up, to see if he did water or feed them last night.

Thank you for being here and supporting me in lat months Member of the month competition it meant the world to me :thanks:.

Please spread the word for more members to vote in all the contests. Nominees to be sent in to administrators
( Teddy Edwards for example) until 14th of the month and voting until the end of month. For voting, you need to have at least 50 posts made.
420 Contests

May your gardens flourish and ladies grow big buds. :green_heart:
Don't forget, LOVE and compassion will change the world. :love:
That Pineapple Chunk is chomping at the bit. Lol! This is my last stop on the way to bed, and I got a giggle over the baby socks as seed nursery. :laughtwo: Good to see your garden again Birdie. :hug: :love:

Goodnight. :love:
Looking super Birdie! Good job so far! :thumb: :love: :Namaste:

That Pineapple Chunk is chomping at the bit. Lol! This is my last stop on the way to bed, and I got a giggle over the baby socks as seed nursery. :laughtwo: Good to see your garden again Birdie. :hug: :love:

Goodnight. :love:

Hi :hug: thank you both for stopping by. Yeah, baby sock is cute in there. It helps with the watering of baby. Have a good night Susan :circle-of-love:
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