AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

OMG bird! Your white widow fem is only going to be 9 days behind mine I can't wait to see how yours grow so I can learn from an experienced grower

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I am not by far an experienced grower, but thank you for your kind words.:)
And White widow went in soil, since i found seed in bottom of cup.

I fond this on the net, what are your thoughts on it?
Potassium silicate has the potential to take a cannabis plant to the next level with a whole range of extremely useful benefits.Ever given your cannabis plants potassium silicate? Potassium silicate is quickly making a name for itself as powerful optional nutrient for really pushing cannabis plants to the limits of their potential. It has been found to facilitate a boosted THC content, strengthen plant infrastructure, and improve functional efficiency.[h=3]SILICON, THE HIDDEN TREASURE[/h]In the plant world, it is widely agreed that there are 17 key nutrients used for the healthy growth of a plant, and silicon isn’t one of them. Or at least, it hasn’t been until very recently. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust, and as a result, is found in the tissue of pretty much all vegetation out there. As such, many are now arguing that it too should be considered one of the key nutrients of plant growth.Of course, additional silicon is not essential to healthy cannabis growth. But the revelation that it could be a beneficial nutrient has started a lot of experimentation, and it is finding very positive results.[h=3]HOW CANNABIS USES SILICON[/h]For silicon to be absorbed by a plant, it must be in the form of a monosilicic acid – hence potassium silicate, which is the potassium salt of silicic acid. Once it is absorbed, it is transported around the plant and either deposited as silica, or hydrated silicon dioxide.The silicon is mainly used as a building block for healthy growth, facilitating much more efficient and vigorous functioning.[h=3]THE BENEFITS OF SILICON[/h]By adding a bit of potassium silicate into your feeding schedule, you can reap a whole array of benefits. There are many, so let’s break them down:Improved Cell Creation – When silicon is deposited in cell walls, it remains there permanently as a silica-cellulose framework. It results in cell walls being built faster than if the silicon was not present. As such, cannabis grows with more vigour as a whole.Improved Cell Strength - Following on from the last point, silicon also improves the structural integrity of cannabis. It is one of the easy to observe benefits, as cannabis will grow with thicker, stronger stems and branches. This also allows for a more rapid uptake in nutrients, as larger stems can facilitate it – leading to even better growth.Less Risk of Pests and Disease – The improved, thicker, stronger cell walls make it much harder for pests to feed on them. Not only this, the thicker skin helps keep out pathogens and disease, as well as fight off fungus. When a fungal infection hits, silicon is transported to the infection site, which then stimulates the production of an anti-fungal immune response.Helps Prevent Metal Toxicity – when in the growing medium, potassium silicate competes for uptake with excess metals, preventing them being absorbed by the cannabis.Regulates Uptake of Nutrients – Silicon increases the availability of nitrogen as well as other key macro and micro nutrients. It also regulates the uptake of phosphorous, which can easily reach toxic levels if left unchecked.Enriches Bud Production – through the general and facilitating improvements of the above list, cannabis plants produce bigger, stronger, and more potent buds. Not only this, but it results in resin glands being much more resilient to damage. The result is potent bud with a longer shelf life - that keeps its potency, taste and aroma longer than normal bud would.[h=3]GIVING YOUR CANNABIS SILICATE[/h]Fortunately, all of these benefits come at very little additional effort or cost. Silicon based plant supplements are easy to pick up online, and can be integrated into an already present feeding schedule.If you were not aware of silicon as an additive, then we highly recommend you do not ignore its value. The integral strength it offers cannabis plants benefits and improves its functioning in nearly every possible way. The result is bigger, more potent bud – which everyone wants at the end of the day. Also, a note to hydro growers, whilst soil often contains some natural levels of silicon, hydro solutions often don’t, so it is particularly beneficial for you do hop on the bandwagon, and add a little silicon into your life.
Excellant reading there, i have a bottle of silica i bought awhile back but have never used it. Ill start adding a small amount to my res and let you know how it works out. .

Sent from my iPad using 420
R.I.P AK Auto

AK Auto #1
:love: was harvested, it didn't do anything and since top bud had started to shrink ( we cut that off before) we decided to just go a head and harvest. all "hairs" were red and trichs turned white/milky. She had a growing time of 8 weeks.

And White widow went in soil, since i found seed in bottom of cup.

I fond this on the net, what are your thoughts on it?
Potassium silicate has the potential to take a cannabis plant to the next level with a whole range of extremely useful benefits.Ever given your cannabis plants potassium silicate? Potassium silicate is quickly making a name for itself as powerful optional nutrient for really pushing cannabis plants to the limits of their potential. It has been found to facilitate a boosted THC content, strengthen plant infrastructure, and improve functional efficiency.[h=3]SILICON, THE HIDDEN TREASURE[/h]In the plant world, it is widely agreed that there are 17 key nutrients used for the healthy growth of a plant, and silicon isn't one of them. Or at least, it hasn't been until very recently. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust, and as a result, is found in the tissue of pretty much all vegetation out there. As such, many are now arguing that it too should be considered one of the key nutrients of plant growth.Of course, additional silicon is not essential to healthy cannabis growth. But the revelation that it could be a beneficial nutrient has started a lot of experimentation, and it is finding very positive results.[h=3]HOW CANNABIS USES SILICON[/h]For silicon to be absorbed by a plant, it must be in the form of a monosilicic acid — hence potassium silicate, which is the potassium salt of silicic acid. Once it is absorbed, it is transported around the plant and either deposited as silica, or hydrated silicon dioxide.The silicon is mainly used as a building block for healthy growth, facilitating much more efficient and vigorous functioning.[h=3]THE BENEFITS OF SILICON[/h]By adding a bit of potassium silicate into your feeding schedule, you can reap a whole array of benefits. There are many, so let's break them down:Improved Cell Creation — When silicon is deposited in cell walls, it remains there permanently as a silica-cellulose framework. It results in cell walls being built faster than if the silicon was not present. As such, cannabis grows with more vigour as a whole.Improved Cell Strength - Following on from the last point, silicon also improves the structural integrity of cannabis. It is one of the easy to observe benefits, as cannabis will grow with thicker, stronger stems and branches. This also allows for a more rapid uptake in nutrients, as larger stems can facilitate it — leading to even better growth.Less Risk of Pests and Disease — The improved, thicker, stronger cell walls make it much harder for pests to feed on them. Not only this, the thicker skin helps keep out pathogens and disease, as well as fight off fungus. When a fungal infection hits, silicon is transported to the infection site, which then stimulates the production of an anti-fungal immune response.Helps Prevent Metal Toxicity — when in the growing medium, potassium silicate competes for uptake with excess metals, preventing them being absorbed by the cannabis.Regulates Uptake of Nutrients — Silicon increases the availability of nitrogen as well as other key macro and micro nutrients. It also regulates the uptake of phosphorous, which can easily reach toxic levels if left unchecked.Enriches Bud Production — through the general and facilitating improvements of the above list, cannabis plants produce bigger, stronger, and more potent buds. Not only this, but it results in resin glands being much more resilient to damage. The result is potent bud with a longer shelf life - that keeps its potency, taste and aroma longer than normal bud would.[h=3]GIVING YOUR CANNABIS SILICATE[/h]Fortunately, all of these benefits come at very little additional effort or cost. Silicon based plant supplements are easy to pick up online, and can be integrated into an already present feeding schedule.If you were not aware of silicon as an additive, then we highly recommend you do not ignore its value. The integral strength it offers cannabis plants benefits and improves its functioning in nearly every possible way. The result is bigger, more potent bud — which everyone wants at the end of the day. Also, a note to hydro growers, whilst soil often contains some natural levels of silicon, hydro solutions often don't, so it is particularly beneficial for you do hop on the bandwagon, and add a little silicon into your life.

hey bird great info on the silicon. is it able 2 b added 2 an all organic grow and not affect the organic aspect of it? if so i will be defently adding it to my regime. it seems 2do ALOT of great things for the plants so why wudnt any1 want 2 add it:circle-of-love::thumb: as long as its organic i will be doing and see what happens?? anywhoser :Namaste: to all and keep it green my fine feathered friend:thumb:
Most well-rounded fertilizer regiments use silicon in them. Good stuff for sure. Nice read Keepem Green
Hi Birdie,
Nice buds! I sure do enjoy my bagseeders alot. Silica is the new wonder nute eh? I think a little Epsom is good too, Magnesium is often overlooked. Its seems to get depleted from using LED lights or rather their spectrum, causing small brown spots on the leaves. As an added plus it also builds bud volume and size. I've added it to my main ingredients now. I will research the Silica as it sounds great also! Thanks for the tip ;)
Excellant reading there, i have a bottle of silica i bought awhile back but have never used it. Ill start adding a small amount to my res and let you know how it works out. .

Sent from my iPad using 420

pennywise, good idea. A little bit goes a long way. I add 5ml of reconstituted Potassium silicate (Agsil16) to every gallon of water I use on my living organic soil pots. I attribute my fiberglass-rod-strong branches to this regimine.

Birdie, excellent share. Reps for that. :high-five:

Glad to hear you're dropping a White Widow and giving it a good two months to veg. That should give you a lovely structure to build copious buds upon. Use some potassium silicate in the waterings and give those branches a fighting chance. :laughtwo: I'd recommend you track down some stakes as you reach the harvest window. The White Widow is know for bending the branches with the weight of the trichomes.

I'll be following my CBD Critical Cure that I just dropped the seed for with a White Widow. Looking forward to that bad girl filling the 2x2.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't consider putting the 4x4 up again. :laughtwo:
pennywise, good idea. A little bit goes a long way. I add 5ml of reconstituted Potassium silicate (Agsil16) to every gallon of water I use on my living organic soil pots. I attribute my fiberglass-rod-strong branches to this regimine.

Birdie, excellent share. Reps for that. :high-five:

Glad to hear you're dropping a White Widow and giving it a good two months to veg. That should give you a lovely structure to build copious buds upon. Use some potassium silicate in the waterings and give those branches a fighting chance. :laughtwo: I'd recommend you track down some stakes as you reach the harvest window. The White Widow is know for bending the branches with the weight of the trichomes.

I'll be following my CBD Critical Cure that I just dropped the seed for with a White Widow. Looking forward to that bad girl filling the 2x2.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't consider putting the 4x4 up again. :laughtwo:
Mines took over my tents 2meter squared is huge have to sleep on sofa as my bedroom is now a tent room.

pennywise, good idea. A little bit goes a long way. I add 5ml of reconstituted Potassium silicate (Agsil16) to every gallon of water I use on my living organic soil pots. I attribute my fiberglass-rod-strong branches to this regimine.

Birdie, excellent share. Reps for that. :high-five:

Glad to hear you're dropping a White Widow and giving it a good two months to veg. That should give you a lovely structure to build copious buds upon. Use some potassium silicate in the waterings and give those branches a fighting chance. :laughtwo: I'd recommend you track down some stakes as you reach the harvest window. The White Widow is know for bending the branches with the weight of the trichomes.

I'll be following my CBD Critical Cure that I just dropped the seed for with a White Widow. Looking forward to that bad girl filling the 2x2.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't consider putting the 4x4 up again. :laughtwo:

:hug: :love: Hi Sweet one, I do feel the boom (thx for the reps lol) It made me happy it was a good find. All though like Autoflower420 says :

Remember potassium silicate has a ph of 11.8 to 12 do get ur ph down ready


It is something I read too in the pdf I found. It is a big jump in PH :thanks: for giving it my attention.

Most well-rounded fertilizer regiments use silicon in them. Good stuff for sure. Nice read Keepem Green
Hi Birdie,
Nice buds! I sure do enjoy my bagseeders alot. Silica is the new wonder nute eh? I think a little Epsom is good too, Magnesium is often overlooked. Its seems to get depleted from using LED lights or rather their spectrum, causing small brown spots on the leaves. As an added plus it also builds bud volume and size. I've added it to my main ingredients now. I will research the Silica as it sounds great also! Thanks for the tip ;)

It is surly worth a try isn't it?

hey bird great info on the silicon. is it able 2 b added 2 an all organic grow and not affect the organic aspect of it? if so i will be defently adding it to my regime. it seems 2do ALOT of great things for the plants so why wudnt any1 want 2 add it:circle-of-love::thumb: as long as its organic i will be doing and see what happens?? anywhoser :Namaste: to all and keep it green my fine feathered friend:thumb:

Ok, I haven't become an expert yet, but it is my understanding that either, yes it is organic or there is an organic version out there.
Mines took over my tents 2meter squared is huge have to sleep on sofa as my bedroom is now a tent room.


:laughtwo: I used to have a 4x4 in this space, but it's impossible to hide a 4x4 tent in a 12x15' room. Lol! It made my daughter so nervous I compromised and went with two 2x2s.


I can pull the curtains over them and call it storage space for all my Christmas decorations. Old Victorian building, no closet space to speak of. This actually worked for me during inspections twice in the recent months, so my daughter's relaxed and doesn't worry so much about her mother possibly being busted and kicked out of her apartment. She lives in the neighboring apartment, so it's not like she's not exposed to it and I can ignore her justifiable concerns. Her anxiety disorder means I have to be somewhat accommodating.

Of course, I supply the landlord and his wife with magic brownies, so I don't worry about eviction much. :battingeyelashes:
I have a dream.... One day I will get a tent and place it in my bedroom. I have just the corner for it:circle-of-love:

Th curtain is a good idea :thumb:

Need some more coffee, I just woke up.

Still waiting for my White Widow to pop out of soil. And I know that she will fill up my little space together with my pineapple chunk:love:
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