AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

:ciao: Seems like we've crossed paths everywhere but here today. Just checking in to say, "Hi."

HI Kingston :) Yes I do tend to fly around a lot. Welcome to my end of the forum too.
Grab a seat and feel like home :thanks:
I was reading back abit and just want to say you can grow some good herbs with them florescent bulbs. I know my first few were with them. I built a box that had them all across the walls and lid. Built the box custom, with coardboard, so it wood fit in the area I was using. Worked great. I think I ended up with like 10 bulbs in it. It's nice when your girls can grow right into the lights. GL and Keepem Green
hi :)
My pineapple chunk wants to hug the light she has. Her stem has bent itself around the back It isn't hot and I on't see any light burns on any of the ladies
UPDATE 12/11-2016

Just a few pictures on some buds and a dark AK Auto.

Ladies are happy and I am going through a cold, will be gone soon
Love to all of your gardens :circle-of-love:

Bag Seed Lady buds..which we have cut the tip off.


AK Auto

:thumb:I have enjoyed your enthusiasm and I hope your enjoying the fruits of your labors, now. I have been growing for 46 years, mostly outside for many years, and later mostly inside . I have always grown organic. I have found that good compost, like you need for any garden, is the key to success! I have never found it necessary (though once upon a time I did bother with those things) to test ph, nitrogen, phosphorous, or potassium ,etc. when using plentiful amounts of good compost, and soilless mixes in my pots. I use peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and compost and throw in a little dolomitic lime when blending my potting mixes . I do use a fish emulsion and sea weed extract mixture(Sea Com from Johhnyseeds) a few times when watering to supply any missing micro nutrients. No science just all by eye and feel. Compost acts as a ph buffer and makes it all work even without any dolomite additions. The new auto flowering hybrids make growing so easy and fast anyone can do it, it's automatic! I don't fret much about a little light intrusion in the dark time with autos either. You can increase yields by supplying the optimum types and light intensity in your inside grows, but the new T-5 FL. bulbs, in the grow type at first, then switching to bloom bulbs, do an adequate job on Auto plants if you use enough to get adequate lumens(55 watt tubesx6or 8) and keep the light adjusted to stay within a 4-8" inch range of the plants. The four foot x 6 or 8 tube fixtures are easy to find and relatively inexpensive, they operate with very little heat (by comparison ) so they do not need powerful vent fans and hvac units (most of the year here in the south), needing only a small $15 circulation fan only. They will cover about 4-5 typical auto plants well to harvest. I give them the recommended photo period and they make good buds! Also I use inexpensive and readily available foil/ bubble/ foil insulation wrap for light reflection around the light.You can increase the yields (number of plants)/size of the buds (somewhat) with a more sophisticated and expensive HI MH/HPS and hydroponic set up. I use breathable root pruning 3 gallon grow bags. I have found that the cost versus yield work out well for this T-5 low input method and I don't fret or worry about anything and it is easy! The indoor grows are resistant to problems if you don't over water. I can grow 3-4 crops per year of the autos under the same fixture. Outdoors I have had some pest issues occasionally over the years, but usually not! Organic pest compounds ,mostly homemade, have worked and many recipes are to be found in organic gardening resources. Thanks for your post and keep them up, I will look forward to reading them!
:thumb:I have enjoyed your enthusiasm and I hope your enjoying the fruits of your labors, now. I have been growing for 46 years, mostly outside for many years, and later mostly inside . I have always grown organic. I have found that good compost, like you need for any garden, is the key to success! I have never found it necessary (though once upon a time I did bother with those things) to test ph, nitrogen, phosphorous, or potassium ,etc. when using plentiful amounts of good compost, and soilless mixes in my pots. I use peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and compost and throw in a little dolomitic lime when blending my potting mixes . I do use a fish emulsion and sea weed extract mixture(Sea Com from Johhnyseeds) a few times when watering to supply any missing micro nutrients. No science just all by eye and feel. Compost acts as a ph buffer and makes it all work even without any dolomite additions. The new auto flowering hybrids make growing so easy and fast anyone can do it, it's automatic! I don't fret much about a little light intrusion in the dark time with autos either. You can increase yields by supplying the optimum types and light intensity in your inside grows, but the new T-5 FL. bulbs, in the grow type at first, then switching to bloom bulbs, do an adequate job on Auto plants if you use enough to get adequate lumens(55 watt tubesx6or 8) and keep the light adjusted to stay within a 4-8" inch range of the plants. The four foot x 6 or 8 tube fixtures are easy to find and relatively inexpensive, they operate with very little heat (by comparison ) so they do not need powerful vent fans and hvac units (most of the year here in the south), needing only a small $15 circulation fan only. They will cover about 4-5 typical auto plants well to harvest. I give them the recommended photo period and they make good buds! Also I use inexpensive and readily available foil/ bubble/ foil insulation wrap for light reflection around the light.You can increase the yields (number of plants)/size of the buds (somewhat) with a more sophisticated and expensive HI MH/HPS and hydroponic set up. I use breathable root pruning 3 gallon grow bags. I have found that the cost versus yield work out well for this T-5 low input method and I don't fret or worry about anything and it is easy! The indoor grows are resistant to problems if you don't over water. I can grow 3-4 crops per year of the autos under the same fixture. Outdoors I have had some pest issues occasionally over the years, but usually not! Organic pest compounds ,mostly homemade, have worked and many recipes are to be found in organic gardening resources. Thanks for your post and keep them up, I will look forward to reading them!
Hi and:welcome: to my garden, It gives me such pleasure when I have experienced growers commenting positively on my efforts to grow healthy weed :thanks:.
My lights are T8s the good old fashion florescent light, not LED, i was looking in on T5 but hubby wanted " good old time" lights.

We are experimenting with these as start to see what we can do with them. They are both warm and cold 4+4. (eight in total) .
I do love gardening and also knowing we will have healthy weed, which is why I started growing in the first place.

After doing a 3 month research on what these beautiful plants needs, I dug into my DIY list of fertilizers and also read and asked many here in the forum about basically everything. The help I have received is enormous and so appreciated:circle-of-love: .

I can't make large amount of compost, since there is no "free outdoor" where I live.

In my "back yard" I have a bag of compost which is ready for my next grow. Kitchen waste and horse manure.
For my weekly boost fertilizer I just mix banana peel (dried), some banana tea and Emilya's eggshell call mag with a few "balls' of dried horse manure.

My soil mix is perlite, compost and plain old garden soil.

I do really feel my plants and read what they need. It took a few months and unfortunately a few "killings" to get the grow going.

My dream is to create an outside garden in the country, with the most gorgeous plant I ever grown:love:
:thumb:Sounds like you have the right mind set for being a gardener! Remember, almost any plant matter can make up compost, but the best compost may be that which has many ingredients. Grass trimmings, old hay, leaves, kitchen waste, rabbit droppings, chicken litter, barn yard manure, sheep /goat litter, washed egg shells, and so on. the more the merrier! When I lived in the city, I would gather bags of leaves people put out on the curb and visit nearby horse stables , chicken coops, rabbit fanciers, etc. for materials. I would buy cheap or offer to remove spoiled straw or hay when I could find it at any of the nearby stables/farms. I would look for low quality "mixed" hay to reduce chances of pesticide contamination. Do not collect grass trimmings from well manicured lawns , they contain pesticides and often pet waste! Always save some of your finished compost to inoculate your continuing compost pile well on every layer as you build it. Best wishes and happy growing!
Food grade means 5 microns or less.. The pet de will work better as a bug killer, and can still use it for your own gut, if you choose,30 micron. Food grade is better for your plants as more readily available. Can always do what I do and mortar pestle it down...
In all my blondieness, I have forgotten to mention that the plants still have the electrical power going through them.
An idea I found on the web, and our Emilya is doing as well. ( She was commenting in another forum too some ten years ago)
Maybe this is helping on the AK Auto's quick growth?

When u say they have the electrical power going threw them what do u mean?? Cud u please elaborate on that more 4 me Please and:thanks::lot-o-toke:
Hi and:welcome: to my garden, It gives me such pleasure when I have experienced growers commenting positively on my efforts to grow healthy weed :thanks:.
My lights are T8s the good old fashion florescent light, not LED, i was looking in on T5 but hubby wanted " good old time" lights.

We are experimenting with these as start to see what we can do with them. They are both warm and cold 4+4. (eight in total) .
I do love gardening and also knowing we will have healthy weed, which is why I started growing in the first place.

After doing a 3 month research on what these beautiful plants needs, I dug into my DIY list of fertilizers and also read and asked many here in the forum about basically everything. The help I have received is enormous and so appreciated:circle-of-love: .

I can't make large amount of compost, since there is no "free outdoor" where I live.

In my "back yard" I have a bag of compost which is ready for my next grow. Kitchen waste and horse manure.
For my weekly boost fertilizer I just mix banana peel (dried), some banana tea and Emilya's eggshell call mag with a few "balls' of dried horse manure.

My soil mix is perlite, compost and plain old garden soil.

I do really feel my plants and read what they need. It took a few months and unfortunately a few "killings" to get the grow going.

My dream is to create an outside garden in the country, with the most gorgeous plant I ever grown:love:

That sounds like an amazing idea I'm right there with u on tht one lol I so wana move sumwhere I cud jus have a real forest of dense smelly sticky great meds tht will help heal the world or at least as many people as I can :) Thts my dream 2 help heal people threw the use of marijuana. Thts y started grow in the first place is to help me and my family do 2 sickly issues in certain family members nausea is a big problem for me so if I didn't had weed I wudnt b able 2 eat or stop havn nausea but yea bird as always great job lookn gud as per usual:thumb::bravo: I can't wait 2 c wen they r done but yea I'm off to turn lights on in the forest now and gonna take a :bigtoke: keep it green my fine featherd friend:green_heart:
What is the diatomaceous earth?? And what is it for??
Diatomaceous Earth is the remains of ancient sea creatures. It has very sharp microscopic edges that kill or discourage many insects by debriding their outer shell (composed of chiton) or damaging their internal gut so that they die from loss of body fluids(dehydration). The individual particles are so small that they pass through the human gut and most mammals with out any harm (food grade) and can help control parasites.
When u say they have the electrical power going threw them what do u mean?? Cud u please elaborate on that more 4 me Please and:thanks::lot-o-toke:

yes, please Enlighten us on the electrifying results of your experiment. I forgot you were doing that too.

+reps to Blazinjones for asking Probing questions and Birdie for pioneering ways to increase the Buzz from our beloved plants.:bravo::)
Hi all of you. I will address you all in one post.

thank you for clarifying the Diatomaceous Earth part Tim:thanks: It is an ugly way for them to die but i could find anything "better" in health point of view, to kill off bugs.

My hubby is a "lets test and see" kind of person, and I came over an old thread talking about adding small current to grow , it works like in a thunderstorm ( but with less power of course) Have you ever noticed thing grow bigger after the lightning strike?

We had this discussion and I started googling about it. didn't know exactly how many Volts I could use.
as I was reading the thread in another forum, I notice a familiar name in there...Emilya. She was left with the question unanswered back then.
We added the two metal diodes in soil and hooked it up with a twelve Volt current feeding plant with electricity.
Emilya too is doing the experiment and her flower is way further than mine. the original plant we used, died from root rot, and until we "got the hang of watering etc we decided to wait.

Here is Emlya's thread : Do Electrified Plants Grow Faster? Let's find out!

Jones, I am sorry to hear about illness but i am happy that cannabis is helping you.
I am trying to grow so I can make CCO for a friend with cancer since I have gotten "tired" of burying people in hubby's family from cancer mostly.
My father was diagnose with prostate cancer and I instructed him on diet and wasn't sure about cco and if I could make it happen in time.
he decided against it, since doctors re insured it was caught in good time, and he , with the help of my food and other herbs ideas, got rid of it.

The decision to start growing was hard, I am a very law obeying person. And here it is not ok to grow, but I am also a herb healing type of person home remedies for a lot of things...(see link)
, so logic wins.
why would I turn down the best herb out there? Here I have spoken to people with different health problems and I love to see their faith in this herb. It convinced me totally how good it is.

I have "met" so many beautiful people here, with so much love/joy/knowledge to share, that makes it easy for me to be myself. I love helping out/cheering up anyone in need.

More about me in my nest.

Thank yo all for showing an interest in my grow, there are more to come soon :circle-of-love:
AngryBird's 1st Attempt To Fly - 6 Different Strains - 2016 Organic Way

Yes 420mag is amazing i am happy i found it, the people in here are very friendly and helpful. :Namaste:

I really do believe that cannabis is a miracle medicine for so many conditions.

Example Me, i got adhd. But i first found out that i had it when i was 20 years old. I have always felt so different then everybody else since i was a little kid without Knowing why it was like that.

I have had hard too sleep ever since i was about 8 years, it feels like i never get tired i could lay there 1-2 hours before i fell asleep.

Anyway, when i found out i had adhd ( what an release too finaly understand ) i had too stop smoke weed because in My country the doctor wont give any prescription untill you are clean. I function much better with weed, i wouldnt even say that i high because i have so much more focus and i can sleep within 30 minutes. But i did stop because he was going to give Me the " adhd medicine". I was so exited, finally been able to feel like normal people. When My doctor gave Me the prescripted amphetamine it did sort of helped with My concentration but i still felt stressed inside. After 1 month i stopped take the medicine, i was feelin real messed up in My brain i wasnt myself anymore.

I started with weed again and i pretty much got full focus in My life, still i feel the adhd but its alot better. 3 balls in the air instead of 10 if you now what i mean. :)

Wow this became the story of My life, im sorry...

But My point is, i believe and i hope that what you are doing for your friend will make a difference.

You are a very good friend that does this, and it is even illegal where you at if i didnt missunderstood.

I am glad that we got you and people like you here, it is what does 420mag so fantastic. :Namaste:

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Hello Birdie :) things are looking rather awesome round your garden these days. We wanted to thank you for helping out with our posting issue. Lol still not sure what or why it was being so stubborn but seems to be much better, now, let's hope it stays that way. Geez we almost forgot what it was like to be able to post and it not take 20 min to type 5 words. So, if the Mods fixed us up, Thank You!!!!

We have tons of catching up to do with everyone so we are off to say hi while we can :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well. We will just drop this here for you. :passitleft:
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