AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

1 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

2 Spread a layer of soil in an ovenproof container such as a metal or glass baking pan or clay pot. Be sure the depth of the soil is 4 inches or less.

3 Moisten the soil so it is moist but not dripping with water.

4 Remove plant debris and rocks and break up dirt clods. Leave the soil loose and uncompacted as air must circulate throughout the soil to kill the pathogens.

5 Cover the container securely with heavy duty aluminum foil. Poke a hole in the center of the foil, then insert an ovenproof thermometer diagonally through the hole and into the soil.

6 Bake the soil until the thermometer registers 180 degrees Fahrenheit. When the soil reaches that temperature, turn off the oven.

7 Monitor the thermometer and maintain the soil at approximately 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Open the door if the soil reaches 200 degrees or if the soil emits a sharp odor. Too much heat may result in toxins that may damage plants.

8 Remove the pan from the oven and wrap it in a thick layer of dry towels. This allows the soil to cool gradually, which results in a more complete pasteurization of the soil.

9 Store the soil in a clean bucket or other container.

Hope this info helps you out AngryBird. :high-five:

Thank you, yes it is ++ reps for saving my compost pile:thanks:
Hi Birdie! :circle-of-love:

Thanks for stopping in!

Getting caught up on your journal and WOW your girls look great. You go girl!!! :cheer:


Hi and :thanks: for stopping by my garden too.

Did you finish your journal? ( you can tell admins to send it to finished section with the report triangle)
If you start a new one. Please send me link to it:circle-of-love:

We have a normal magnifying glass, with which I can see the trichs, which by the way, are milky:)

Also, I noticed that my compost is full of some type of mites. Full of it.
question is, if I cook it in the oven, how do i do that? Low heat or high?( I assume low heat) And for how long? It will kill those bugs right? without killing the nutrients?

Thank you again for all your wisdom and compliments. It is always a pleasure :circle-of-love:
The best thing to have natural compost full of beneficial bacteria and other organisms is to build a healthy compost pile and turn it every so often. It will kill a lot of weed seeds and prevent sow bugs and the like. I like the living compost in my garden and my pots. The active, living compost benefits your plants and will inoculate the next batch of compost so it "works" faster. If you can't work a compost pile consider adding commercial blends of beneficial's to your sterilized compost. Living soils work with your plants to increase the health and vigor, act as ph buffers, and protect roots from bad organisms.
Drive by. Hey if you ever do That Eb-y place to buy things, look up a 45X or even a 60X 'microscope'. They have them for 3-4 bucks shipping and batteries included. And they are hella cool. Keepem Green
I just looked if you don't mind alittle longer wait, they come from China for less than 2 bucks. How can they sell them that cheap batteries and shipping? I've bought seed from there for a buck S/H included before. I got some blue stawberries and a blue watermellon seed. Intresting stuff. My son in law grows watermellons ever year. I want to sneak him a blue one. They look normal from the outside, but come harvest,,,,,,,,,,, supprise. Keepem Green
I just looked if you don't mind alittle longer wait, they come from China for less than 2 bucks. How can they sell them that cheap batteries and shipping? I've bought seed from there for a buck S/H included before. I got some blue stawberries and a blue watermellon seed. Intresting stuff. My son in law grows watermellons ever year. I want to sneak him a blue one. They look normal from the outside, but come harvest,,,,,,,,,,, supprise. Keepem Green

blue melon :rofl: Would give up a lot just to see his face when cutting it open.

Drive by. Hey if you ever do That Eb-y place to buy things, look up a 45X or even a 60X 'microscope'. They have them for 3-4 bucks shipping and batteries included. And they are hella cool. Keepem Green

we have problems paying for things from abroad. capital control here. but I will look into a better one for sure.:thanks:

The best thing to have natural compost full of beneficial bacteria and other organisms is to build a healthy compost pile and turn it every so often. It will kill a lot of weed seeds and prevent sow bugs and the like. I like the living compost in my garden and my pots. The active, living compost benefits your plants and will inoculate the next batch of compost so it "works" faster. If you can't work a compost pile consider adding commercial blends of beneficial's to your sterilized compost. Living soils work with your plants to increase the health and vigor, act as ph buffers, and protect roots from bad organisms.

well these are little crawling buggers looking like mites or aphids... they only live in soil and does not harm my plants, it is just that it is full of them in my compost.
Heya :hug:Birdie:hug: I hope you get these little buggers under control soon. Keep at it lil bird you will conquer.:hookah: for you
UPDATE 15/11 2016

Pineapple Chunk has now been re potted into a newly made pot (that I made from a sturdy sofa cover)
she was moved so she could get started flowering.
She has a nice little corner in my bedroom made a tent of another dark fabric. It is her night time during our day. Moving her in and out of flower space is going to be tiresome, but I hope she will be ok.

We received our new seeds today. 6 White Widow, one AK Auto and to my happy surprise a Dr.Krippling's Grand Heft Auto

:thanks: Tomula for helping out with the order.

The 2 auto seeds have gone into water.

Today I will add some new pictures of the bag seed lady and AK Auto. And as usual, it is the same quality as always.
I have been fighting a flu for the past 2 weeks with remedies from or community thread. It keeps me on my feet at least. No time to be stuck in bed.
My 2nd AK Auto and the Grand Heft Auto went into soil this morning. since I am out of coco pellets, they have a nice old (yes clean :rofl: sock, cut in half, filled with soil an perlite.

Pineapple Chunk is sleeping and T will take a picture later today.

This is AK Auto in week 6


This is bag seed lady, ( I did resize pic, but it still went on the side,sorry)
[h=2]12 weeks old.[/h]
Today I will add some new pictures of the bag seed lady and AK Auto. And as usual, it is the same quality as always.
I have been fighting a flu for the past 2 weeks with remedies from or community thread. It keeps me on my feet at least. No time to be stuck in bed.
My 2nd AK Auto and the Grand Heft Auto went into soil this morning. since I am out of coco pellets, they have a nice old (yes clean :rofl: sock, cut in half, filled with soil an perlite.

Pineapple Chunk is sleeping and T will take a picture later today.

This is AK Auto in week 6


This is bag seed lady, ( I did resize pic, but it still went on the side,sorry) 2 weeks old.


That is nice. Some solid nug action going in your room, those are gonna be hard and sticky! Do not be sorry about the picture being sideways everybody needs to flex their neck form time to time. I wish you good luck with the new seeds! Get well soon! Happy growing! :love: :Namaste:
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