AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Hi all of you. I will address you all in one post.

thank you for clarifying the Diatomaceous Earth part Tim:thanks: It is an ugly way for them to die but i could find anything "better" in health point of view, to kill off bugs.

My hubby is a "lets test and see" kind of person, and I came over an old thread talking about adding small current to grow , it works like in a thunderstorm ( but with less power of course) Have you ever noticed thing grow bigger after the lightning strike?

We had this discussion and I started googling about it. didn't know exactly how many Volts I could use.
as I was reading the thread in another forum, I notice a familiar name in there...Emilya. She was left with the question unanswered back then.
We added the two metal diodes in soil and hooked it up with a twelve Volt current feeding plant with electricity.
Emilya too is doing the experiment and her flower is way further than mine. the original plant we used, died from root rot, and until we "got the hang of watering etc we decided to wait.

Here is Emlya's thread : Do Electrified Plants Grow Faster? Let's find out!

Jones, I am sorry to hear about illness but i am happy that cannabis is helping you.
I am trying to grow so I can make CCO for a friend with cancer since I have gotten "tired" of burying people in hubby's family from cancer mostly.
My father was diagnose with prostate cancer and I instructed him on diet and wasn't sure about cco and if I could make it happen in time.
he decided against it, since doctors re insured it was caught in good time, and he , with the help of my food and other herbs ideas, got rid of it.

The decision to start growing was hard, I am a very law obeying person. And here it is not ok to grow, but I am also a herb healing type of person home remedies for a lot of things...(see link)
, so logic wins.
why would I turn down the best herb out there? Here I have spoken to people with different health problems and I love to see their faith in this herb. It convinced me totally how good it is.

I have "met" so many beautiful people here, with so much love/joy/knowledge to share, that makes it easy for me to be myself. I love helping out/cheering up anyone in need.

More about me in my nest.

Thank yo all for showing an interest in my grow, there are more to come soon :circle-of-love:

Well glad 2 hear ur father has beat it yes I definitely believe weed is the merical cure lol but 4 real it is such a positive n amazing plant I feel it shud jus b legal for all aspects of the plant weather it's growing it or using it and all over the planet but Thts jus mho but yea bird have a great weekend n keep it green my friend:allgood::bravo::Namaste:
Food grade means 5 microns or less.. The pet de will work better as a bug killer, and can still use it for your own gut, if you choose,30 micron. Food grade is better for your plants as more readily available. Can always do what I do and mortar pestle it down...

Hi Grizz, welcome to my end of the map. It was not my intention to"ignore" you, sorry.
It is always nice to see you. Food grade is what I have:thanks:

Yes 420mag is amazing i am happy i found it, the people in here are very friendly and helpful. :Namaste:

I really do believe that cannabis is a miracle medicine for so many conditions.

Example Me, i got adhd. But i first found out that i had it when i was 20 years old. I have always felt so different then everybody else since i was a little kid without Knowing why it was like that.

I have had hard too sleep ever since i was about 8 years, it feels like i never get tired i could lay there 1-2 hours before i fell asleep.

Anyway, when i found out i had adhd ( what an release too finaly understand ) i had too stop smoke weed because in My country the doctor wont give any prescription untill you are clean. I function much better with weed, i wouldnt even say that i high because i have so much more focus and i can sleep within 30 minutes. But i did stop because he was going to give Me the " adhd medicine". I was so exited, finally been able to feel like normal people. When My doctor gave Me the prescripted amphetamine it did sort of helped with My concentration but i still felt stressed inside. After 1 month i stopped take the medicine, i was feelin real messed up in My brain i wasnt myself anymore.

I started with weed again and i pretty much got full focus in My life, still i feel the adhd but its alot better. 3 balls in the air instead of 10 if you now what i mean. :)

Wow this became the story of My life, im sorry...

But My point is, i believe and i hope that what you are doing for your friend will make a difference.

You are a very good friend that does this, and it is even illegal where you at if i didnt missunderstood.

I am glad that we got you and people like you here, it is what does 420mag so fantastic. :Namaste:

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I am happy that it helps your ADHD, a friend of mine in Sweden is a teacher in a school for children with ADHD, Apbergers (and now I forgot the names of the other conditions) So I am extra happy to hear it works for you.
Open up anytime, the 420 mag is my virtual family and I am supporting my family anyway I can. growing or personal chat.:love:

So many members before us, has done this for years and have given us the tools to grow. I will be forever grateful for it.
All medical is here too. It is amazing to see how well it works. If you don't mind, please tell me more on how you medicate are you smoking only or ? (vaping/oil/edibles too?) Have you found a strain which is better than some other?

Hello Birdie :) things are looking rather awesome round your garden these days. We wanted to thank you for helping out with our posting issue. Lol still not sure what or why it was being so stubborn but seems to be much better, now, let's hope it stays that way. Geez we almost forgot what it was like to be able to post and it not take 20 min to type 5 words. So, if the Mods fixed us up, Thank You!!!!

We have tons of catching up to do with everyone so we are off to say hi while we can :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well. We will just drop this here for you. :passitleft:

I am happy to help, and as I saw bellow, tablet is a different thing than pc. Unless it is a super tablet wit MAX cpu and memory.

It is wonderful to hear from you and thank you for making first stop here hugs to you and your wife:hug:


Well glad 2 hear ur father has beat it yes I definitely believe weed is the merical cure lol but 4 real it is such a positive n amazing plant I feel it shud jus b legal for all aspects of the plant weather it's growing it or using it and all over the planet but Thts jus mho but yea bird have a great weekend n keep it green my friend:allgood::bravo::Namaste:
I am not going to rest until it is, my dream is to open up a cannacenter here and a coffee shop (Dutch style) Just to be able to help people heal :circle-of-love:

have a great weekend too guys. :thanks:
Hi Grizz, welcome to my end of the map. It was not my intention to"ignore" you, sorry.
It is always nice to see you. Food grade is what I have:thanks:

I am happy that it helps your ADHD, a friend of mine in Sweden is a teacher in a school for children with ADHD, Apbergers (and now I forgot the names of the other conditions) So I am extra happy to hear it works for you.
Open up anytime, the 420 mag is my virtual family and I am supporting my family anyway I can. growing or personal chat.:love:

So many members before us, has done this for years and have given us the tools to grow. I will be forever grateful for it.
All medical is here too. It is amazing to see how well it works. If you don't mind, please tell me more on how you medicate are you smoking only or ? (vaping/oil/edibles too?) Have you found a strain which is better than some other?

I am happy to help, and as I saw bellow, tablet is a different thing than pc. Unless it is a super tablet wit MAX cpu and memory.

It is wonderful to hear from you and thank you for making first stop here hugs to you and your wife:hug:


I am not going to rest until it is, my dream is to open up a cannacenter here and a coffee shop (Dutch style) Just to be able to help people heal :circle-of-love:

have a great weekend too guys. :thanks:

As i am on My first grow, i only buyed on street before. So i dont know the strains, but yes there is difference in strains i just gotta find the right one. :)

I have always smoked regular in joints, but when My grow is Done i would like to try making oil and see how thats working. :)

Keep up the good work Mrs.Bird you garden is beautiful. :)

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
We have another member that needs help. It is an easy one for you guys with experience of harvests..
He is not where the plant is, and someone else is going to harvest for him. The harvester can not use a loop to check on trichs.
Is it possible for you to tell him approx. harvest time based on bud pics only? I know it is close.
Hi Guys From Turkey
They are close.... Almost there 100% But thats pictures. We know how they show...GL and Keepem Green
We have another member that needs help. It is an easy one for you guys with experience of harvests..
He is not where the plant is, and someone else is going to harvest for him. The harvester can not use a loop to check on trichs.
Is it possible for you to tell him approx. harvest time based on bud pics only? I know it is close.
Hi Guys From Turkey
Way back,40-47 years ago, I grew almost exclusively outdoors, landrace varieties. There was little information available about Cannabis cultivation and I relied mostly on old men and Central American Indians for tips. I was told that " when the buds "hairs" are at or past 3/4 brown the buds were ready" " If the plants/buds seem to still be developing/growing let it go a bit longer" I had no loupe or other references. I found by experience and intuition, that was just about right. If I let it go a bit longer past 3/4 brown hairs the smoke was a better body high(a week or so) and more a sedative, right about 3/4 it was more cerebral from the same planting. Much later I got a loupe and found better scientific information. By then my intuition and judgement was proven to be pretty much right on. Some varieties vary and judging the entire plant, the bud color and size, the rate of continuing new hair formations, the amount of frosting will factor in the 3/4 brown general guideline. The loupe makes for a more precise call. Relax and enjoy! I was never disappointed with any harvest of bud made from good seeds if it was all female and past 3/4 stage. Read up on curing the crop now, that is just as important!:rollit:
Hi Tim
I have never harvested so I can't calculate ETA or rather ETH in this case. I was looking at my bag seed lady ( the bud pics) was looking seeing red hairs and said, just wat a week more.... and today I see MORE new "hairs", white and whiter..
Problem with the member I try to help, is that he is in one country and plant is in another .:Namaste:
I will tell him to read about washing curing buds too. I have been reading for the past month
My Girls thank you birdie for the tips
Hello Angry Bird! The pics of your grow look good! I suppose you do have a loupe/magnifier to examine your plants? Anyway, from what I can see through my forming cataracts and this little screen, at the stage they are in when you took the pictures , you had a way to go! Getting closer but the majority of the hairs should turn color (brown, orange, red, whatever) usually, before your there. You probably know this already, as you are a researcher type! The good thing is that as long as the buds are sprouting lots of new hairs, they probably are still growing in size and density and you are increasing your yield! :thumb:
My Girls thank you birdie for the tips

I am happy your ladies like my ideas :) And thank you so much for telling me with a beautiful picture of them :thanks:

Tim, thanks for sharing.
Hope you don't mind I copied and pasted your post on Hi Guys from Turkey journal.

and +reps, great info we need to preserve with the heritage of this amazing plant.
I gave you reps++ for helping out
Thank you :thanks:
I believe that so many "old ways of growing" have been forgotten over the years.:love: There are a few e- books from "the past" that I have which I can send to anyone wanting them.
When I go on the pc, and not the laptop, I will write a list of which books I have.
Hello Angry Bird! The pics of your grow look good! I suppose you do have a loupe/magnifier to examine your plants? Anyway, from what I can see through my forming cataracts and this little screen, at the stage they are in when you took the pictures , you had a way to go! Getting closer but the majority of the hairs should turn color (brown, orange, red, whatever) usually, before your there. You probably know this already, as you are a researcher type! The good thing is that as long as the buds are sprouting lots of new hairs, they probably are still growing in size and density and you are increasing your yield! :thumb:

We have a normal magnifying glass, with which I can see the trichs, which by the way, are milky:)

Also, I noticed that my compost is full of some type of mites. Full of it.
question is, if I cook it in the oven, how do i do that? Low heat or high?( I assume low heat) And for how long? It will kill those bugs right? without killing the nutrients?

Thank you again for all your wisdom and compliments. It is always a pleasure :circle-of-love:
all my growing outdoors over past 20 years has been with a pistil harvest, when the plant looked ready, not the trichs. Never knew about it until getting phone and Internet about five years ago, lol...
all my growing outdoors over past 20 years has been with a pistil harvest, when the plant looked ready, not the trichs. Never knew about it until getting phone and Internet about five years ago, lol...

This is how my husband grew too "back in the old days". we were relying on the pistil colours and then booooom more new grew out.:rofl:

:Namaste:I did an estimate based on the belief that it is a skunk (and usually that means auto) and she is growing on her own, no light change, so based on when sex showed and 8 weeks of flower, harvest is ready 2nd of December.

Thank God for internet. It is a good tool to have, as long as we don't forget our "gut feeling" on things.
You'll always get new pistil growth, sign of a healthy plant. Ignore... I'm looking at around 80% of pistils browned and curling back into the flower. But the plant also says she's done. She'll look done, not like a healthy girl that's got more to give, if that makes sense..
You'll always get new pistil growth, sign of a healthy plant. Ignore... I'm looking at around 80% of pistils browned and curling back into the flower. But the plant also says she's done. She'll look done, not like a healthy girl that's got more to give, if that makes sense..
You created a mental picture for me, so, yes, it makes sense. I will know when I see just that:thanks:

Btw, hubby did smoke the top of the bud we cut, and even though it was wet, he felt the buzz.

We have a normal magnifying glass, with which I can see the trichs, which by the way, are milky:)

Also, I noticed that my compost is full of some type of mites. Full of it.
question is, if I cook it in the oven, how do i do that? Low heat or high?( I assume low heat) And for how long? It will kill those bugs right? without killing the nutrients?
Thank you again for all your wisdom and compliments. It is always a pleasure :circle-of-love:

1 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

2 Spread a layer of soil in an ovenproof container such as a metal or glass baking pan or clay pot. Be sure the depth of the soil is 4 inches or less.

3 Moisten the soil so it is moist but not dripping with water.

4 Remove plant debris and rocks and break up dirt clods. Leave the soil loose and uncompacted as air must circulate throughout the soil to kill the pathogens.

5 Cover the container securely with heavy duty aluminum foil. Poke a hole in the center of the foil, then insert an ovenproof thermometer diagonally through the hole and into the soil.

6 Bake the soil until the thermometer registers 180 degrees Fahrenheit. When the soil reaches that temperature, turn off the oven.

7 Monitor the thermometer and maintain the soil at approximately 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Open the door if the soil reaches 200 degrees or if the soil emits a sharp odor. Too much heat may result in toxins that may damage plants.

8 Remove the pan from the oven and wrap it in a thick layer of dry towels. This allows the soil to cool gradually, which results in a more complete pasteurization of the soil.

9 Store the soil in a clean bucket or other container.

Hope this info helps you out AngryBird. :high-five:
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