AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

I will take some new pictures, when everything has calmed down. Pc broken , camera bad.. :thanks:

Hey bird :volcano-smiley:figured I'd do a check in on ur journal lol since u been in mine y not return the favor:circle-of-love: I jus did a rough skim threw but 2morow or nex day will read it in full but yea not bad at all gud luck on the harvest n great job in the 420 community here glad 2 b apart of ur grow op u got going:) anyway gud luck n keep it green:Namaste: :)
Hi Birdie! :circle-of-love:

Your girls are looking great!

I've been traveling a bit for work but wanted to stop in and say hi. :hug::hug:

Hi Nice to have you back. And tnx you for dropping by to say hi :thanks:
Hey bird :volcano-smiley:figured I'd do a check in on ur journal lol since u been in mine y not return the favor:circle-of-love: I jus did a rough skim threw but 2morow or nex day will read it in full but yea not bad at all gud luck on the harvest n great job in the 420 community here glad 2 b apart of ur grow op u got going:) anyway gud luck n keep it green:Namaste: :)

hi jones,and welcome to my somewhat journal.
it is my 1st and all mistakes have been made as newbie :) Learn as I grow:Namaste:
Hi Nice to have you back. And tnx you for dropping by to say hi :thanks:

hi jones,and welcome to my somewhat journal.
it is my 1st and all mistakes have been made as newbie :) Learn as I grow:Namaste:

Hey as long as u keep learning Thts all tht matters..... Kinda.... right??...Lol but yea not bad 4 a first journal only thing I wud suggest wud b 2 up the lighting but idk wat ur working with Bill wise for electricity ya no but yea gud luck :)
Just stopping by on my way out to the river path. Good morning Birdie. :hug: :love:

Have a wonderful day. :circle-of-love:
Hey as long as u keep learning Thts all tht matters..... Kinda.... right??...Lol but yea not bad 4 a first journal only thing I wud suggest wud b 2 up the lighting but idk wat ur working with Bill wise for electricity ya no but yea gud luck :)
, And yes, electricity cost is a concern plus the fact that ordering and paying abroad is a bit of a problem at the moment,
i have 8 t8s 4 war 4 cold, shining on them, and they seem to like it :thumb:
Just stopping by on my way out to the river path. Good morning Birdie. :hug: :love:

Have a wonderful day. :circle-of-love:

Hi Sweet one hope your walk filled your soul with beautiful pictures :circle-of-love:
Hello Mrs. Bird. :)

A bit late but i take a seat for this one if it is ok.:Namaste: looking very good so far :allgood:
No one is ever late here :thanks:welcome, sit anywhere and enjoy the party:thanks:
Looking good Bird, I like whats you gots going there, should be interesting. I will be following for sure.

:welcome: to my journal cannaruss. I am bad about pictures, since camera is bad.
I grow for my husband and a friend who has cancer. And yes I will be creating oil and edibles too.

The magazine is the best place to be and I love my new virtual family:circle-of-love:
UPDATE 8/11-2016

Finally pictures:party:

We have had some serious technical problems with pc, and it took me over a week to understand WHY my graphic card had problems...
(Note: Drivers from manufacturer was a bad update driver =good choice)

We have added the 8 T8 lights florescent not LED lights. 4 warm light and 4 cold lights. Can't remember the lumens and all the other technical stuff at the moment. I have it written down. Numbers are high enough. :)

We have placed the lights along with the flowers so lights go all over the plant and not from top only.

We have added lots of fertilizer on the AK Auto and the Lady bag seed.
Horse manure, banana peel, Emilyas Cal mag and banana juice from fermented banana peels.

Here are the amazing bud shots from our 1st plant :party:

Lady Bag seed

She is 12 weeks old.

And our little AK Auto 5 weeks old


Showing us she loves the new light and the fertilizers we make for them :circle-of-love:

Here is the light set up and our Pineapple Chunk showing in the foreground.
She will be put on 12/12 when autos are done.


Happy growing and love grow to all your gardens :circle-of-love:

Thank you for stopping by :hug:
Nice buds!... My bagseeders were a little less productive than the others, but I gave them some Epsom along with regular nutes during bloom and they all ended up being decent sized buds compared with the others. Autos look good too, I must do Auto sometime, maybe this summer! TC and cya soon! ;)
Lights are easier with autos and they grow faster.
I am growing into an auto fan myself..

Although, I know in my heart that my Pineapple Chunk is going to be my pride when it is time :love:
Autos have that quick turnaround. That's a prime consideration when you're limited in space and resources. The photos are the glamour girls, until you visit arteekay and Jay's gardens. Thankfully I'm blessed with more options than average. You're plants appear to be doing well under your care Birdie.

Feels good to have some flowers, doesn't it? The hope of future meds. :battingeyelashes: :love:
for stopping by all of you :) I am happy my organic fertilizer ideas shows results. :party:
Auto is a surprise since I think she budded early?!

PineApple chunk is actually getting ready to start flower. Also I see some 7 finger leaves on top.

Also, after reading Light Addict's post on bud topping.. or rather back building as it is called. We decided to try that on one of the buds.
LA's Quick Guide To Simple Backbuilding Technique For Buds!
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