AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

UPDATE 27/10-2016

I have been stuck with my head in a PC for so many days now, and not at all in the closet with my babies...and to my big surprise..I had to raise the lights on the auto and Pineapple.!!

They have grown a lot ( in my eyes ):love:

Bag seed lady budding :love:

Pineapple Chunk was hugging the light bulb


And the AK Auto is growing wild 22 days old


Lights came today and we have some wiring to do. They came with no cords attached and of course we need to add plugs as well...
Next everything needs to get out of the closet and the night is going to be looooong... :Namaste:

I hope all is well in your gardens :circle-of-love:
Love will make them grow!
Best of luck with the light. It'll mean such improvement you won't believe it.

Fortifying hugs. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Best of luck with the light. It'll mean such improvement you won't believe it.

Fortifying hugs. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Thank you I do need them... They actually packed them so bad and one light tube was in pieces...They got an email of course... still no reply..
Need to check the rest of them...made me wonder if they played football with the packet on the way??!! Despite of the BIG FRAGILE letters all over the box!!??!!!
And I am done!! Lights fixed and in with the ladies..just too tired to take a picture. sorry..

Fuzz :rofl: my motto is "if you want it it yourself" and loaded with paaaaaaaaaatience...:Namaste: I hooked up the cords and plugs checked the lights and hubby hung them in there. It is a temporary light setting but it will work for now.:circle-of-love:
Ladies needs more light and I hope they will like it.
We left one t8 in the box, it is not necessary at the moment.
So now they have 6x38W florescent 3 white cool and 3 warm and one 18W florescent shining bright in there.:Namaste:
And I am done!! Lights fixed and in with the ladies..just too tired to take a picture. sorry..

Fuzz :rofl: my motto is "if you want it it yourself" and loaded with paaaaaaaaaatience...:Namaste: I hooked up the cords and plugs checked the lights and hubby hung them in there. It is a temporary light setting but it will work for now.:circle-of-love:
Ladies needs more light and I hope they will like it.
We left one t8 in the box, it is not necessary at the moment.
So now they have 6x38W florescent 3 white cool and 3 warm and one 18W florescent shining bright in there.:Namaste:
Cant wait to see the difference this makes for your little ones.

☃ MJ
HI Flowerhead
We had this budget and we wanted to get the best we could with the money we had :Namaste:
In "the old days" florescent lights where used all the time, so we figured lets test it.
I had ordered 18ws but 36W was sent instead. We are a bit concerned with the electricity bill, but it is not that bad.
234Watt from socket.
It is bright in there and I hope they love it:circle-of-love:
HI Flowerhead
We had this budget and we wanted to get the best we could with the money we had :Namaste:
In "the old days" florescent lights where used all the time, so we figured lets test it.
I had ordered 18ws but 36W was sent instead. We are a bit concerned with the electricity bill, but it is not that bad.
234Watt from socket.
It is bright in there and I hope they love it:circle-of-love:

Look at the CBD Skunk Haze I have under my T5. Her color isn't quite as dark as the others who are under LED but she's more than twice their size (or was before I stripped her half naked today)! The light can't be all that bad. I'm sure your plants will love the added lights! I can't wait to see the pictures after they've been under them for a few days.

:hug: :love: :hug:
:hug:We were talking about that just now, and was trying to figure out how to take a picture. :rofl:
Lights ,now 4 (we added the 4rth today) are in a "teepee" shape around the ladies until they finish.
Since they are in a big tarp bag which have been divided to compartments for each plant Next grow will be done a bit different. I made 4 pots from brown cloth slim but high if needed and the lights are going to be placed vertical one for each plant.
If needed we will rotate the pots. :circle-of-love:
Thank you Artic nice to see you :)
We have hope on the budding bag seed ladies.
And the smell is so nice spreading around the closet. :rofl:

Aa forgot to mention AK auto has shown her first hairs!!!! I didn't see them before since they are in the back but they must have been growing for a few days!!:party:
great journal with some great info within :)
Hi and welcome to my journal too :welcome: anything you need just let me know

Hey Birdie hope things are well in your world :) we are dropping by to send big bud vibes to your ladies and hugs for you.

Blessed Buds our friend and be well. :circle-of-love: :passitleft:

Hi to you and MrsA :hug: to you both :circle-of-love::passitleft:
Right back at ya':hug:

My babies are growing wild, pc is still off and I am trying to write from a "almost broken" laptop.

I can't connect phone to laptop to take pictures so, sorry

Thank you every one for voting and believing in me :circle-of-love: and sorry for disappearing.

Decent showing in the MOTM Birdie. LA's a tough one to beat. :laughtwo: One of these days girl...... :high-five:

We understand how life gets. We're here waiting for the time when you have more open access. :circle-of-love:
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