AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

does the orange oil work for spider mites as well or do you recommend eucalyptus
because there is no eucalyptus where i live or will some bottled do, or do i go with the cinnamon??
nice jounal btw...
No need to say sorry, we are all here to help It is my pleasure to answer questions.:circle-of-love:

You leave it on. No need to rinse off.
Also if you want and/or need you spray on top of soil.
now that's the problem can't find such thing here.... been looking for ages and nope and i'm also in europe where there is much less to find then in america or even in england i suppose
Hey:hug:Birdie:hug:. Hope all is well.
Drive by. I know I need to do alittle catch up on what you got growing on over here. They never taught me to read back in Arkansas, so I mainly skim for pics. So it will take me afew to see whats what. Keepem Green
Thanks for driving by :hug:
I have 3 ladies at the moment
1 Pineapple Chunk, not flowered yet since I am waiting for my AK Auto ( 1 month old)
and my lady bag seed waaay into budding to finish.

I am growing old style with T8's 4 warm and 4 cold ones are shining in there :)
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