AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Earlier in the grow, you might remember the discussion about having electricity added to our Deep Cheese.
Unfortunately the plant died from root rot. (lesson learned on over watering and airy soil)
Since a better growth was noticed, electricity has now been added to the plants again.
Also we noticed that bugs and pests doesn't really like electricity.

Picture will come later, since it is night time for them at the moment.
Morning :hug:Birdie:hug:. I ain't been by the nest here in a mnute. How have you been ? I seen that you lost a plant to root rot. Overwatering )-:

Things'll get better. I was fighting mites over at my place for a couple days and we got the baby to plan for so I been kinda busy. I still journal though.
Looking very good over here Angry Bird.

:hookah: I remembered :green_heart:
Hi there Birdy! How have things been? I'm finally feeling better! Yay!


I couldn't be happier for you FINALLY!!! :passitleft:

Morning :hug:Birdie:hug:. I ain't been by the nest here in a mnute. How have you been ? I seen that you lost a plant to root rot. Overwatering )-:

Things'll get better. I was fighting mites over at my place for a couple days and we got the baby to plan for so I been kinda busy. I still journal though.
Looking very good over here Angry Bird.

:hookah: I remembered :green_heart:

Hi Jacob. lol yes and today I will have my first stem/leaf tea :)
I have too many things in real life too these days, so no worries :) You come by when you can and you are always welcome :green_heart:
UPDATE 14/10-2016


Only a little one today. I Really need to find a better camera since pictures are soo bad and bagseed lady can't fit in the picture.
She is growing buds !!! :party::yahoo:
And I can't take pictures to show you guys!!

Humidity 57-67%
Temp 28-30 C ( working on why..)
Feeding water. banana juice and coffee grounds soil has horse manure in there too.

So here is Pineapple Chunk 11 weeks and 4 days stunned but hanging in


And here is AK auto 12 days old.
She is fed banana juice ( banana peels+ water in a jar for 10 days needs to be cloudy to be ok not smell mold)
1 bottle cap in a glass of water and pour around plant away from stem.
She is shooting new leaves in the center..which of course my mobile can't catch...


The electricity is one electrode by the bag seed lady and the other by the AK auto. Hubby is planning to add one more to the Pineapple Chunk too.

Have a lovely evening/day you all and grow love to all of your gardens!!
You're ak is going wonderful birdy, I'm looking forward to compare ours when they have both finished. Carry on the great work buddy ✌


thank you :) your grow is going wonderful too now :)
Congrats on your making the list for MOTM Birdie!!! We sent our love your way :)

Blessed Buds and the best of luck to you our friend
hi Thank you I was just over at your place :)
I am so happy for your harvest!:thumb:
UPDATE 17/10-2016

Of course I have a technical problem..again... with the mobile. PC refuses to recognize it, so I can't post pictures yet.
We have been fighting hard with pests of all sorts... finally got hold of some sulfur ( allowed in organic grows) our diatomaceous earth is not due to arrive yet.

The pest seems to have gone to see their maker... for now.

AK auto is growing nicely and hubby decided for auto seeds next time.
pineapple Chunk is hanging in.. stunned but growing slowly slowly...

bagseed lady has quite a few bud sites that I really wanted you to see...

Oh, well, when technology wants to go my way, I will post pictures

Have an absolutely beautiful day and spread LOVE around :circle-of-love:
My aphid infestation seems to have died down.... for the time being. Real interesting thread you got, will stick around.

WE are hunting the bugs too, they seem to have died off a bit...for now too..maybe they got deeper down..:Namaste:

Good morning. Started a new journal and would love to have you along. Hope you are enjoying your growing.

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing 

Thank you Bumble I will fly by right now :thanks:
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