AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

I can't like that post. What approach are you considering? A thorough spraying with a hose may eliminate the majority and swabbing or spraying with a 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol may finish the job for you.

The baby AK was the infested one and she was sprayed with copper sulfate diluted in water and some was sprinkled in the soil too.
I guess I have to clear out the area too.. saw your job in your auto tent.
I just have a difficult task since it isn't a "closed" area it is a storage space under the stair case and it has some things stored in the lowest corner.
Is the copper sulfate safe to use on cannabis? I'm not famaliar with that. If you can get it, neem oil is the top-rated miticide of the essential oils. Here's an article that covers the use of essential oils to battle an infestation, but a quick look at other sites all reinforced the idea of neem being the oil of choice. This article had instructions at the end for mixing the oils with water.

7 Essential Oils For Getting Rid Of Spider Mites -
I wish I could find neem oil here. I have read so much about it.
Copper Sulfate is used in many ways. Powder or diluted in water for spray.
It kills most bugs and also mold. Here it is widely used in the outdoor growing. I am just so angry at the moment for not seeing them sooner! :circle-of-love:
I wish I could find neem oil here. I have read so much about it.
Copper Sulfate is used in many ways. Powder or diluted in water for spray.
It kills most bugs and also mold. Here it is widely used in the outdoor growing. I am just so angry at the moment for not seeing them sooner! :circle-of-love:

I feel your frustration. Twice I thought I had the little boogers beat. My tent was so crowded I had to pull each plant out to spray one by one. They still found place to hide. Some of my sativas have curled leaves and are hard to cover completely. Or could be my neem oil is old or I mixed it too weak. I will have to check out Sue's link for essential oils. Neem has worked for me in the past on a lot of nasty infestations. Never had as much trouble as I've had with mites. Good luck and good riddance! :rip:

Side note on copper sulfate: In large doses copper is toxic and accumulates in liver, brain and muscles. I'm sure you are being careful with it and following directions. I know some forms are approved for organic gardening, but I'm still wary of it. I used a lot of it as roof preservative when I was contractor. Be safe. :hug: :Namaste:
I agree about the copper sulfate. I would give the plant a decent powdering of diatomaceous earth that is deadly on touch to the bugs but harmless to the plant. It also can absorb heavy metals. You can even clean yourself with it, it kills parasites and cleans the intestines thus makes you immune system stronger. It costs 30 euros per kilo and that is big bag. Also get sticky traps- blue and yellow! Good luck! :love: :Namaste:
Hey Angry Bird, your thread is filled with action so I'm learning as much as you.
I would like to submit my cent/advice on top of the other cents that were offered. Because that's probably all that its' worth but I want to be a part of your SOULution. I'm cheering for you in the background! Just a little tidbit when you mentioned previously, you topped your plant it left a red dot. That is your plant telling you that it caught a topical infection because you may have unknowingly used a dirty tool to top the plant with. Whatever you use, make sure it's sharp, wiped with isopropyl alcohol for extreme clean. Also, isolate your plant that has spiders, don't want them to contaminate your area or other plants. Great to contribute to such a beautiful heart and soul. Hugs not Bugs ;)
I agree about the copper sulfate. I would give the plant a decent powdering of diatomaceous earth that is deadly on touch to the bugs but harmless to the plant. It also can absorb heavy metals. You can even clean yourself with it, it kills parasites and cleans the intestines thus makes you immune system stronger. It costs 30 euros per kilo and that is big bag. Also get sticky traps- blue and yellow! Good luck! :love: :Namaste:

Ok, I know this may sound crazy but it works. Put plants in freezer for 10 min. Put some latex gloves on. Rub fingers over leaves and the bugs fall right off dead!! Only if your plant is small enough to fit in freezer of course lol.
Ok, I know this may sound crazy but it works. Put plants in freezer for 10 min. Put some latex gloves on. Rub fingers over leaves and the bugs fall right off dead!! Only if your plant is small enough to fit in freezer of course lol.

This is brilliant! +Reps for that one. I'll certainly remember that should the buggers ever think to hit my tent with young ones again. Hopefully the proper use of the kit and a better focus on environmental controls will keep them at bay. The Borg is a formidable foe.
Bugs, everywhere bugs lately! I'm going to check my babies really well later. :wood:

We need a bug exterminator smiley! I was looking for a substitute and saw this :lot-o-toke: and thought yeah, let's smoke 'em out! :laughtwo: If only it were so easy.

Good luck, ladies! May your extermination efforts prove to be the apocalypse for all pests.

It's well worth a try though Fuzznutter. :laughtwo: Let me fire up the bong and give it some thought. Lol!
Plants are saved and no more copper sulfate.
I found the diatomaceous earth Tomula said and will be order soon.
Finally Rosemary and cinnamon is accepted as repellent :cheer:
Plants are saved and no more copper sulfate.
I found the diatomaceous earth Tomula said and will be order soon.
Finally Rosemary and cinnamon is accepted as repellent :cheer:

Oh great! Good to hear that! Keep it up! :goodjob: :cheer: :love: :Namaste:

Also I wanted to ask: Is it food-grade? That's important!
Hey birdy! I'm glad you sorted your bug problem, I had a friend growing outdoors last year who kept having problems with them. In the end he found a great companion plant that the bugs loved much more then the herb plant. He fully flowered and cut a plant that was literally living beside a bug hotel!! Amazing what these plants can live through, and also teach us while we grow them. Much love to you and your babies

Hey birdy! I'm glad you sorted your bug problem, I had a friend growing outdoors last year who kept having problems with them. In the end he found a great companion plant that the bugs loved much more then the herb plant. He fully flowered and cut a plant that was literally living beside a bug hotel!! Amazing what these plants can live through, and also teach us while we grow them. Much love to you and your babies


Inquiring minds must know, what was the bug hotel plant?
I honestly couldn't tell you sorry! It was a real leafy type plant I never saw it flower. I'll try get in contact with my friend and ask :)


*nods* Okay. Based on your description we can eliminate cacti from the list of possibilities... Was it green? :rofl::rofl:

I'm sorry, I only jest but couldn't resist. My description would have been no better. :passitleft:
Hahahaha! You got me.honestly I couldn't tell you more, it was hidden in his garden (massive BTW) so didn't see it alot.


I'll be interested in hearing what it is too, so I hope you can find out jimdogggy.

Thanks Fuzz..... :passitleft:
Oh great! Good to hear that! Keep it up! :goodjob: :cheer: :love: :Namaste:

Also I wanted to ask: Is it food-grade? That's important!

I didn't realize they came in different versions.. need to look into it thx Tomula

Hey birdy! I'm glad you sorted your bug problem, I had a friend growing outdoors last year who kept having problems with them. In the end he found a great companion plant that the bugs loved much more then the herb plant. He fully flowered and cut a plant that was literally living beside a bug hotel!! Amazing what these plants can live through, and also teach us while we grow them. Much love to you and your babies


I know that spider mites love garlic.

I'll be interested in hearing what it is too, so I hope you can find out jimdogggy.

Thanks Fuzz..... :passitleft:

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