AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

hi all
I am sorry for disappearing. It is a long story

Babies are doing fine and I also have 2 new ones. One AK auto and a new bag seed.
Jack Herer will pop tomorrow I hope
Humidity was successfully lowered and is around 55% with help of a dehumidifier.
If I can I will add photos too.
The topped plants didn't seem to care at all about loosing tops..they keep on growing :)

I love you all and thank you all for watching out for me
Pictures will come soon.
Now we have
Pineapple chunk
2 bag seed babies
1 ak auto
1 Jack Herer born today!!!!

I have moved night time to 12:00 -16:00 Since winter is coming and also I am on 20/4 for the auto to like it... I hope the rest have no problem.
It was done slowly one hr a day so non of the older ladies would be upset.
Thank you guys for stopping by
I love you all :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Pictures will come soon.
Now we have
Pineapple chunk
2 bag seed babies
1 ak auto
1 Jack Herer born today!!!!

I have moved night time to 12:00 -16:00 Since winter is coming and also I am on 20/4 for the auto to like it... I hope the rest have no problem.
It was done slowly one hr a day so non of the older ladies would be upset.
Thank you guys for stopping by
I love you all :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
Nice one birdy! I have an ak auto on the way as well was your from CBD? Loo forward to seeing it grow

Pictures will come soon.
Now we have
Pineapple chunk
2 bag seed babies
1 ak auto
1 Jack Herer born today!!!!

I have moved night time to 12:00 -16:00 Since winter is coming and also I am on 20/4 for the auto to like it... I hope the rest have no problem.
It was done slowly one hr a day so non of the older ladies would be upset.
Thank you guys for stopping by
I love you all :circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

We love you right back.:circle-of-love::circle-of-love:
UPDATE 6/1-2016

Thank you all for being here, it means a lot :circle-of-love:

I woke up to a bad sight today. Jack Herer is sick..
I will show picture further down.
We had some bugs throwing a party in the soil and we couldn't water it with the bug spray or Essential oil so we diluted some Copper Sulfate to sprinkle all over the soil.

This is the whole family in one picture.
The big one in the back is bag seed baby (1) She were topped and the next day 2 new branches started growing!!

She has kicked off and I have a picture further down of little white hairs coming out... pre-flowers??!!


This is my little stunned Pineapple Chunk.
She was topped too and has 2 branches growing but no more height here??!!

These are the babies yesterday...


This is AK auto today. I added the support, just in case, since Jack fell ill.


This is Jack... and see the stem....??!!!


This is a (yes I know bad) close up on bag seed baby.

After we topped it (24/9-16)(that is the red dot you see on the stem, hers by the way..I did not paint it.) and just next to the cut two bumps grew out with white hairs in them.
White hairs can be found in many "joints" on the plant. I googled it and it is called
calyx (they have been there for a while and I figured if it was male..more sacs would have grown out by now)

Also this baby is born 21/8 which makes it roughly 6 1/2 weeks old!!

The only thing we know is that hubby brought it home and was told he was given skunk..​

Now, she is not very bushy and I don't know what needs to be done.
She has been given nutrients and doesn't care if she is over fed.
Shall I treat it as auto skunk ?( lights 20/4 and grow program of 11 weeks with ferts to switch to flower around 7-9 weeks when it stops growing? ) or what shall I do?

It is too soon for a "normal" cannabis plant to show sex right? Our lights are on 20/4. they have been moved from 18/6 to 20/4 slowly (by 1 hr per day)

Guys have a marvelous beautiful day and enjoy the feeling of being LOVED!! :circle-of-love:
because I truly do
Nice one birdy! I have an ak auto on the way as well was your from CBD? Loo forward to seeing it grow 


Hi Jim, no it is from with the courtesy of Tomula. :thanks:
Forgive me I can't remember what your setup is. Off the top of my head the amount of stretching indicates you may need more light or you need it closer to the seedlings. You also might want more airflow around those seedlings to prevent damping off, which may be what's happening with your Jack. It's hard to tell for sure from the pic. As for the skunk, if I didn't know if it were a photo or auto I'd treat it like a photo until she proved me wrong. 6-1/2 weeks is old enough to show preflowers so if you see pistils at least you know it's a girl. I'd recommend vegging her until she's no more than 1/4 to 1/3 the maximum height your space can support and then put her in flower.
Hey Birdie great to see you brought some pics to the party. A couple of things that I would like to add to the above ideas though. I didn't realise that you were using foil, this can cause hot spots on your plants causing them damage, like being placed under a magnifying glass, as could the tin can that you have planted one of the seeds in. Although if there are holes in the tin can for drainage it might be best to leave the seed there until transplanting. Instead of using foil just plain old white paint, card/paper will be more reflective whilst eliminating any hot spots.

I also would agree with the above poster in regards to the light but if nothing can be done about it don't let it worry you too much. Stretchy plants give bud too it will just be a little airier and not quite as potent, but better than buying most street weed all day long. Although that said, if you can't move the light what you could do instead is to place something under the pots to take the smaller ones closer to the light and even out the canopy, I do this myself and it works just the same as having a separate light to move closer.

The bag seed is looking like a male to me, it's hard to see but definitely keep your eyes open on that one as it would be a shame for it to be pollinating your other girls. Hopefully I'm wrong but keep your eye out ;)

For protection against most bugs I use a light dusting of Diatomaceous Earth, food grade. It's cheap and easy to buy online and really does the trick, plus it's used as a health treatment to encourage nail and hair growth so no funny looks from the postman. All the best :thumb:
Forgive me I can't remember what your setup is. Off the top of my head the amount of stretching indicates you may need more light or you need it closer to the seedlings. You also might want more airflow around those seedlings to prevent damping off, which may be what's happening with your Jack. It's hard to tell for sure from the pic. As for the skunk, if I didn't know if it were a photo or auto I'd treat it like a photo until she proved me wrong. 6-1/2 weeks is old enough to show preflowers so if you see pistils at least you know it's a girl. I'd recommend vegging her until she's no more than 1/4 to 1/3 the maximum height your space can support and then put her in flower.

Hey Birdie great to see you brought some pics to the party. A couple of things that I would like to add to the above ideas though. I didn't realise that you were using foil, this can cause hot spots on your plants causing them damage, like being placed under a magnifying glass, as could the tin can that you have planted one of the seeds in. Although if there are holes in the tin can for drainage it might be best to leave the seed there until transplanting. Instead of using foil just plain old white paint, card/paper will be more reflective whilst eliminating any hot spots.

I also would agree with the above poster in regards to the light but if nothing can be done about it don't let it worry you too much. Stretchy plants give bud too it will just be a little airier and not quite as potent, but better than buying most street weed all day long. Although that said, if you can't move the light what you could do instead is to place something under the pots to take the smaller ones closer to the light and even out the canopy, I do this myself and it works just the same as having a separate light to move closer.

The bag seed is looking like a male to me, it's hard to see but definitely keep your eyes open on that one as it would be a shame for it to be pollinating your other girls. Hopefully I'm wrong but keep your eye out ;)

For protection against most bugs I use a light dusting of Diatomaceous Earth, food grade. It's cheap and easy to buy online and really does the trick, plus it's used as a health treatment to encourage nail and hair growth so no funny looks from the postman. All the best :thumb:

no probs..
I have a lot of bulbs around them 1 cfl shining 100w
1 LED shining 150W
2 LEDs shining 80W each
one blue bulb shining 60W

I think my problem is the air.. fan AND light is closed together with the timer...
fan needs to be ON all the time?
Hey birdy how are you?
Your babies are looking great, I agree with the post above. Tinfoil is horrible I learnt that the hard way, go and pick yourself up a couple of car windscreen protectors they are great for reflecting light. Imo you should put your reflective under the pots as well alot of light can just disappear into the floor when It could be bounced back at the bottom of the plants.
That wierd stretching from your auto will be because of light I'd say it needs more direct light. What you can do is fill her up with dirt some more and push the stem into the soil a bit, this doesn't do anything really but help keep the plant stable (it looks quiet flimsy)
You're doing really well birdy I'm looking forward to seeing some buds from you ✌

Hey birdy how are you?
Your babies are looking great, I agree with the post above. Tinfoil is horrible I learnt that the hard way, go and pick yourself up a couple of car windscreen protectors they are great for reflecting light. Imo you should put your reflective under the pots as well alot of light can just disappear into the floor when It could be bounced back at the bottom of the plants.
That wierd stretching from your auto will be because of light I'd say it needs more direct light. What you can do is fill her up with dirt some more and push the stem into the soil a bit, this doesn't do anything really but help keep the plant stable (it looks quiet flimsy)
You're doing really well birdy I'm looking forward to seeing some buds from you ��✌

What he suggests for the additional soul is a good idea. More roots will spring forth under the new dirt and lend additional stability.

If you have to use aluminum foil (sometimes it's all you have) use the dull side to the plants. Sounds counterproductive but the diffused light is better than the hot spots from the shiny side.

You need a fan on all the time if you're filtering the air or if you get dangerously high temp spikes without the fan running.
Good Morning all :circle-of-love:

Jack Herer could not be saved ..

The baby AK auto was placed in the big bag deeper down so I could support the stem.
We don't have temp spikes more humidity jumps when fan is off.
lights have been placed closer to the babies and he Pineapple Chunk.

Most of the tinfoil is with the back side out. :love: Thank you

Thing is that the big bagseed has been showing white hairs from week 4 about, that is why I thought it might be an auto skunk.
It is my understanding that regular seeds need light switched in order for sex to show?!

Enjoy your day all and spread the love!!!
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