AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Its okay you can top it. I topped mine when there was some yellowing due to lack of oxygen, even though not overwatered but more because the soil was too compact over time. damn good to create space and prevent compaction.
Keem em green, Angry! Youll be fine. Theyll grow, just need patience.

Sent from my E5803 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
You may get a few differences of opinion as to whether to top just yet birdie. Personally I would give them time to fully acclimatise to their new environment before stressing them any further. Either way though you will live and learn so good luck with whichever way you choose to go :thumb:
My standard is typically to let them adapt for a few days to a week every time I stress them before I stress them again. Not a hard-and-fast rule at all. They're the most resilient plants we grow, but there's no reason to not be gentle with them sometimes, eh?
You may get a few differences of opinion as to whether to top just yet birdie. Personally I would give them time to fully acclimatise to their new environment before stressing them any further. Either way though you will live and learn so good luck with whichever way you choose to go :thumb:

I actually forgot about that part..thanks for reminding me!!
so you'll say in a week or It is ok?
My standard is typically to let them adapt for a few days to a week every time I stress them before I stress them again. Not a hard-and-fast rule at all. They're the most resilient plants we grow, but there's no reason to not be gentle with them sometimes, eh?

Hi my beloved sister..did you and I post at the same time :rofl:
thank you, you answered my question.
Looking back at the pictures, I'd do that topping soon AngryBird. They can get away from you pretty quickly. You probably keep a closer eye on yours than I do mine. :laughtwo: :love:
Looking back at the pictures, I'd do that topping soon AngryBird. They can get away from you pretty quickly. You probably keep a closer eye on yours than I do mine. :laughtwo: :love:

I just popped my head in the closet..and they look bigger!! Hm.. yes tomorrow is topping day...
Well we can't let them fly away now can we?!! :love:
Its okay you can top it. I topped mine when there was some yellowing due to lack of oxygen, even though not overwatered but more because the soil was too compact over time. damn good to create space and prevent compaction.
Keem em green, Angry! Youll be fine. Theyll grow, just need patience.

Sent from my E5803 using 420 Magazine Mobile App

When I read that I thought it said, "Keep em green And Angry!" :rofl:Like the bag seed is really an escapee from government lab experiment crossing Bruce Banner and Godzilla. I'm picturing branches after topping growing with bulging green biceps. Don't wan't to be late feeding that one! :morenutes:
When I read that I thought it said, "Keep em green And Angry!" :rofl:Like the bag seed is really an escapee from government lab experiment crossing Bruce Banner and Godzilla. I'm picturing branches after topping growing with bulging green biceps. Don't wan't to be late feeding that one! :morenutes:

Thanks for joining :)

lol no.. bagseed baby takes anything 4 weeks going on fine and growing good.... Pineapple seems ok too..
Took a picture of Pineapple Chunk..and was studying it trying to feel if it is ready for topping..
I feel that the node/top growing out is the one to cut...

what do you think?

Which means wait a few days?! right?

Have a sunny FULL of LOVE Saturday everybody :circle-of-love:
Don't forget to hug the one you love and show him/her how happy you are for having him/her in your life :circle-of-love:
Give it another day or two. You want to be able to take that teeny bit off without damaging the rest around it. I messed up three of five this cycle. :straightface: Not a common mistake for me, but it cost me potential branches on each one. Some days are just rougher than others. :laughtwo:
Good morning Ab, hope you and family having a good start to the weekend:circle-of-love:
Looks ready for topping to me but like kriaze and sweetsue said, I would give it another day or two then top, its whatever you feel comfortable with, will pop back over for a coffee when your back, BIG HUGS:hug::hug::hug::circle-of-love:
Ok cappuccino and brownies, SweetSue's lavender cookies and caramel chocs served :)

My keyboard is full of soda..sticky keys... and mouse was cleaned but not working well....

We are all fine went for a long walk to the mega toy store... I am going to loose the extra kilos... ( 3 are gone )

Just half an hour ago I popped my head into the closet...and the top I showed in the picture..had grown and had a 1 cm it went off!!
I also came home with a temp and humidity meter.. so now I can report:

Temp: 28 C
Humidity 48%

Now I need to check what they need :rofl:
I copied this from SweetSue's Healing garden.. not that I was to lazy to write myself this was just so well written :

TorturedSoul made a good point today that those of us with journals should post monthly to encourage voting in the contests. I agree that , given the numbers of our membership we should be able to inspire more than about 100 members in a month to participate in voting. So here are the links to the three monthly contests.

Plant of the Month - September 2016

Nug of the Month - September 2016

Member of the Month - September 2016

We have a week before the polls close, so you have plenty of time to get over there and try to make a decision. Most months the choices are really hard to make, but it sure is fun. The Nug and Plant Of The Month contests let you droll over the presentation of plants and nugs you wish were yours. The Member Of The Month contest gives you the opportunity to vote for the member you believe contributed above and beyond in the past months.
You are a Brave Birdie with topping - I'm skiddish about the whole thing and have only topped a few here and there - have to admit it does wonders! that and all the fluxing - it's like magic (MrAmazin!) and i'm always thinking "but i only have two plants ...don't want to kill one of them ...!"

so good for you Brave cannaBird

Hi Birdie! :circle-of-love:

Just stopping in to share the love. Have a great weekend! :green_heart:


Hi and hope you will enjoy your weekend too :circle-of-love: Grow and heal !!!

You are a Brave Birdie with topping - I'm skiddish about the whole thing and have only topped a few here and there - have to admit it does wonders! that and all the fluxing - it's like magic (MrAmazin!) and i'm always thinking "but i only have two plants ...don't want to kill one of them ...!"

so good for you Brave cannaBird


Hi Thank you :) :circle-of-love:
It was working in my head for months.. reading studying pictures and growing from the love everyone has given me the past month.
It made me believe that I can do it!!

Also one question: WHERE am I supposed to place the temp/hydrometer? next to plants or above (hanging on the wall ?)

And by the way:

puregreen's Fund raising isn't over. We just had problems with link sharing, so please send me a PM if you want the link to donate to help him getting back the things that was stolen.
You are free to donate anything you can !!
No need to be big sums.

:circle-of-love: Thank you
Looking good, AB. :welldone:

FYI, there's a technique called "Uncle Ben's Topping (UBT)" that I use all the time and it will make the plant develop four main colas.

When the plant get to about 5-6 nodes, top it just above the 2nd node and it will grow four primary colas.

Here's a blog post by an old 420 Brother recreated from the original article:

Uncle Ben's Topping Method
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