AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Hey Birdie how's things going in your world? Hope all is well an the girls are growing proper for you.

Blessed Buds too you. :circle-of-love:

Hi Arctic I just flew by your garden. Hope all is well up North > Hugs to wife for me :hug:

Hey birdie just stopping in. Personally I am looking into the cvaults. I am gonna cure in those but dry hanging in my tent off the Scrogs I have built. But u know how things go. Might change my mind in 20 mins. Well best of luck and I'll check in more.

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Thank you :)

i've tried different methods. i guess a lot depends on your environment. my best success which is what i stick with are the old fashioned brown paper sacks. i let harvest hang on the stem until the outsides are feeling dryish then stash them loosely in sacks and monitor. after a few days or so i can place the sacks in a big ziplock. it's just having the time to monitor how often they need air. have really nice buds not too moist/not too dry - lasts well :cheesygrinsmiley:

edit - if you're going to be gone like donald that's pretty dicey. brown sacks do allow for some absorption of moisture without drying ... but curing by nature takes attention. hard to have that work out sorry for the ramble wtf?

Thing is he is not going to be there..scenario is..
harvest BEFORE leaving on 3 week vacation... question is how to cure or dry without anyone there to supervise..
or trying to find out HOW to water the plants for 3 weeks without human help..and not loose harvest...
Thing is he is not going to be there..scenario is..
harvest BEFORE leaving on 3 week vacation... question is how to cure or dry without anyone there to supervise..
or trying to find out HOW to water the plants for 3 weeks without human help..and not loose harvest...

yeah i got that three week bit after i posted lol - i don't wanna be unhopeful but if it were me i'd just harvest early and take the harvest w me if i had to leave, which is a ridiculous thing to say. sounds like a really tough spot w out many good solutions - good luck D
yeah i got that three week bit after i posted lol - i don't wanna be unhopeful but if it were me i'd just harvest early and take the harvest w me if i had to leave, which is a ridiculous thing to say. sounds like a really tough spot w out many good solutions - good luck D

It is ok :) I appreciate the effort to help since I am a total NOOB on these things.:thanks:
Good Morning absolutely beautiful world
It is raining here, but there is a sun shining in my heart :circle-of-love:

My plants are growing every day.. but sad neighbors are nosy and we are on alert!
My father in law was in the back yard shouting " what are those " smelling herbs" you are growing over there??!!
Enough to trigger the alarm...
Good Morning AB, :passitleft:an right back at ya:love:
Have a great day and I hope ALL the babies are happy:circle-of-love:

I hope you have a great day too:love:.. and that you will start growing again!! :circle-of-love: All babies are fine

Good Morning absolutely beautiful world
It is raining here, but there is a sun shining in my heart :circle-of-love:

My plants are growing every day.. but sad neighbors are nosy and we are on alert!
My father in law was in the back yard shouting " what are those " smelling herbs" you are growing over there??!!
Enough to trigger the alarm...

wow! you aren't in trouble are you? you're in too good a mood to be in trouble ... LOL hope people quit yellin' and learn to appreciate the smell - i walk in my door and the smell of growing weed is homey and i like it. but obvious give away so ... ;)
wow! you aren't in trouble are you? you're in too good a mood to be in trouble ... LOL hope people quit yellin' and learn to appreciate the smell - i walk in my door and the smell of growing weed is homey and i like it. but obvious give away so ... ;)

Yup! Cannabis for men, the new smell from Cannel!
hi all

we had to do an emergency move of the 2 babies into a not so empty will come later.

I am totally super tired...
We are fine and the nosy neighbors got to see the backyard back to normal and ALL the cardboard and aluminum foil in the garbage.
hi all

we had to do an emergency move of the 2 babies into a not so empty will come later.

I am totally super tired...
We are fine and the nosy neighbors got to see the backyard back to normal and ALL the cardboard and aluminum foil in the garbage.

UPDATE 22/9-2016

As you read earlier, The babies had to be moved to indoors due to nosy neighbors and...
They seem to take the move well and it is going to be warmer for them of course.
Pineapple Chunk :love:


and Baby bag seed :love:


Thank you for reading and checking up on me.

Smile!!! like every day is your last :circle-of-love:
Sun will shine in everybody's heart. IT is meant to be and don't be afraid. Let LOVE shine :circle-of-love:
UPDATE 22/9-2016

As you read earlier, The babies had to be moved to indoors due to nosy neighbors and...
They seem to take the move well and it is going to be warmer for them of course.
Pineapple Chunk :love:


and Baby bag seed :love:


Thank you for reading and checking up on me.

Smile!!! like every day is your last :circle-of-love:
Sun will shine in everybody's heart. IT is meant to be and don't be afraid. Let LOVE shine :circle-of-love:

they look pretty nestled and "cozy" - i'll bet they're really gonna appreciate the move - ;)
HI all
thank you for coming to my journal..and yes.. in the middle of nowhere sounds like something I want to do....

My babies are growing and I am starting to think about topping I want to go for 4 tops.. think I can do it?:hmmmm:

I don't want to end up going....:oops: :rofl: I did it again....
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