AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Looking good angry! ✌


Mornin Birdie. Have I told you lately how Awesome you are ?

You are AWESOME !

Thanks for being that.

Phrum the light room.

Good Morning Birdie, hope you are having a wonderful day over there across the pond.

I put my order in over at Puregreen's Cafe if you want to box that up to go that would be great....:rofl:

Thank you guys for stopping by.
I really appreciate your nice words. It makes me feel really good . and I need that! :circle-of-love:
. order is on its way!! :rofl:
Love ya.
Mean it, Chick.

Phrum the light room.
Love ya.
Mean it, Chick.

Phrum the light room.
You guys are amazing!!:circle-of-love:
Finally I have found a place to call home with people appreciating my help and my existence :thanks:

High birdy! I'm finally making my rounds! I made it a point to come here since you are always so nice in our journal. We appreciate that so much. Thanks for being the good person you are. Have a great day!!!

Hi Canna thx for stopping by, I know you are ill. Get better soon :circle-of-love:
It's like a Utopia online here birdie, you and your spirit fit in well in this kind of world because you ROCK. Not many people have your way of thinking and the motivation to make an effort in helping humanity the way you have, it's rather humbling to us mere mortals :love:

Canna I hope you get well soon, hope this helps :passitleft:
It's like a Utopia online here birdie, you and your spirit fit in well in this kind of world because you ROCK. Not many people have your way of thinking and the motivation to make an effort in helping humanity the way you have, it's rather humbling to us mere mortals :love:

Canna I hope you get well soon, hope this helps :passitleft:

Thank you for those nice words..they really truly warm my heart.:thanks:
It is easy to be me when I am surrounded by love

We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns.:love:
High birdy! I'm finally making my rounds! I made it a point to come here since you are always so nice in our journal. We appreciate that so much. Thanks for being the good person you are. Have a great day!!!

Hope you feel better soon Canna, sending my love :circle-of-love:
Good Morning AB, Hope you have a wonderful day and ALL the babies are happy:circle-of-love:
I will pop back in a bit, going sofa shopping today with the kids)))
Luv Ya:love:

Good Morning We ALL need to be happy. :circle-of-love:

My smallest ,green babies that is, was watered today. I will try to take some photos later today.

Life IS beautiful and sun is shining in my heart today :thanks: for being here ALL of you
Morning Birdie.

Phrum the light room.
HEADS UP 17/9-2016

Pineapple Chunk

was watered today with water+ 1 tbs of banana juice

She still has a bad leaf left from torture times...

and Baby bag-seed

MAn I wush I could take better pictures

Thank you for being here and watch my 1st try..even though they took time to start ( due to my mistakes)

HEADS UP 17/9-2016

Pineapple Chunk

was watered today with water+ 1 tbs of banana juice

She still has a bad leaf left from torture times...

and Baby bag-seed

MAn I wush I could take better pictures

Thank you for being here and watch my 1st try..even though they took time to start ( due to my mistakes)

What does the banana juice do and how do u make it?

So much to many journals to follow
What does the banana juice do and how do u make it?

So much to many journals to follow

It is a great source of K(potassium) and some of the other 2 as well
Just chop up some washed banana peels into 1 cm pieces ( or 1-2 inch )
place in a jar fill with water put lid on and make sure it is water all the way up
let it stay there outside not fridge for 10 days
Cloudy white water =good
blackish grey water=bad

1 tbs of juice in 2 liters of water

or spray feeding. ( foliar?! I think it is called) Here you can add Emilya
s cal mag too
The peels can be used too
chop them up and add into soil ( big ladies)
Since it helps creating big blooms
I learn so much from u.

Have u ever used antacid to quick deliver calcium to the plant....

How long does it take for egg shells to brake down to be used by the soil?

I have been saving ours to put in my soil in February when I start preparing my holes for planting in May.

So much to many journals to follow
I learn so much from u.

Have u ever used antacid to quick deliver calcium to the plant....

How long does it take for egg shells to brake down to be used by the soil?

I have been saving ours to put in my soil in February when I start preparing my holes for planting in May.

So much to many journals to follow

no I have never used it and I add eggshells to compost and always let it sit for a month so I guess around that time.

4 Banana Peels
1 tablespoon Epsom Salt
3 Egg Shells
Empty Spray Bottle
To create the fertilizer spray, you’ll need banana peels, egg shells, Epsom salt, and water.
Dry the banana peels (see tutorial at the end of this article for how) and egg shells, then once they’re dry, grind them together.
Add the peels and shells to a spray bottle, along with the Epsom salt, and fill the sprayer to the top.
Spray on your plants as needed.
Banana peel is good for many things.. big buds and also
a fly trap made from apple cider vinegar and banana peel..excellent..
and for pest control..aphids HATE banana!!!

-Cal Mag too is made as Emily showed in her thread Emmie's DIY CalMagPhos+ From Eggshells
Hi all
I have come to love my new virtual family and thank you all for answering my newbie questions.:thanks:
It is not a secret that I have never grown cannabis before and I only smoked pot 2 times in my life.
When I was growing up, people smoking joints were " drug addicts" and it took me many years to realize HOW WRONG THIS BRAIN WASHING way of thinking is.
Here I am 47 years old and have lost so many people to cancer and most of my life I was avoiding pain killers and other medicines trying to find relief in herbs.

Stupidly enough, I never considered the medical part of cannabis.. I say stupid, because it could have saved my 27 year old cousin that died in leukemia 4 years ago.
That is when I started reading about Rick Simpson's drops and I have been reading ever since.
Banging my head to the wall for being so stuck on old thinking....

Now getting past the I am going to grow weed.. criminal- thinking took some time get out of my head..yes, I know how stupid it is.
I have read so many books and the latest, I have in my signature from the BIG man himself.

Now to the growing journal itself.. I am still waiting for seeds to come but I am starting so I don't mess anything up.

Two of the six seeds are autos, both from Sweet Seeds.

- Blow Mind Auto
- Cream Caramel Auto
- Pineapple Chunk
- Deep Cheese (Dinafem)
- Nordle (CBD Crew)

I :love: Sue for making this happen. She offered to send me some seeds to learn since I am worried to kill off seeds and then cry for money spent.
(Double love for Sue because I was expecting some money at the end of last week...which would have been the fund to buy seeds and soil to money came and I was devastated. )

I am still building a tent of cardboard and it will be outside in my back yard ( grown in pots)

No wind or rain will ruin anything it is under cover and walls surrounding.

Lights.. at the moment some cfl 42W and a LED bulb... Figured it will be enough to start until getting some money by the end of the month to fix more lights.

Soil.. at the moment a 6.0-7.5 PH quality soil which I plan to change with Canna terra plus

So the soil PH needs to be:
Soil pH Chart (6.0 - 7.0 pH)
How to test the PH of soil... ( I haven'ttested it yet.. but will do):

soil + baking soda = bubbles soil is acidic
soil+ vinegar = bubble soil is alakine

How to do PH up and PH down:
0 -6.9 from acid to neutral add: lime ( looking for more things)
7 -10 from alkaline to neutral : ground coffee. lemon peels

Humidity 40-80 %
I need to buy a meter

Co2: plants in tent or closed space needs it and they love it so...:
Yeast, sugar and water in a bottle. shake every day and let it stay with the plants...

Nutrients in general:

thinking of bat guano

N (nitrogen)= Coffee Grounds ( dry and then scatter them lightly)
P (phosphorus)= bone meal
K(potassium)= Banana peel

N : Coffee grounds dried up and mixed in to soil before planting or top dress lightly dug in ( watch the roots)
P: is a bit of a problem still
K: Dry the peels, then grind them into a fertilizer or make spray fertilizer that also uses eggshells for a calcium boost and Epsom salt for magnesium.

4 Banana Peels
1 tablespoon Epsom Salt
3 Egg Shells
Empty Spray Bottle
To create the fertilizer spray, you'll need banana peels, egg shells, Epsom salt, and water.
Dry the banana peels (see tutorial at the end of this article for how) and egg shells, then once they're dry, grind them together.
Add the peels and shells to a spray bottle, along with the Epsom salt, and fill the sprayer to the top.
Spray on your plants as needed.
Banana peel is good for many things.. big buds and also
a fly trap made from apple cider vinegar and banana peel..excellent..
and for pest control..aphids HATE banana!!!

-Cal Mag too is made as Emily showed in her thread Emmie's DIY CalMagPhos+ From Eggshells

Now to pests:

Aphids: banana peel, Cedar wood, hyssop, peppermint, spearmint, orange
Spider-mites: eucalyptus oil ( I made a lot of it !! Since it helps to send mosquitoes away too) cinnamon or rosemary oil does the trick too.
Items you will need: pure virgin olive oil, ½ cup ground cinnamon, cooking pan and gas stove or similar appliance.

1 — Heat enough olive oil in a large sauté pan using medium-high heat.
2 — Add cinnamon and stir to mix with the olive oil.
3 — Simmer for about 3 minutes.
4 — Set aside and let it cool.
5 - After the liquid has cooled enough, strain the cinnamon oil using a fine-mesh strainer lined with a coffee filter.
6 — Pour the strained cinnamon oil into a sterilized airtight jar or bottle.
7 — Store the cinnamon oil in a cool, dry and dark place for at least one month.

If you don't have virgin olive oil, you can substitute safflower oil.

Orange oil is good on many pests :
Orange oil — In a world full of biological pesticides which don't work very well, orange oil stands out because it wipes out or repels entire colonies, and prevents re-infestations, instead of simply killing insects individually. D-limonene (the main constituent of orange oil) is harmless to humans, but deadly to most insects because it dissolves the waxy coating on the exoskeleton of insects, causing dehydration and asphyxiation. One application of orange oil will destroy a full colony of ants. Then, even more importantly, its powerful scent will eradicate the pheromone trail left behind by the ants. Re-infestation usually happens when "new" ants follow that trail back to the original ant nesting spot. But if they can't find the pheromone trail, a new colony won't be setting up shop in your home or business. This oil is so effective at killing bugs, that you should be aware of which bugs you are spraying, as this can also kill beneficial bugs and pollinators.
Orange peels (as many as you have available) with as little of the white pith as possible
Glass jar with a tight fitting lid
Vodka Coffee filter or cheese cloth/muslin
Paper towel or cheese cloth/muslin
How to make orange essential oil
Dry the orange peels on a paper towel somewhere warm and out of direct sunlight until they are hard. This usually takes about two days, depending on the humidity (it's faster if you tear the orange peels into smaller one-inch pieces.)
the dried orange peels into smaller pieces with a sharp knife. Pop the diced peels into a glass jar. Warm the alcohol, by placing the bottle of vodka into a bowl filled with hot tap water. Pour the vodka into the jar until it covers the orange peel.

Screw on the lid and shake the jar. Shake it vigorously for a couple of minutes. Do this a few times a day for three or more days. The more you shake it and the longer you leave the peels in the vodka, the more oil will be extracted.
Strain the peels into a bowl using a coffee filter or cheese cloth. Squeeze all the liquid into the bowl. Cover the dish with a kitchen paper towel or cheese cloth. Be careful not to let the towel fall into the liquid. Let it sit for a few days and when the alcohol has evaporated, what remains will be orange oil.

Fungus gnats: a slice of potato peel in soil leave it there for a few days (4-5) throw it away and repeat until you can't see any more. also Patchouli, spearmint, orange, citronella, tagetes, cedarwood, peppermint, eucalyptus, rose geranium

and a little glass of white vinegar liquid soap in between plants or beside the stem in a big pot to trap mites.

Poi size.. solo cups and after terp shopping bags for now.

This is so far I have come in my so far virtual garden. Please feel free to chip in.
Just keep in is low but love will make it grow :love:

Hi AngryBird,
Thank you so much for your info.:thanks:
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