AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Morning Birdie. May the wind stay beneath your wings.
Have a good one

Phrum the light room.
So a little picture update :

Just some recap...

Pineapple Chunk almost died..
I did emergency re potting into plain soil with perlite. She got a few leaves cut off since they were on the way to die.
Her soil in old pot was supposed to work.. It didn't
I was waiting for her to tell me she will make it,, and she did today!!!
Still small of course and looks even smaller after 2 set of leaves was cut off.... But I believe next week she will have started growing again :love:


The only "normal" is the baby bag seed..that doesn't seem to care at all about what we do with it :)

Talk about a super guinea pig :love:
She too is now in plain soil with perlite since it worked for pineapple Chunk

Thank you for hanging in here with me and give me courage to continue I love you all for the support :circle-of-love:
Glad they are hanging in there for ya Bird :thumb:

:thanks: It makes me feel I CAN DO IT!!! :rofl: I actually saved Pineapple from certain death!!
That means i am getting the grow vibes about cannabis.. So I can feel my plants :circle-of-love:
U can do it. U can do it allll niggght looong !
Pineapple Chunk is the second strain I feel like I have a handle on. NL first.
The rest. Train Wreck , NL Pearl, and GSC have been a lil more challenging for me.
You'll get it Birdie. :passitleft: have another before I go.

Phrum the light room.
I have just been studying hempy growing.. and I just realized the way perlite was used in combination with coco ( in my case soil/compost mix ) is just what I "cooked up" thinking it might save my babies :circle-of-love:


The only difference is top layer.. i is a "bowl" of plain soil with perlite mix around it. All in a tarp bag with MANY holes around it.
Pineapple and baby bagseed seems to love it .
I have just been studying hempy growing.. and I just realized the way perlite was used in combination with coco ( in my case soil/compost mix ) is just what I "cooked up" thinking it might save my babies :circle-of-love:

The only difference is top layer.. i is a "bowl" of plain soil with perlite mix around it. All in a tarp bag with MANY holes around it.
Pineapple and baby bagseed seems to love it .

That is good but please, please, please sprout them with the paper towel method. It is working proven and preferred by the majority of people here. Improved paper towel and baggy method for germinating seeds - YouTube And also do not be afraid to pick them up with your hands you can do it!
Thank you Tomula..
I plan to sprout them in coco pellets or paper towel... I will see when I get there.. they both worked for me. :circle-of-love:
Hey birdie. You know what works for me ? Take the seed (soaked overnight or not) and put it 3\4 inch into Promix. Solo cup shot glass. Saturate with tap water. Make sure to put holes in bottom of cup. Wait for 4 to ten days.
Works for me over 9 out of ten times.
Sseems simple I'm sure but it works and I don't think I wanna do it another way. Lol
Just as nature intended.
Good morning birdie.
Don't have a hooka. So this'll have to do.
A lil M.O.B. :passitleft:

Phrum the light room.
Saturate with tap water.

Yes but measure your tap water's ph first and let it stand for half a day, to let the chlorine get away. Just as nature intended.
Happy growing. :thumb: :Namaste:
Hey birdie. You know what works for me ? Take the seed (soaked overnight or not) and put it 3\4 inch into Promix. Solo cup shot glass. Saturate with tap water. Make sure to put holes in bottom of cup. Wait for 4 to ten days.
Works for me over 9 out of ten times.
Sseems simple I'm sure but it works and I don't think I wanna do it another way. Lol
Just as nature intended.
Good morning birdie.
Don't have a hooka. So this'll have to do.
A lil M.O.B. :passitleft:

Phrum the light room.
Thx :hookah: I do :passitleft: :rofl:
Me and solo cups are a big no no.. to stressful on the re plant
I was really scared when trying to re plant

Yes but measure your tap water's ph first and let it stand for half a day, to let the chlorine get away. Just as nature intended.
Happy growing. :thumb: :Namaste:

Always do let my water sit for 24hrs before watering plants
Thx :hookah: I do :passitleft: :rofl:
Me and solo cups are a big no no.. to stressful on the re plant
I was really scared when trying to re plant

Always do let my water sit for 24hrs before watering plants
Solos aren't that hard birdie. Gotta wait til there's a decent root system. Then let the seedling dry out. Not too much of course. Then they pop right out. Lickity split.
Not trying to convert you. Just my method. Tried n true for me.
Later Birdie

Phrum the light room.
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