AngryBird's Perpetual Organic Garden, T8 Lights, Homemade Food

Keith, you know there are no rules, just environmental factors that can play different roles from one grow to the other.. It's when advice is communicated from a book, that'll make me stop reading or unsub, we can all read books.. It's experience that makes us say, this is what I do ............ Works for me but might not in your circumstance... Thanks for joining..hope you do start a journal or helping with advice, sounds like you know what's going on... Those who argue with that advice, well why are they needing it in the first place :rofl::rofl:
Just wanna jump in and say this journal is great! I didn't know there were this many helpful people on this site! Angry I can't wait for your next grow attempt, I know I've implemented alot of what's been said here into my grow :)

Hi AngryBird! Just finished going through your journal from the beginning. Being I'm still in my first grow and its a hydro I really can't offer anything but some positive energy so there it is, all you can handle. :circle-of-love:

I am learning a ton from all the wonderful people on here, it's a beautiful thing to see everyone sharing the love!

Keith, you know there are no rules, just environmental factors that can play different roles from one grow to the other.. It's when advice is communicated from a book, that'll make me stop reading or unsub, we can all read books.. It's experience that makes us say, this is what I do ............ Works for me but might not in your circumstance... Thanks for joining..hope you do start a journal or helping with advice, sounds like you know what's going on... Those who argue with that advice, well why are they needing it in the first place :rofl::rofl:

He grew up in the gardens/ greenhouses :)

Good afternoon AngryBird,

Being on the road in the middle of the Rockies of Alberta, I don't often get in here much but thought I would pop in and check out your grow. Hope you were able to get some soil amendments to help with your grow :)
Hi and :welcome: to my journal. It is always nice to get new members in grab a pillow, curl up on the sofa.. eat smoke and have fun.
I managed to get some compost and some "little" extra to add in the soil . Plants are still holding on. :party:

Just wanna jump in and say this journal is great! I didn't know there were this many helpful people on this site! Angry I can't wait for your next grow attempt, I know I've implemented alot of what's been said here into my grow :)


Hi Jim. That is what virtual family is about. Loving caring helping when needed. :circle-of-love: The new seeds is send by mail-bird :)rofl:) and if no wind will send it of to another place...,, it will arrive a bit later in the week :thanks:

Hi AngryBird! Just finished going through your journal from the beginning. Being I'm still in my first grow and its a hydro I really can't offer anything but some positive energy so there it is, all you can handle. :circle-of-love:

I am learning a ton from all the wonderful people on here, it's a beautiful thing to see everyone sharing the love!


Good wibes and grow love is all I need at the moment :) Thank you for joining. I saw your footsteps earlier in my journal ( read likes :rofl:) Grab a pillow and find a place to relax. There is plenty of room here. :circle-of-love:
Since I wanted to try hydro set up,... and you seem like you know what you are doing there .. Help is needed when I get to that phase :)
Hey my friend, I finally made it, bringing positive and healing vibes to your jungle. May I swing by your garden because your journal is exciting...:thanks:

HI and you are welcome to swing by anytime you can :circle-of-love:
UPDATE 17/8-2016

It has been a few days so I thought it was time.

Pineapple Chunk as you might remember had some issues with over watering and possible nute deficiency from the coffee or banana peels.
She has been re potted into new soil/compost with some bark/coconut husk mixed into it ( you can see the pieces in the soil.)
The leaf with the problem is still on her. And I placed her deeper in soil so stem would get support.
She hasn't grown in size as far as new leaves but I will wait and see.

Maybe the problems slowed her down in growth?

She is 18 days today.


Deep Cheese is 16 days old and the straw you see attached has a red and blue led light
attached to it.
She is growing in size slowly and looking just fine.

So how long should I wait until they should blast off in size? Can I do anything to help them?

Thank you for dropping by and helping me see this through.

UPDATE 17/8-2016

It has been a few days so I thought it was time.

Pineapple Chunk as you might remember had some issues with over watering and possible nute deficiency from the coffee or banana peels.
She has been re potted into new soil/compost with some bark/coconut husk mixed into it ( you can see the pieces in the soil.)
The leaf with the problem is still on her. And I placed her deeper in soil so stem would get support.
She hasn't grown in size as far as new leaves but I will wait and see.

Maybe the problems slowed her down in growth?

She is 18 days today.


Deep Cheese is 16 days old and the straw you see attached has a red and blue led light
attached to it.
She is growing in size slowly and looking just fine.

So how long should I wait until they should blast off in size? Can I do anything to help them?

Thank you for dropping by and helping me see this through.


The only thing I can advise on .... don't overwater! Let them do their thing :love:
:circle-of-love: Your advice is always welcome to me.. I can try and see if it fits to my way or with some small changes fits into the way I grow or my conditions... :)
It is always like that when you grow up.. you know you learn something..but you don't appreciate until later...
I grew up with green plants indoors. My mother has green fingers.. Later in life, I had the same . Anything I grew went BIG and GREEN!
That is why it was so frustrating to fail with 5 seeds and OVER watering 1 plant..almost killing it!
Thank you for stopping by, and don't be a stranger :love:

We obsess about our cannabis, because we've infused too much emotion into the goal - "We need the meds and we really needed them last week at the latest, so if these seeds don't pop, and I don't have any more dammit, how am I going to deal with it?"

So we fuss too much and kill them instead. It happens to all of us at one time or another. Keep at it and you begin to develop a pleasant kind of nonchalance about the whole process. I put seeds in and tell them I expect them to sprout and then I try with all my might to remember that they really don't need my help to do that.

I'm not always successful about leaving them alone. :straightface: If seeds cost $10 for 100 we'd have much better germination success, simply because we wouldn't stress about the wasted funds that enriched the seed bank but did little for us.
The only thing I can advise on .... don't overwater! Let them do their thing :love:
So true.. and I am not :) I check in on them every morning, noon and evening. Mostly for bugs.

Hey there bird! I don't know if you know this, but im pretty sure Robert Celt is a mod! Isn't that cool?! A mod came by to say high!! You are famous!!

Lol I am honored for anyone coming to say hi :) We had a chat earlier (before I know he was a mod..) and he came to check up on me :circle-of-love:
We obsess about our cannabis, because we've infused too much emotion into the goal - "We need the meds and we really needed them last week at the latest, so if these seeds don't pop, and I don't have any more dammit, how am I going to deal with it?"

So we fuss too much and kill them instead. It happens to all of us at one time or another. Keep at it and you begin to develop a pleasant kind of nonchalance about the whole process. I put seeds in and tell them I expect them to sprout and then I try with all my might to remember that they really don't need my help to do that.

I'm not always successful about leaving them alone. :straightface: If seeds cost $10 for 100 we'd have much better germination success, simply because we wouldn't stress about the wasted funds that enriched the seed bank but did little for us.

You see right through me SweetS. :circle-of-love:
no truer words could be spoken than this sue.

+++reps to you

We obsess about our cannabis, because we've infused too much emotion into the goal - "We need the meds and we really needed them last week at the latest, so if these seeds don't pop, and I don't have any more dammit, how am I going to deal with it?"

So we fuss too much and kill them instead. It happens to all of us at one time or another. Keep at it and you begin to develop a pleasant kind of nonchalance about the whole process. I put seeds in and tell them I expect them to sprout and then I try with all my might to remember that they really don't need my help to do that.

I'm not always successful about leaving them alone. :straightface: If seeds cost $10 for 100 we'd have much better germination success, simply because we wouldn't stress about the wasted funds that enriched the seed bank but did little for us.
If seeds cost $10 for 100 we'd have much better germination success, simply because we wouldn't stress about the wasted funds that enriched the seed bank but did little for us.

If a grower can get enough bud or cannabis grown and cured to last them a grow cycle, I highly recommend pollinating a mid-flowering female to get a cycle of seeds for free. Strains are not the goal, but rather lots of "free" seeds. A bushy female can easily produce 500-700 viable seeds after a good hand applied pollination. The seeds are to practice various methods of germination without the stress of $10 a bean. I'm not talking about breeding, a complex subject and practice, but just lots of very cheap seeds to learn germination without $ stress. Just a thought ... I think too much sometimes!

Angry, I had an order few months ago, 0% germination... 100% previous order... I think x-rayed or something. Stuffed me around though for weeks, not wanting to pop to many at a time cause limited in space and not wanting to throw money away, I'm only just starting to get back now...
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