6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Looks great TwoTokes. This will be quite the grow!

Hey BlueDog. thanks. Light comes back on in about 45 minutes after the day of darkness. It has also been about 10 degrees colder than the girls are used to. Hopefully, they can take a hint.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

No big news to report. I was giving the gang their first post flip watering and snapped a couple of quick pics of the GDP.





Both plants are actually the same color. The difference is that the sun woke up between snaps.

Not much has happenned. There are the first hints of buds but the main event is that the large fan leaves exploded in size.

Not trying to control any growth at the moment because everything is focusing up just like I want. Besides I want to give them a little more time to reveal themselves before taking any action.

They seem to only need watering every third day at the moment so I will probably wait until two waterings from now to play with string and scissors.

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

No big news to report. I was giving the gang their first post flip watering and snapped a couple of quick pics of the GDP.





Both plants are actually the same color. The difference is that the sun woke up between snaps.

Not much has happenned. There are the first hints of buds but the main event is that the large fan leaves exploded in size.

Not trying to control any growth at the moment because everything is focusing up just like I want. Besides I want to give them a little more time to reveal themselves before taking any action.

They seem to only need watering every third day at the moment so I will probably wait until two waterings from now to play with string and scissors.


Looking great buddy!

I'm doing the exact same thing. I starting out tying them, but I'm just going to let them grow and as you put it so well 'see how they reveal themselves'. I like that!

I have an 8 foot ceiling if things really get out of hand :yahoo:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

I only have 4 ft but that should work. If not, I take some real big flowering clones.

Or break out the reciprocating saw!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

On a recent family trip to the local Target, I noticed a few small fans on the shelf. Rolling through today, without the entourage, I look over at the $1 junk shelves and what do I spy? Hempy buckets! 2.5 Gal. royal blue lovelies. Of course I threw a generous stack into the cart. Plus the few fans they had left were on clearance sale.

A few minutes later while strolling through Costco, I deceided to check if they had any cfl veg lights back in stock. Yes! Plus some flowering lights and a nice sign about a rebate sponsored by the electric company.

18W 6500K @ $6.50 a 6 pack, 23W 2700K @ $4.20 a 4 pack and 45W 2700K @ $3.49 a 3 pack. Needless to say, I threw a bunch of these into the cart.

"Great rebate on bulbs", says the checker with a questioning look on his face.

"Redoing the whole house to support my wife's Christmas light habits", says I.

We both laugh. :smokin:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

"Great rebate on bulbs", says the checker with a questioning look on his face.

"Redoing the whole house to support my wife's Christmas light habits", says I.

We both laugh.


Go online to your power company. Ours is giving away 15 cfls free!! Shipping free!!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Saved by Doc Bud. I was having one of those awful plant care moments and even having thoughts of using a wood chipper. Then I cruised through and saw Doc Bud's pictures for today. The world is a happy place again.

The plants are fine and growing like crazy. They have revealed themselves as being real light whores and required some discipline. My problem was all the little hassles of a full watering and trimming routine just added up today. Not worth detailing here.

Will take some pictures on the next go round. Another happy thought is that seeds arrived yesterday!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Saved by Doc Bud. I was having one of those awful plant care moments and even having thoughts of using a wood chipper. Then I cruised through and saw Doc Bud's pictures for today. The world is a happy place again.

The plants are fine and growing like crazy. They have revealed themselves as being real light whores and required some discipline. My problem was all the little hassles of a full watering and trimming routine just added up today. Not worth detailing here.

Will take some pictures on the next go round. Another happy thought is that seeds arrived yesterday!

Glad things are going better buddy!

What seeds did you get?
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

What seeds did you get?

Hey BlueDog. I started at the bottom of the alphabet looking for something interesting that fit my space and needs so I ordered some Wonder Woman. Then I looked for something catchy that interested me and grabbed some Red Dragon. Already growing some Blue Dragon. If I mix them together maybe I'll turn purple. They threw in a couple of players to be named later in the form of Critical+ and Blue Widow. Both stretchy sativas that don't really fit my space but might work next summer as possible sacrifices to the heat gods.

I am going to place another order tomorrow with the same warped strategy. Not sure what yet. I have a list but there are too many to choose from. I might roll the dice or play a little high card to make the decision.

The plan is to pop the first batch while waiting for the second batch. Then pop some of the second batch depending on how many of the first batch pop. Thinking of going 12/12 from the start. Just growing a quick small sampler platter to search for strains I really like.

ha! light whores..

They're lined up at the corner of Sunset and Vine with their skirts hiked up.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hey BlueDog. I started at the bottom of the alphabet looking for something interesting that fit my space and needs so I ordered some Wonder Woman. Then I looked for something catchy that interested me and grabbed some Red Dragon. Already growing some Blue Dragon. If I mix them together maybe I'll turn purple. They threw in a couple of players to be named later in the form of Critical+ and Blue Widow. Both stretchy sativas that don't really fit my space but might work next summer as possible sacrifices to the heat gods.

I am going to place another order tomorrow with the same warped strategy. Not sure what yet. I have a list but there are too many to choose from. I might roll the dice or play a little high card to make the decision.

The plan is to pop the first batch while waiting for the second batch. Then pop some of the second batch depending on how many of the first batch pop. Thinking of going 12/12 from the start. Just growing a quick small sampler platter to search for strains I really like.

Hey buddy that sounds great, although I don't know any of those strains. Who'd you use?

I started with the A's and almost didn't get off the first page lol!

AK48, Arjan's Ultra Haze, Acapulco Gold, Bubblegum... then I forced myself to look around a little.

I used Single Seed Company and got 2 free seeds... the Bubba Kush & Super Lemon Haze.

Hope they all crack for you. Be patient. My AK48 took 8 days after planting to sprout.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hey buddy that sounds great, although I don't know any of those strains. Who'd you use?

I started with the A's and almost didn't get off the first page lol!

AK48, Arjan's Ultra Haze, Acapulco Gold, Bubblegum... then I forced myself to look around a little.

I used Single Seed Company and got 2 free seeds... the Bubba Kush & Super Lemon Haze.

Hope they all crack for you. Be patient. My AK48 took 8 days after planting to sprout.

As usual, my mind seems to work in reverse.

I used the Single Seed folks too. I just order a couple of each of the seeds I want figuring the odds are good for at least one female of each plant to sprout. I also tipped the scale by only going for femmed seeds.

Doing small orders over time spreads out the work flow and should give me a nice rotating smorgasbord. :yahoo: Plus each order will get a couple of free seeds that might give me something I wouldn't have picked on my own.

Or the free seeds can join the sacrifice to the heat gods next summer. More accurately the heat gods can strike anytime April through October and are frequent visitors through long stretches of that time.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Time to play "Name That Plant Problem"

Just when things seemed to be boringly normal around here a problem creeps up. It is only happenning to the Blue Dragon Organic plant. No problems with the other Blue Dragon or the other two organic plants.





The discloration problems are only with older fan leaves but the bending at the top is new since the lights came on a couple hours ago. The BD have always had a slight tendency to have a little of that curl look but this is 4 to 5 times normal.

I have looked at a couple different problem solving charts and don't really have a clue.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

On a lighter note...

here is a group shot of everyone huddled around the light. Most of the main branches a re tied back but that doesn't stop the fan leaves from playing Icarus.


It is Headband Organics turn to be the featured star.

Top shot


Full frontal


Rear view


Fascinating growth pattern. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Mixed results with the clones. The GDP clones are taking very well but the HB and BD clones aren't rooting yet. I did take extra HB two days ago and another BD clone today. We'll see.

Part of the problem is the colder temperatures. Garage is dropping to 50 at night and not going above 60 during the day. Grow room temperatures are ranging between 60 and 71.

Hopefully will be working to regulate the temps on Wed.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

On a lighter note...

here is a group shot of everyone huddled around the light. Most of the main branches a re tied back but that doesn't stop the fan leaves from playing Icarus.


It is Headband Organics turn to be the featured star.

Top shot


Full frontal


Rear view


Fascinating growth pattern. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Mixed results with the clones. The GDP clones are taking very well but the HB and BD clones aren't rooting yet. I did take extra HB two days ago and another BD clone today. We'll see.

Part of the problem is the colder temperatures. Garage is dropping to 50 at night and not going above 60 during the day. Grow room temperatures are ranging between 60 and 71.

Hopefully will be working to regulate the temps on Wed.

Hey TwoTokes! Plants are looking good overall. That issue isn't bugs by any chance? Seems like with the cooler temps you shouldn't be having bug problems but I'd check real closely anyhow.

Hope you get it figured out quickly... good luck!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Dr McNugget was talking about root aphids and the damage they cause. Sounds similar.
War Room - Operation: Root Aphid

Others are looking good!
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