6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

^^ yeah man, that was a good discussion - it was nice to see my guess confirmed by a man with a welding mask and marker!

You'll kind of get a feel for the light envelope - I think a stadium shape is best, which requires a bit of training and pruning...

I am kind of picturing Staples Center. You have that wall of sky boxes in the middle with the top sloping away and the bottom curving in to the middle.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

I am kind of picturing Staples Center. You have that wall of sky boxes in the middle with the top sloping away and the bottom curving in to the middle.

I think you could possibly build a frame that would hold a screen in like almost a bowl shape, utilizing the entire and most efficient footprint of the light. That would be a crazy SCROG. And the yields would be incredible.

Theoretically. :wood:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Wise decision on holding off the switch for now.

I was going to do a type of scrog with 3 vertical walls, I thought it was a BoG (Box of Green) but maybe it's not, maybe it's a stadium type? So much to learn!

Looking real good bro!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Sog, scrog, bog, is there a brog? And now we'll need a stog - stadium of green.

I love it!

Plants are looking beautiful TwoTokes! They're definitely ready to switch whenever you're ready.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

I think you could possibly build a frame that would hold a screen in like almost a bowl shape, utilizing the entire and most efficient footprint of the light. That would be a crazy SCROG. And the yields would be incredible.

Theoretically. :wood:

I have seen a picture of something like that. Looked like killer yield but a ton of work.

Wise decision on holding off the switch for now.

I was going to do a type of scrog with 3 vertical walls, I thought it was a BoG (Box of Green) but maybe it's not, maybe it's a stadium type? So much to learn!

Looking real good bro!

I gave the BoG some thought but I wasn't ready for it on this grow. There are some crazy vertical grows out there. Most of them use SoG methods. CA med rules require other techniques.

Sog, scrog, bog, is there a brog? And now we'll need a stog - stadium of green.

I love it!

Plants are looking beautiful TwoTokes! They're definitely ready to switch whenever you're ready.

Isn't it fun that there are so many great ideas out there?

Let me throw in for your consideration two more acronyms: VVScroG or HLST, Virtual Vertical ScroG or my favorite... Holographic Low Stress Training

I'm going with HLST myself.

The vertical grow exists in multiple dimensions. There is the vertical range of prime light that is about 24" in length and there is a theoretical square footage if you had a screen at some distance out. About 12 sqft.

Then there is a depth dimension that is approx. 10". Stretching from about 10" from the light to 20" from the light. Any closer than 10" and the leaves show stress much easier. The 20" is because at that distance I'm at the walls. I doubt it would go much further with the 400 watt even if there was room.

The idea with HLST is to keep the plant the volume of space that stretches from 10" to 20". Picture a 20" diameter screen cage within a 40" diameter screen cage and keeping the growth between the two cages. Then take away the cages.

I am kicking around a couple of ideas but what I will be using is kind of a compromise because the plants are already in the buckets. So it will be DIY and a bit flimsy. Still workable.

The first step in HLST process was a standard horizontal LST to spread bushy growth and create multiple tops. The next step is to do vertical LST while keeping the bushiness of the plant within the volume and within the 24" vertical at the end of stretch.

The final step comes after stretch is done. This is the careful manicuring of the plant to allow maximum light to fall on buds while keeping as many useful fan leaves as possible for general plant enrichment.

There you have it...Holographic Low Stress Training.

Proper credit should be given to a few of the people whose posts, pictures or actions, stimulated my few remaining brain cells to visualize this...Propa Gator, The Lurker and OB-1 Gardner.

Oh, can't forget my new friend Romulan without whose two hits I wouldn't have been able to write this. :smokin:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

I have seen a picture of something like that. Looked like killer yield but a ton of work.

I gave the BoG some thought but I wasn't ready for it on this grow. There are some crazy vertical grows out there. Most of them use SoG methods. CA med rules require other techniques.

Isn't it fun that there are so many great ideas out there?

Let me throw in for your consideration two more acronyms: VVScroG or HLST, Virtual Vertical ScroG or my favorite... Holographic Low Stress Training

I'm going with HLST myself.

The vertical grow exists in multiple dimensions. There is the vertical range of prime light that is about 24" in length and there is a theoretical square footage if you had a screen at some distance out. About 12 sqft.

Then there is a depth dimension that is approx. 10". Stretching from about 10" from the light to 20" from the light. Any closer than 10" and the leaves show stress much easier. The 20" is because at that distance I'm at the walls. I doubt it would go much further with the 400 watt even if there was room.

The idea with HLST is to keep the plant the volume of space that stretches from 10" to 20". Picture a 20" diameter screen cage within a 40" diameter screen cage and keeping the growth between the two cages. Then take away the cages.

I am kicking around a couple of ideas but what I will be using is kind of a compromise because the plants are already in the buckets. So it will be DIY and a bit flimsy. Still workable.

The first step in HLST process was a standard horizontal LST to spread bushy growth and create multiple tops. The next step is to do vertical LST while keeping the bushiness of the plant within the volume and within the 24" vertical at the end of stretch.

The final step comes after stretch is done. This is the careful manicuring of the plant to allow maximum light to fall on buds while keeping as many useful fan leaves as possible for general plant enrichment.

There you have it...Holographic Low Stress Training.

Proper credit should be given to a few of the people whose posts, pictures or actions, stimulated my few remaining brain cells to visualize this...Propa Gator, The Lurker and OB-1 Gardner.

Oh, can't forget my new friend Romulan without whose two hits I wouldn't have been able to write this. :smokin:

You have some great ideas TwoTokes! You described that perfectly, I can see it in my mind. I think you'd have some problems with colas falling after you remove the inner screen, don't you? If they're not vertical they tend to really droop and could break under their own weight. Or maybe I'm not seeing it right.

I think we're walking two different paths to get to the same place. I'm looking for the simplest possible way to grow world-class smoke. I'm hoping for 2z's per plant but I have no idea what I'll get. 4 half oz colas seems pretty doable to me.

But I love following all the experimental stuff. There's so much going on. It will be fun to see how ours turn out. Take care!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

You have some great ideas TwoTokes! You described that perfectly, I can see it in my mind. I think you'd have some problems with colas falling after you remove the inner screen, don't you? If they're not vertical they tend to really droop and could break under their own weight. Or maybe I'm not seeing it right.

Actually, BD, you are seeing something that is not there. There are never any real 20" or 40" cages. They only exist in the imagination of the person doing the HLST. The plant are LSTed to a support structure in the middle of the prime light zone and allowed to roam. The bending, pulling and upward blowing fan should create nice strong stems. :rollit:

There will be pictures coming soon.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

TT, I'm with ya, kinda, on the holographic thing. I've got a screen with a 60" circumference... when I rolled it up, got an 18" diameter one way, 20" the other. No amount of warping would make it even, so acquiesing to the steel, I hung it anyway... see if 9" or 10 make any difference.

I am leaving that cage for my own protection. Out side there's 4 corners on a 43" space, and that's it. Plants vegged and ready to flower in each corner. Start with two opposite corners, fill the other two in a month.

Train and tie, sort of a virtual outer cage with roll up space blankets behind.

Where is my vertical CMH, dang it!


And just to make it apropos, coco hempy :grinjoint:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

TT, I'm with ya, kinda, on the holographic thing. I've got a screen with a 60" circumference... when I rolled it up, got an 18" diameter one way, 20" the other. No amount of warping would make it even, so acquiesing to the steel, I hung it anyway... see if 9" or 10 make any difference.

I am leaving that cage for my own protection. Out side there's 4 corners on a 43" space, and that's it. Plants vegged and ready to flower in each corner. Start with two opposite corners, fill the other two in a month.

Train and tie, sort of a virtual outer cage with roll up space blankets behind.

Where is my vertical CMH, dang it!


And just to make it apropos, coco hempy :grinjoint:

Cool looking setup HB!:roorrip:

If the plants are already vegged, we should be going to 12/12 at about the same time. Plus you got to love coco hempies. The only thing I can complain about with mine is that the ones that are 50/50 with perlite dryout too fast. However, the plants are growing great so what is a few extra water sessions in the name of good buds? just another chance to play with the plants.

I don't think you even want the plants to get as close as 9 or 10". The light at that distance seems to put a lot more stress on leaves than at 12".

Anyway, I'll be watching your grow with much pleasure! :bong:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

"Holey Moley Horseman!
Budman has taken over the Gotham State Building!"

That is my kind of inspiration.:woohoo:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Finally ready for 12/12. Just a quick water for the Purple side, the removal of a clone from each plant, a couple inches of light raise and we are ready to go!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Here is a group shot.

Those Martian antennae are the HLST posts. I simply cut a single strip of screen off the roll I used for the cage and wiggled them into the pots. Below the surface there is just the one row. Above the surface I left an extra open bit of wire just in case I want to attach something else later. Each post is 24" taller than the bucket.

The plants might be over vegged. They are about 13" tall and at least that bushy. I don't have much side room left between the plants. Going to have to keep them directed up and hope they don't stretch too tall. This will be interesting.


Just a quick snap of the BD_O.


Here is the BD_P/OC+


There is now a /OC+ because on a tip from Setting Sun, I added a little bit of OC+ to the top of the pot. I orginally didn't go with OC+ because of the temperature issue. The garage is going to be hot in the summer. But hey, it is not summer now. This is the season to go with what ever grows the best bud.

Got to run and finish setting up for the party. :rollit:
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