6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

When it doubt, giver a flush and keep an eye on the non-affected leaves... my fix for everything :peace:

That is going to be a hell of a crop :welldone:

Thanks. I ran a solid flush and we will see what happens. Not too worried about the old growth but the sagging new growth is a different matter.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hey TwoTokes! Plants are looking good overall. That issue isn't bugs by any chance? Seems like with the cooler temps you shouldn't be having bug problems but I'd check real closely anyhow.

Hope you get it figured out quickly... good luck!

I am hoping the previously mentioned flush does some good. Everyting that the guides say could be the problem either doesn't fit or the cure is something that is already in place.

I even checked the early and late flush runoff ph. Both were about 6.

Since all the other planta are fine, I'll just keep rolling forward. The worst fan leaves will probably get trimmed off tonight.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

No big changes in the BD_O. The leaves that looked bad before are just dying off and no new leaves are showing problems. The whole plant just looks droopy still.

Time to just keep rolling forward and see what develops.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

No big changes in the BD_O. The leaves that looked bad before are just dying off and no new leaves are showing problems. The whole plant just looks droopy still.

Time to just keep rolling forward and see what develops.

That's great news. Guess we'll just mark it down as 'one of those things'.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

If you get some heating mats under your plants, they'll tolerate the colder temps a lot better.

They aren't cheap though, so don't get them if you're able to raise your ambient temps.

I'm definitely going to frame in my grow room after my current grow. With 800w of lighting venting into the garage, and the 30F nights we've been having, my temps are 60-65 during the dark cycle and 73-76 with lights on.

I may not always want to use 800w of lighting for my winter grows, however.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

If you get some heating mats under your plants, they'll tolerate the colder temps a lot better.

They aren't cheap though, so don't get them if you're able to raise your ambient temps.

I'm definitely going to frame in my grow room after my current grow. With 800w of lighting venting into the garage, and the 30F nights we've been having, my temps are 60-65 during the dark cycle and 73-76 with lights on.

I may not always want to use 800w of lighting for my winter grows, however.

I have been only having 40F nights but that makes the ambient garage temperature 50F.

I put all the pots on pieces of Reflectix to temper the cold of the floor.

The quick heat solution was to put an old electric blanket in my ventilation space. (2'x3.5'x4'). This raised temps in the space to 60F. The lights on grow space temp was about 72F.

Then I installed this.


A thermastat, reflector & heat emitter designed for reptile terrariums. (Thanks Skooter & Slappy!:thumb:)

The combo is keeping the ventilation space at 68F. Grow space temps are now 68F dark and 78F lights on.

Now the $60 for components is more than a cheap space heater but even a small heater would be somewhat unsafe to use in such a small space and heating the whole garage would be cost prohibitive.

I am still dialing in the 150 watt emitter. It was only pointing at the cement slab and radiating some heat from the hood. I just put in an old baking tray full of rocks for the emitter to heat up and placed some Reflectix scraps on the floor to reduce cold radiating from the slab.

I think this is going to work for now. Love the idea of a framed in grow room but that is probably at least year away for me.

I did give some thought to the heating mats but the total cost is a bit steep. For next winter, I am considering installing a radiant bathroom floor. About $250 for all the materials but very efficient and highly adjustable.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

How do you run the reptile light during lights-out in the grow space?

Great idea on the radiant floor setup. That would provide both localized heat for the roots and radiant heat for the grow space.

I like heat mats because I can move them around and use them in all my grow spaces, but the radiant floor sounds like an efficient solution.

I'm hoping the framed-in smaller room will greatly reduce my cooling and heating issues.

There's also some small and safe electric heaters they make for dog houses, so if you search google for "doghouse heater", you'll get some hits.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

It is not a light. It is a white ceramic emitter that gives off no light, it just radiates heat. The emitter and hood heat up and the radiant heat will heat up an opposing surface. So it could be run in a grow space during lights out.

I don't have it in the actual grow space. My total space is 8.5' long. 3' on the right(current grow) and 3.5' on the left(new grow) are grow spaces for 400w cmh. The remaining 2' is in the middle is for access to the two spaces and ventilation. Both rooms intake air from the middle which brings in air from the greater garage space. Kind of a mini version of your soon to be built grow room only with a 4ft ceiling and 3.5 ft of depth.

By managing temperature in the middle space, I should be able to manage the temps in the grow spaces. Though, two strips of radiant floor material, some discount tile and a good digital thermastat with time control would enable dialing in the whole space to exact lights out and lights off temps at fairly low energy consumption and only one cord.

SS, with your higher garage temps, you could probably use a lower wattage emitter in the tent. Slappy was also going to post some pictures of a design he has for putting the emitter in a metal T-connector to heat intake air. The emitter would heat the metal pipe and the air passing through.

The heat mats would be a good mobile solution. I might get a couple for my new veg space.

Dog heaters also look like an interesting option. Thanks for the tip.

One of the cheaper dog models was just a metal box to contain a ceramic emitter.

Heating is easy compared to cooling. So far I haven't found a cooling idea that takes less than 750 watts. Though your 8" whole room cooling fan has me thinking of something.

A note to anyone considering using one of these emitters with their current reflector. The socket has to be ceramic. You can't put these emitters in a plastic or rubberized socket.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Might as well do a post with the pics I uploaded.

The whole gang at 12/12/12.

The top of one of the Blue Dragons.














There is a lot more flowering going on than one can see in these pictures. A good part of the action is hiding behind all those fan leaves that are turned to the light.

There will be some fan leaf trimming going on but it will be a little bit at a time to try to get more light to flowers while keeping those lovely solar panels. Never trimmed any kind of plant with this type of light orientation.

Normally, I would want to trim lower leaves and any branches that are runners because they would be getting the least light. Here any of those runners could become nice bud stands if the light comes through to them.

So, the tentative plan is to remove any leaves that look weak or dying and maybe just doing about 5 other leaves/plant on the first trim. See how that goes and then do what comes up next.

On another front, all the clones I took have roots and need to be potted. Not sure if any of them are going to be grown to maturity or not and won't be making that decsion until this group finishes off.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hey VapedOutJoe. The plants are on two different nute regimes. One is on Dynamite Purple and OC+ and the other is eating Dynamite Organic and Dynamite Mater Magic. This leaf curl seems to just be something the strain does.

Looking at the pictures again, I see the leaves showing the most curl are at the top of the plant. The tops of the Blue Dragons are currently above the base of the light. maybe the leaves are curling to get more light?

I might raise the light overnight and see if that reduces the curl. Just for fun.

The light is currently lower than the BD tops because I am trying to give the most light to the greater mass of all the plants and the BD are about 4" taller than anybody else. I also thought that not raising the light would encourage the BD to stretch less. They are just a shade over 2' tall and that is the vertical size of the prime light zone.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

4 days ahead of me... cool.

I guess pruning etc is a whole new ball game when you grow vert. I'll bet you're going to be very pleased with the results my friend. :peace:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hey VapedOutJoe. The plants are on two different nute regimes. One is on Dynamite Purple and OC+ and the other is eating Dynamite Organic and Dynamite Mater Magic. This leaf curl seems to just be something the strain does.

Looking at the pictures again, I see the leaves showing the most curl are at the top of the plant. The tops of the Blue Dragons are currently above the base of the light. maybe the leaves are curling to get more light?

Right on. I'm interested because I've seen that curl a few times in the OC+ grows and was wondering if it's from the nutes having a strong N while going into flower, or maybe brought on by some other issue. I think it's a minor issue, since it targets skinnier leaves, but a Sativa dom plant could get over curled maybe???
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

4 days ahead of me... cool.

I guess pruning etc is a whole new ball game when you grow vert. I'll bet you're going to be very pleased with the results my friend. :peace:

I am pretty pleased right now. Except for moments of minor frustration, this is a ton of fun. Most of the frustration is caused by the disorganized work space. Easily handled over time.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Right on. I'm interested because I've seen that curl a few times in the OC+ grows and was wondering if it's from the nutes having a strong N while going into flower, or maybe brought on by some other issue. I think it's a minor issue, since it targets skinnier leaves, but a Sativa dom plant could get over curled maybe???

If you look at early pictures of the Blue Dragons, you will see that they always had some curl. Particularly the organic BD. In the first group shot it his the one on the right in the back.


Decided to sit here on my lazy but and post the picture from my gallery rather than making you look for it.

They had it when they were first LST'd too.


It is just more prominent now. No idea why but none of the other two strains are doing it.
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