TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

I think you have a good idea there with just only using water. Try ff boomerang as well it helped my little sad girl bounce back and now she is taking full nutes again two weeks later. I fed it yesterday and it blew up a few inches over night.

Hey PP, thanks for the input.

Ill check out the ff boomerang.
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014


I'm certainly no expert but I have learned from watching my girls grow in soil. I agree that your over-watering Blue Dream hemp. I read "Idiot's guide to Hempy and learned that when the roots reach the bottom of the pot where the water is you water weekly. Don't worry, she's young, she can recover. Your atomic Northern lights looks good. She is small for 25 days veg, is it because she's a clone? She looks healthy but slow growth is a sign of lack of nutrients. NPK in vegetation ( more nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus in vegetation and more phosphorous in flowering). Your blue dream in soil looks good. Give her time she'll flower. You shouldn't see bud you should see pistils (little white hairs) growing between the nodes. The spots could be heat stress or a calcium deficiency. I'll take another look at your nutes. Good luck on your grow!
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

I think I missed something. All of your plants are in the cab right? How are you vegging and flowering. Are the lights on 12/12?
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014


I'm certainly no expert but I have learned from watching my girls grow in soil. I agree that your over-watering Blue Dream hemp. I read "Idiot's guide to Hempy and learned that when the roots reach the bottom of the pot where the water is you water weekly. Don't worry, she's young, she can recover. Your atomic Northern lights looks good. She is small for 25 days veg, is it because she's a clone? She looks healthy but slow growth is a sign of lack of nutrients. NPK in vegetation ( more nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus in vegetation and more phosphorous in flowering). Your blue dream in soil looks good. Give her time she'll flower. You shouldn't see bud you should see pistils (little white hairs) growing between the nodes. The spots could be heat stress or a calcium deficiency. I'll take another look at your nutes. Good luck on your grow!

I think I missed something. All of your plants are in the cab right? How are you vegging and flowering. Are the lights on 12/12?

Hey Noclue122,

The Hempy: ANL is really small for 25 days, I never considered I've been underfeeding her nutes. I give her 500ppm/ec of FNGrow. I first assumed it was the P deficiency, since I read it can cause stunted/slowed growth and purple/red stems was another symptom, which the Hempy: ANL both had. Today I watered both Hempys with just straight water.

As for the cab, it's split into two segments. I believe there's a pic of it or two. One side in flower hrs, the other in veg hrs.

Thanks for input NC.
Little update:

I've cut back on the watering on the Hempy: BD.

I've transplanted the Soil: BD, I'll post pics sometime soon.

I'll keep watering with pH'd water and report what happens next

re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014


If I were you, I'd give her a chance to recover from water log. I've found my plants tell me what they need.
When I over-watered the seedlings they started looking soggy like your girl. No worries, its a common mistake for new growers, giving them too much love LOL. I let them dry out for a few days. The soil only needed to be moist, not wet and I watered 5 oz max approximately every 3 days. Based on what I've read about hydro, you only need to water every three days. As for the nutrients I used soil (organic miracle grow that contained (97% water soluable nitrogen from poultry litter –chicken shit?-, .05% soluable nitrogen potash (k2O) &.10% nitogen) and mixed it with cow manure which contained (.25% soluable nitrogen, .25 soluable nitrogen .50% P2O5). My plants thrived during vegetation. Maybe you can take a look at the chemical makeup of your nutes and make sure your plants are getting what they need. BTW, sometimes red stems are genetic. It could be a potassium deficiency too. Whatever you do you will need to give your plants time to recover.
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

I would dry her out for a few days longer then the normal watering period then go with nutes if you haven't given them a lot yet. I am pushing some pretty serious nutes on my girls and they haven't burnt up yet! Mine are only a couple weeks down the road from yours.
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014


If I were you, I'd give her a chance to recover from water log. I've found my plants tell me what they need.
When I over-watered the seedlings they started looking soggy like your girl. No worries, its a common mistake for new growers, giving them too much love LOL. I let them dry out for a few days. The soil only needed to be moist, not wet and I watered 5 oz max approximately every 3 days. Based on what I've read about hydro, you only need to water every three days. As for the nutrients I used soil (organic miracle grow that contained (97% water soluable nitrogen from poultry litter —chicken shit?-, .05% soluable nitrogen potash (k2O) &.10% nitogen) and mixed it with cow manure which contained (.25% soluable nitrogen, .25 soluable nitrogen .50% P2O5). My plants thrived during vegetation. Maybe you can take a look at the chemical makeup of your nutes and make sure your plants are getting what they need. BTW, sometimes red stems are genetic. It could be a potassium deficiency too. Whatever you do you will need to give your plants time to recover.

Hey NC,

Hahah over-loved, I got over it with the soil cause I saw I was smothering her, I guess I'm going through it again with hempys. I'll (try to) give 'em a few days to dry out. Yeah, man, I'm loving the soil, just hate the messy aspect. I used to feed/water Soil: BD like every 3 days, now that shes in a bigger bucket, maybe I can leave it for a week and half. I'm using FloraNova set, they're 1-part nutes, so I would assume they do? I was looking at organic growing before I actually jumped into everything. I would love to switch to organics one day, when I have the space to make a mess.

re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

I would dry her out for a few days longer then the normal watering period then go with nutes if you haven't given them a lot yet. I am pushing some pretty serious nutes on my girls and they haven't burnt up yet! Mine are only a couple weeks down the road from yours.

Also how are the new fans? To loud or are they helping with the temps?

Hey PP,

I'm trying to stay occupied so I don't go thinking they need a watering, sometimes I get one of those zones where I just believe in my heart that they need it, the focus is strong sometimes haha. :ganjamon: So, I'll up the nutes to 800ppms in a few days, give 'em sometime to dry up.

The fans are loud, I actually burnt out the adapter I had laying around cause it was rated at .9A and the fans are 2.45A. I ordered 2A adapters on ebay, before I blew up the adapter, now I think I need a 5A 12V DC laptop adapter. So, I'm waiting on that to witness the full power of these fans.

The temps are ok, as long as I keep the cab doors open. They hover around 70-77 in the Veg and 77-84 in the flower. In the 20mins the new fans were running on the .9A adapter it was keeping the cab cool, so I have hope!:high-five:

re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Hey :420:

Little update (pics):

Soil: BD


She sits in a 5 gal bucket now, I drilled like 5-6 holes on the bottom, filled it with perlite then added the soil.
The second pic seemed like a great idea at the time. The third pic, I see some hairs. :yahoo:

Hempy: ANL


Top view looks lovely, overall grow view is disappointing, but I have hopes.

Hempy: BD


Same with the ANL.

I was so excited to do hempys, so far I'm not enjoying it :lot-o-toke:
Reason I got new fans:


Accidently stuck my finger in there and 4 fins broke :oops: :rollingeyes:

The cab to clear the confusion:


Left side flower 12/12, right side veg 18/6.

Thank you, come again.

re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Hi TLFS, Soil BD looks good. It takes hundreds of pistils (hairs) to form the buds. She's on her way ;). Hempy ANL looks healthy and Hempy BD looks better today than she did yesterday ;).:high-five:

Your set up ROCKS!!!!
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

LOL about the mess but it's easier than I thought it would be. All I had to do was keep the soil moist not wet and never give them enough water to drain and never let them dry out. Hempy is exciting!!! I'm watching your grow ;).
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Keep the cfls within five inches at all times, make sure you have a little 6500k in your flowering section as well.
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Hi TLFS, Soil BD looks good. It takes hundreds of pistils (hairs) to form the buds. She's on her way ;). Hempy ANL looks healthy and Hempy BD looks better today than she did yesterday ;).:high-five:

Your set up ROCKS!!!!

Thanks NC :high-five:

LOL about the mess but it's easier than I thought it would be. All I had to do was keep the soil moist not wet and never give them enough water to drain and never let them dry out. Hempy is exciting!!! I'm watching your grow ;).

Haha, I meant like mishaps, it can get quite messy.
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Hey :420:

Little update:

Soil: BD


She has some nute burn on her leaves, not too worried, most likely from the hot soil. She'll be getting a watering on the next cycle.

Hempy: ANL


I watered her today with full strength nutes, 800-900ppm/1tsp per 1/2gal, she looked droopy dry. I've noticed the droops are different. She was more soft on the touch and like a dying droop rather than a sad over-watered droop, now I'm just rambling :tokin: but on a positive note, she looks more....a live? Or maybe its my high hopes.

Hempy: BD


It's been like 2 days since I last over-loved this girl. There's less droop, or I feel like there's less droop. She felt soft to the touch, so I might feed her tomorrow.

And my temp/humidity levels are getting tuned, can't wait to finish up a little more tuning: fans, light trap, get some more bulbs to mix in flower side.


Temp: hovers around; Flower 74-80, Veg 77-82. The flower side usually the hotter side, opposite day.
RH: hovers around 35-45%, lows of 23% highs of 51%

Thank you come again

re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Hey :420:

I'm not over-loving the girls anymore, just over...documenting. :)

Little update:

Soil: BD Day14 in flower


Hempy: ANL Day30 in veg


Hempy: BD Day10 in veg


Hempys are looking great lately. The ANL responded well to :MoreNutes: so will keep giving more. The "hempy light" I've read about seems to have been turned on; I fed yesterday and I tilted the pot today and it took awhile before anything dripped out (almost spilled perlite everywhere.) I'll try feed, feed, flush; 2-3 days in between.
I've read a lot of good things about Hygrozyme and dude at hydro store also recommended it, so I went to pick some up at the store today and dude at hydro store hooked it with some samples.

Thank you, come again.
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

Small update on the fans, these things are really loud, a lot of emphasis on the really. One is tolerable with the door closed; two, I can hear down the hall.

clip of the fan on insta

I dont know how well I can show you through a video, since y'all volumes are adjustable haha, but them shits is loud. Specially running two at the same time; even with the door closed! :yikes:
re: TLSF's 1st Grow - Soil & Hempy - CFL - 2014

PERSONALLY I like the idea of a 3 to one ratio in flowering, mostly the 2700k but with one third 6500k as well. Umm, I have HEARD that it is good to have the 2700k in your veg tent as well, but have also heard it makes them try to stretch the internode spacing.... Up to you friend. But def mix it in your flowering room, that bit has been proven.
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