6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Quick initial report on the Blue Dragons. Just smoked a little bit of the dried mini-buds. Still a little damp but rolled up a Central Park anyway. Took a couple quick pulls.

Amazingly this too tasted better than dispensary pot. No harshness and got a bit of the blueberry taste with the sour of the diesel removed. Pleasant. Very pleasant. 1-2 weeks to actual harvest.

Headband in a day or two.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hay TT,

Things are looking nice there :thumb: Are you feeding any bloom/flower enhancers? :morenutes:

Most of the buds in my cage have the sense not to play with the CMH... but there is one I have to watch like a hawk...

Is that a twinge of purple on the edges of those leaves?


My son just got some kind of headband seeds... looks like we'll be doing The Tighten Up, too :Rasta:


The organic HB and GDP got a couple doses of something called Bloombastic, the other four plants went without. They all got sugar. Brown, natural cane, sucanat or molasses. Just used up old stuff around the house and used the holiday sales to stock up on new stuff.

Only straight rainwater for the last week.

Those are tinges of purple. The bigger buds have much more.

The Headband does multilevel branching faster than an Amway recruiter. Next to be sampled. :blunt:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Thanks for explaining things TT. I've learned a lot from you.

Pleased to be of service BD. Glad my warped observations can be of help to somebody else. :hookah:

Thanks for only asking questions that i can answer! :surf:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Quick initial report on the Blue Dragons. Just smoked a little bit of the dried mini-buds. Still a little damp but rolled up a Central Park anyway. Took a couple quick pulls.

Amazingly this too tasted better than dispensary pot. No harshness and got a bit of the blueberry taste with the sour of the diesel removed. Pleasant. Very pleasant. 1-2 weeks to actual harvest.

Headband in a day or two.

hehehe, I remember when "homegrown" was a derogatory term :)

rock on TT ;)
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

hehehe, I remember when "homegrown" was a derogatory term :)

rock on TT ;)

Homegrown's all right with me.
Homegrown is the way it should be.
Homegrown is a good thing.

Inspires a quick smoke report...:rollit:

I did as illustrated above with some of the Headband clippings. Oh boy.

Did not taste like much of anything. Kind of like a roll your own cigarette. Earth and paper. Nothing special at all but it was smooth.

Took the dogs for a walk. Halfway through our stroll I could feel the headband effect hitting my eyebrows and temples. Kind of like wearing a pair of cheap plastic 3d glasses but with some cushioning.

Came inside and sat down at the computer to check on 420 mag. Easy to focus on reading but had no desire to write. If I let my mind drift, I sank into the couch. If I focused on doing something it was easy to do. Kind of a pick you buzz. Sativa or indica...which do you want. Three hours later, I was floating along nicely as I fell to sleep.

Once again I am amazed. Just smoking dried up mini-buds with most of the bud leaves untrimmed. Put this stuff in a baggie, abuse it a little bit and you would basically have what is commonly referred to as shake.

Looking forward to real buds.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

High TT! :thumb:

I would say I've been lurking in the back ground, but I think of it as observational learning. Nice job, my friend! :)

Thanks OMM! I need to drop by the Islands and do some of that. Only been reading the emails. Time crunch. Could use a good shot of aloha.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Still catching up here.

These are some pictures from 12/27 of the new participants.

Bulb in a Gilded Cage


The new cage is more of a face mask attached to the light like a lamp shade. Raises and lowers with the light. 1/2 inch square wire.

Take that Icarus.:ganjamon:







Last grow I did the LST from front to back. This time I did it from side to side across the middle of the pot. You are getting the same view as the CMH. The idea is to create a rainbow bridge of buds. The plants are now 12 days into 12/12 and so far so good. Other than their little torture experiment.

I put them close to the light rather than slowly acclimate them. I just wanted to force some issues. Some of the cfl grown fan leaves didn't enjoy the journey. Got some crispy edges and almost looked over nuted. Then I moved the light away and the new growth is fine.

I don't remember that I mentioned that I am trying dirty layered hempies this time. The res is filled with chuncky perlite. next layer has coco and perlite. Then I start replacing the perlite with FFOF. Also the coco to soil ratio decreases until the top inch is just FFOF. The coco is precharged with cal/mag and the FFOF also has an additional smorgasboard of nutes:Epsoma Tomato Tone, Jobes Organic Tomato, Azos, Mykos, Mater Magic, and DM Brown. All in relatively small amounts. I was using a tablespoon for measuring but the total adds up to about the right amount for straight soil.

Also some gypsum,minerals and epsom salt.

Next I'll go for today's pics.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Pictures from this morning.

Next Batch

Clockwise from Back left, GDP, Headband, Headband, Blue Dragon. The little thing in the upper left is the BD bud that broke off. It can't decide whether it wants to reveg or keep flowering. The HB in the white pot is in a smaller one gallon ice cream container. I had the extra plant and wanted to see what would happen. For starters, I had to transplant it straight into the hempy res so it started exploding immediately.

Left out the part about how these clones are the same age as the ones in 12/12 for a week. I left them in the hempy cups until they stopped growing because the roots ran out of room and then waited an extra couple days until leaves started showing lack of nute issues.

All the plants are very bushy and have woodier stems. I will be doing only a half bend LST. Will be interesting to see how they compare to the others.

Sativa Experiment


Jack Herer on left, Super Lemon Haze on right.

Wonder Woman/Red Dragon


The three bigger plants are Wonder Woman and the smaller one at the upper left is a Red Dragon. The Wonder Woman just got pop into 12/12 to see who they really are. I am going to try sexing them in the 1 quart containers then pulling them out for transplant and a short period in the veg zone. Taking clones along the way. Red Dragon will be doing the same thing after a couple more days in veg.

Tonight Test Subject


A GDP_O bud from just below a main bud. The trichs are mostly milky but the plant is running out of N and feeding off the yellowing fan leaves. I wanted the GDP to have some amber but don't want to get to the point of yellowing bud leaves. The HB_O is also doing the same thing. All the plants with P/OC+ are still green with the exception of the GDP which has lots of purple bud leaves.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Some healthy looking plants you got their TT. Good Job!! Ive got one of my girls in bondage right now too. She seems to be liking it so hopefully I can have my own "rainbow bridge". Keep up the good work!!!:Rasta:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Pictures from this morning.

Tonight Test Subject

A GDP_O bud from just below a main bud. The trichs are mostly milky but the plant is running out of N and feeding off the yellowing fan leaves. I wanted the GDP to have some amber but don't want to get to the point of yellowing bud leaves. The HB_O is also doing the same thing. All the plants with P/OC+ are still green with the exception of the GDP which has lots of purple bud leaves.

The problem with posting while testing is that you don't notice you've used the wrong picture. :tokin:

Obviously the test went well. Though the GDP could be ready I would like to wait until the trichs go from milky to amber. All red hairs now so it should not be too long. Blue Dragon not far behind and the Headband just a little behind that.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Some healthy looking plants you got their TT. Good Job!! Ive got one of my girls in bondage right now too. She seems to be liking it so hopefully I can have my own "rainbow bridge". Keep up the good work!!!:Rasta:


The bridge seems like a good theory. It will take about another 2 -3 weeks of growth to see if that is true.

I get to start chopping off some heads. The Wonder Women have stretched enough in two days of 12/12 that I can top them with enough of a top to clone with three levels of branching left.

What else to grow is in a holding patern until I know sex. Otherwise I'll end up with too many plants. Already have more clones started than I can ever grow out. Keeping the options open until after the harvest and a curing of the first crop.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Finally the Headband comes back to the pictorial rotation.

12/12 Day 52

Headband Organic


Headband Dynamite Purple/OC+


The organic HB is yellowing but I won't worry about it unless it starts to effect the buds. The purple/oc+ is beefier and greener. But wow...the organic packs a wallop. The little bud I picked was potent. I don't remember the last time anything got me that stoned in two hits. I think it was a slab of black hash with Kabul Bazaar stamped on it. Lord have mercy.

Tempting to pick it for the current potency but the bud pics might show the dilemma.

Organic Bud Shots





Purple/OC+ Bud Shots




The dilemma is all those white hairs still creating delightful sticky stuff. Probably going to let it go just a bit longer. The HB-O is milky white while the HB-P is mostly milky white with a dash of clear. I would like at least a small sprinkling of amber. Am I greedy? 4 hours later and I can still barely put this post together.

The Blue Dragon organic is full milky white but the bud I dried, dried to the color of dried cane juice. Probably will pull it out in after the next light cycle or two. The GDP still don't have any amber but are showing the signs of age and doing lots of purple.

Anything else? I topped two of the Wonder Women and cloning the tops. The other Wonder Woman gets topped tonight and the Red Dragon too. The Red Dragon will then go into 12/12.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hi TT :)

Well, this is kinda mixing me up. They visually look much worse than the purple/OC+. Since the smoke report on the organic is so good, I wonder what it will be on the purple/OC+. Looks can be deceiving as you know. This is going to be interesting. Would hope that they have the same or close potency. In the pictures they seem pretty close in size.

Just couldn't bring myself to chop any plant without some amber in her. :Rasta:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

As false seed pods swell to envelop frustrated unpollinated stigma, older calyxes are buried in situ. Trichs degrade to amber in time. The newer, top situated trichs 'ripen' later than the older, inside trichs.
My point? When new growth stops, I harvest :yummy:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

As false seed pods swell to envelope frustrated unpollinated stigma, older calyxes are buried in situ. Trichs degrade to amber in time. The newer, top situated trichs 'ripen' later than the older, inside trichs.
My point? When new growth stops, I harvest :yummy:

Thanks Mr Gator! That makes things easier. ;)
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