6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

got to do the 9x cannabis cup winner Jack!

It now stands at SLH 3 and Jack 2 (received 1 offline vote). I think I'll be a people pleaser and start both. I'll bring a Blue Widow and then the Critical+ off the bench if something doesn't germinate. Worst that can happen is I end up with two girls to flower out and grow one less clone of something else.:smokin:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Chalk up two for SLH! My only concern is memories of The Beast. That was one ceiling seeking plant. I'll need to figure out how to grow one to max 24". Well I could go 36" but that last 12 would need to be all bud. :smokin:

Is it OK to grow pot on your knees? :grinjoint:

Hay TT, wait a minute, there's people that grow standing up? No way!

I've got two Jack's in the stall... they seem to enjoy bondage :smokin:

Happy Festivus!

re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hay TT, wait a minute, there's people that grow standing up? No way!

I've got two Jack's in the stall... they seem to enjoy bondage :smokin:

Happy Festivus!


I have no idea how anyone could possibly grow on their feet. On your knees is the proper growing position. Easier to pray too.

Both the SLH and the JH were soaked, cracked, put in dirt (12/25) and popped (12/29). Two little sativa seedlings getting ready to play games.:morenutes:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Merry, Merry and Happy, Happy to all. I am slammed with stuff that has to be done so updates are running about a week behind. Here a few pics of the Blue Dragons from 12/22 which would be like day 35 of 12/12.

Here is the pair together. Organic on the right. Note the Icarus buds. They snuck through the fence while I was not watching.


Here is the pair from 10/16. Organic on the right.

"You've come a long way Babies!"


An offending Icarus bud.


I didn't trim it off because there are several levels of nice bud growing beneath it.

Some undamaged buds.




The back of the BD_P/OC+ real did look this bad.


I trimmed out everything that wasn't in a good light position and at least this big.


A little something for the Headband fans


More to come......
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Welcome back TT!

Girls are looking great. Be real careful with that burnt bud that rot doesn't form. You'll know you have a problem if anything starts dying beneath it. Being on the tip should help. :peace:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Welcome back TT!

Girls are looking great. Be real careful with that burnt bud that rot doesn't form. You'll know you have a problem if anything starts dying beneath it. Being on the tip should help. :peace:

Thanks for the advice BD. I might just chop it off and smoke it. I did that with a broken GDP bud and was real happy. :yummy: No cure and dried with some help from a friendly CFL; tasted better and was stronger than anything I've bought from my collective.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Some more pics but this time of the GDP. These are from 12/27 which would be day 44 of 12/12.

The lovely pair. Organic on the right.


10/16. Organic on left.


The organic plant did not stretch very much in 12/12. I think the single dosage of organic trf wore of early and top dressing did not do much. Organics would work much better fully mixed in at a larger a larger dosage.

Trimmed this stuff off the back. It wasn't going to grow much bigger and was just in the way.


I did trim off the fan leaves and do plan on smoking the little buds.

Speaking of buds...



Just a couple of the little ones that were easy to shoot from my sitting on the floor position.

The trichs are turning to mostly milky so these girls should be ready soon.

More to come.....:surf:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

They look frosty buddy. I've been tempted to sample some of the ak48, 43 days now. I'll try to hold off one more week.

Do you have a pruning philosophy/strategy?

Gator has one I have to go back and read it. Doc didn't do any pruning and it's hard to argue with his results.

However I don't have the light he does, so anything to help I'm interested in.

Take care and keep up the awesome growing :tokin:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Looking good!!! I have a quick question, you said that you had a Icarus bud. I havent heard that term before. Is it just a burnt bud? Im still a little noob to this stuff. I havent had the pleasure of trying headband yet but ive heard good things and im droolin over you pics, Keep it up!!!
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

They look frosty buddy. I've been tempted to sample some of the ak48, 43 days now. I'll try to hold off one more week.

Do you have a pruning philosophy/strategy?

Gator has one I have to go back and read it. Doc didn't do any pruning and it's hard to argue with his results.

However I don't have the light he does, so anything to help I'm interested in.

Take care and keep up the awesome growing :tokin:

BD, my philosophy would be not to block light from getting to buds. The strategy has been to steadily trim fan leaves that get in the way of light flow to buds. I've tried to do it a few at a time rather than all at once. Sort of a consistent manicuring process.

Then there is also the subject of runners. In the world of fruit trees, runners are those little branches that shoot straight up from inside the tree toward the light. They never bear any significant fruit. Applying this to our girls, in the future I am going to prune all runners sooner. I don't believe they make any significant contribution to the plant and probably detract from quality yield. Goodbye runners.

I left a lot of little buds at the bottom and back of the plant as an experiment to see how supplemental lighting would do. The result is that supplemental lighting did not seem to do much of anything for buds more than 12" away from the light. (Kicked ass on buds closer to the light) In the furture I will just be trimming most of this little stuff sooner. The small buds that i am leaving are on stalks that have big buds at the top. At this stage of the game I don't want to mess with the chi of the stalks. Next go round I will do more experimenting.:Rasta:
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Looking good!!! I have a quick question, you said that you had a Icarus bud. I havent heard that term before. Is it just a burnt bud? Im still a little noob to this stuff. I havent had the pleasure of trying headband yet but ive heard good things and im droolin over you pics, Keep it up!!!

Definition: Icarus Bud - A bud that flies to close to the light and gets burned. (From Greek Mythology)

I just threw out the term on the spur of the moment. In this case, I didn't look at the plants for a couple of days and this bud grew through the cage and kissed the bulb. Can't trust these plants alone. :yummy:

I just trimmed some excess off of the headband and giving it a quick CFL cure. Basically using the heat from a CFL to help speed up the drying process so I can smoke some.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hey Blue Dog...Thought I would explain the supplimental light strategy better.

The new plants going in to 12/12. (pics later) will get about a week to acclimate to the CMH and start flowering. Then they will get a "hat" designed to give more light to the tops and to the back. I believe that this will add significantly to the yield. I am basing this on empirical evidence from this grow.
re: 6 Clones - 3 Strains & Hempies - Oh My!

Hay TT,

Things are looking nice there :thumb: Are you feeding any bloom/flower enhancers? :morenutes:

Most of the buds in my cage have the sense not to play with the CMH... but there is one I have to watch like a hawk...

Is that a twinge of purple on the edges of those leaves?


My son just got some kind of headband seeds... looks like we'll be doing The Tighten Up, too :Rasta:

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